Archive for July, 2016

Wednesday Daily Delawhere [7.13.16]

Filed in National by on July 13, 2016 0 Comments

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Filed in Delaware by on July 12, 2016 14 Comments

Don’t you just hate it when you’re a Democratic candidate for US Congress from Delaware, and something like this happens?:


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RBG has a great point – What’s with the kid glove treatment the press is giving Trump?

Filed in National by on July 12, 2016 33 Comments
RBG has a great point – What’s with the kid glove treatment the press is giving Trump?

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has ramped up her criticism of Donald Trump in recent days, going so far as to say late Monday that the businessman is a “faker” who must release his tax returns. “He is a faker,” Ginsburg said in an interview with CNN. “He has no consistency about him. He […]

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Whoa… We had a Democratic Primary for Governor for like 12 hours.

Filed in National by on July 12, 2016 3 Comments

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Wilmington Mayor’s Race — Undecided Leads the Pack

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 12, 2016 11 Comments
Wilmington Mayor’s Race — Undecided Leads the Pack

The News Journal released the results of their poll last night, which shows the race being much closer than the common wisdom (including mine) would have suggested. Here’s the numbers:

Kevin Kelly 18%
Mike Purzycki 14%
Dennis Williams 13%
Theo Gregory 11%
Eugene Young 9%
Norm Griffiths 8%
Robert Marshall 2%
Maria Cabrera 2%
Undecided 21%

The margin of error on this poll is 5.8 and reached landlines only. This surveyed likely Democratic voters. This polly also asked about registration and primary practices — where we find that this group of likely Democratic voters think that it should be easier to switch parties to vote and that primaries should be open.

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PDD Debate Series: Meyer v. Gordon

Filed in National by on July 12, 2016 1 Comment
PDD Debate Series: Meyer v. Gordon

I may return to my old haunt just to see this:

Progressive Democrats for Delaware
Democratic Primary Candidate Forum
New Castle County
7 p.m. Wednesday, August 3rd
19 E. Commons Blvd, 2nd Fl.
New Castle DE 19720

For NCC Executive:
Tom Gordon and Matt Meyer.

NCC Council President:
Penrose Hollins, Dave Roberts and Karen Hartley-Nagle.

Come out and bring your questions for county government!

Mark your calendars!

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Tuesday Open Thread [7.12.16]

Filed in National by on July 12, 2016 32 Comments

I remember saying this some weeks ago and being laughed at by the Sanderistas here. Now that Bernie agrees with me that the Democratic Party has the most progressive platform ever, who is laughing now? Hell, even Jeff Weaver is on board.

Here is more on just how liberal and progressive the Democratic platform is, and that we do have Bernie to thank for it. His campaign, in the end, did exactly what I wanted it to do: keep Hillary on the left by giving her the incentive to stay there. Without Sanders or any serious challenge from progressive quarters, I am not sure Hillary would have moved dramatically to the center or right because American politics doesn’t work like that anymore. There are no moderates to win over in that middle ground. Everyone is polarized and turning out your own base is the way to win. But the Sanders challenge helped Hillary shed the last vestiges of 90’s caution and to be vocal about her progressive positions.

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Governor Carney, Borrow and Built the Economy Don’t Cut and Crater it

Filed in National by on July 12, 2016 18 Comments
Governor Carney, Borrow and Built the Economy Don’t Cut and Crater it

Carney inexplicably STILL wants to cut the state budget, not grow it. In spite of all of the evidence to the contrary, he still views debt as an anathema, and growth killing austerity as a virtue. He basically still believes in the utter failed Republican economics of trickle down. It makes no sense, and in the era of very cheap borrowing, it is the exact opposite of what we should actually be doing.

And what’s worse, the markets have taken notice.[See Swiss Negative Yield Bonds] Smart money is beginning to adjust to the new normal and accept the fact that deficit hawks and austerity evangelists like Carney are determined to strangle economic growth with their wrongheadedness – which would be simply goofy at this point, were it not so pernicious. Here is Paul Krugman on the topic:

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [7.12.16]

Filed in National by on July 12, 2016 0 Comments

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John Carney’s Economic Vision for Delaware – Giving money and regulatory breaks to wealthy companies and taking money away from…state workers?

Filed in National by on July 11, 2016 7 Comments
John Carney’s Economic Vision for Delaware – Giving money and regulatory breaks to wealthy companies and taking money away from…state workers?

I don’t think I’m reading between the lines to say that Carney’s plan is more of the same giveaways (both monetary and regulatory) to large corporations: John understands that the role of government in promoting a strong economy is to create an environment where businesses can thrive and invest in Delaware. That means moving faster […]

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Monday Open Thread [7.11.2016]

Filed in National by on July 11, 2016 12 Comments
Monday Open Thread [7.11.2016]

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are set to campaign together in New Hampshire tomorrow, where he is widely expected to endorse her.

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Matt Meyer Polls the NCCo Executive Race

Filed in Delaware by on July 11, 2016 8 Comments
Matt Meyer Polls the NCCo Executive Race

He had a poll done by Public Policy Polling and the result (as reported in the NJ) is at Gordon 33%, Meyer at 30%, Undecided at 38? This is a statistical tie.

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Delaware Political Weekly: Filing Deadline Countdown Edition

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 11, 2016 61 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: Filing Deadline Countdown Edition

The filing deadline is this Tuesday, July 12 at 12 noon. After Tuesday, parties may file candidates, but individuals cannot file on their own separate from the party.  The deadline for withdrawing one’s candidacy and getting one’s filing fee returned is this Friday, July 15 at 4:30 pm.  Friday is also the deadline for candidates to switch from one race to another.  I’ll likely be out campaigning for the candidate of my choice (Bryan Townsend) at the Tuesday deadline, so please keep us posted on any last minute developments.

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