Delaware Liberal

We Have Debate Watch Parties!

Tonite is the debate between Hillary and Bernie in New York. There are a couple of local debate watch parties that I know of listed below. The operative phrase here is “that I know of”. If you are aware of others, please post the details in the comments and one of us will get the information in the main post. So here we go:

Delaware for Bernie Democratic Debate Watch Party
Bobbi Rhian’s Executive Lounge (Wilmington, DE)
302 N Market St
Wilmington, DE 19801
TIME: 8 until 11PM
Facebook Invite

HFA-DE Debate Watch Party
Veritas Wine & Craft Beer
321 Justison St
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
TIME: 9 until 11PM
Facebook Invite

Where are the other watch parties?

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