Schwartzkopf and Park City Republican to Hold Joint Fundraiser

Filed in National by on April 4, 2016

Because…of course they are.

Speaker of the House Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf, D-Rehoboth, and Democratic candidate for lieutanant governor Kathy McGuiness are holding a joint campaign fundraiser from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Monday, April 4, at The Starboard, 2009 Coastal Highway, Dewey Beach. The suggested donation is $250. The maximum donation for Schwartzkopf is $600. The maximum donation for McGuiness is $1,200.

Park City McGuiness

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    “lieutanant governor”


  2. jason330 says:

    Contrary to the evidence being presented by SussexWatcher, I am not the communications person for Ms. Park City.

  3. jason330 says:

    BTW – Any thoughts as to why Pete Schwartzkopf is doing this? I mean, I think he’d get more juice in the long run by supporting an actual Democrat who has a chance of winning.

    What’s his game here?

  4. JTF says:

    Is Ernie Lopez attending?

  5. Jason330 says:

    Her affiliation with Pete is more damning. I guess I’m a dinosaur or something because I think party affiliation is important, and I think that the Democratic Party should stand for some basic set of principles.

  6. chris says:

    She is strongly for death penalty repeal. She clearly breaks with Pete on that one!!
    And she is pro-choice and early on very pro- gay rights … better than Hall Long who actually voted twice to uphold death penalty in Delaware.

  7. puck says:

    “She is strongly for death penalty repeal…And she is pro-choice and early on very pro- gay rights”

    Obviously a progressive.

  8. Charles in Charge says:

    You can tell what camp “chris” is working in. BHL is the only real candidate in this race. The rest of that field is a total clown show. The more I read about Park City and the other candidates, the more I get sick. I’ll be donating to BHL this week.

  9. Charles in Charge says:

    And btw, BHL has championed LGBT rights since her time in the house nearly 10 years ago. That’s the difference between reading, and not reading.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    Frankly, I’m still pretty disgusted that McGuinness got a pass on the residency requirement from the DoE and Speaker Pete associating himself with that blatant bit of the Delaware Way ought to disqualify him too.

  11. Dem19703 says:

    I have to agree with Cassandra. I don’t get that free ride. The problem with the LG field is that, ultimately, I cannot see any of them becoming governor, except BHL. I know that is a bad way to look at it, but it is really what most voters picture when they think of a LG. I know they do more, but the others seem to be either playing candidate, or are perennial candidates.

    McGuinness is starting out with controversy and a dubious past. That should be a huge red flag. Ciro is a really nice guy, but again with the “heartbeat away” thing. Same with Eaby. He’s a really nice guy, but 1.) he is from Kent, and 2.) he just doesn’t ooze leadership. I just can’t see him taking the big chair. Dorsey Walker and Fuller should develop a line of running shoes for the candidate who likes to run for anything and everything. Dorsey Walker wasn’t in office a year before she ran for another. She seems to be failing up. BHL, at the very least, is a hard worker and has a pretty solid record.

    Otherwise, this race is slightly more colorful than the congressional race, but not by much.

  12. anon says:

    If you’re interested in trying to unseat Pete, how about donating to Don Peterson’s campaign?

  13. Jason330 says:

    Thanks for the reminder Anon.

    Here is the website:

  14. SussexWatcher says:

    Being from Kent County disqualifies someone from being Governor?

  15. Dem19703 says:

    “Being from Kent County disqualifies someone from being Governor?”

    No, it just doesn’t help. Most NCC residents think Kent is Dover. They have no idea there is anything else besides what is off of Rt. 1.

  16. chris says:

    Notice how no one opts to defend Bethany’s Support of Delaware’s death penalty not once, but twice, in General Assembly. Go ahead, send her a check, Charles!

  17. mouse says:

    Sussex is the beach

  18. mouse says:

    She’s not bad to look at either or is that sexist

  19. c'est la vie says:

    I wonder why they held the event the same night as the first debate for Congress?

    I am truly undecided here. But, my issue with Hall-Long has always been that she did not lead on marriage equality. She waffled far too long. I won’t forget it.

  20. Jason330 says:

    BHL isn’t very impressive. She has a lot of energy and drive, but it never seems to be put in the service of anything other than advancing BHL. She is overly cautious and calculating so, for all her energies, she lets events get ahead of her and appears to always be playing catch up. (One of her first acts as State Rep was to oppose the indoor smoking ban, because the backwards fuckwits in Clayton and Smyrna didn’t like it. Someone who ran as a nurse…?)

    She is the perfect “running mate” for Carney. They go together like white bread an mayonnaise.

  21. anon says:

    Good analysis, Jason. Leaders lead!

  22. She’s a woman. Her family has roots in Sussex County. She can compensate for John Carney’s ‘low-energy’ during the campaign. Carper must like her, too. That’s why she’s Carney’s stealth choice.

    She will win b/c Carney wants her on the ticket and the dog-whistles will be blowing like mad come the primary.

    After eight years, she could indeed become the latest in a succession of dreary D governors.

  23. Mark Stewart says:

    “So for those who think Hall-Long is a supporter of the LGBT community, she didn’t sponsor a single Marriage Equality bill or Civil Union bill since 2002. Look up her record.

    Oh and this happened….

    This is pretty egregious and borderline political corruption.”

  24. John Manifold says:

    I live in Wilmington and received an envelope today from “Friends to Elect P. Schwartzkopf,” with a return address of 7807 Governor Printz Boulevard.

  25. SussexWatcher says:

    The River Club Apartments? Senior living?