Delaware Liberal

Why I Did Not Vote For Hillary

Late last night and this morning, I was working on a piece about why I didn’t vote for Hillary. (Jason has a great piece on why he voted for Bernie. You should read it.) So I got my post done and then I found this new editorial by Shaun King, If voting for Hillary Clinton means voting against my core beliefs, I’m not sure I can do it.

What King believes:

I’m against the death penalty.

I’m against SuperPACs and the unfair influence of billionaires on elections.

Sanders supporters stay fervent, even as Hillary Clinton seems poised to take the nomination.
Sanders supporters stay fervent, even as Hillary Clinton seems poised to take the nomination.
I’m for a $15 minimum wage.

I’m for free college tuition.

I’m for closing every tax loophole for the rich and corporations.

I’m for avoiding war at all possible cost.

I’m against private prisons.

I’m for universal healthcare.

I’m for a complete overhaul of the criminal justice system.

What Hillary does:

She supports the death penalty.

She is deeply funded by SuperPACs.

She has been wishy washy on the fight for a $15 minimum wage.

She has made millions of dollars speaking to the big banks and super rich.

She voted for the war in Iraq.

She received money from private prison lobbyists.

by Nathaniel F and is licensed CC BY ND.

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