If the Election were held today

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016

This map is based on recent polling results, and in states where there are no recent polling results, historical trends (i.e. Idaho has not been polled in several generations, but it is a Republican state, while the same is true for Rhode Island on the Democratic side).


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  1. jason330 says:

    With the current polarization, if the GOP nominated a broken toaster it would get 147 electoral college votes.

  2. Mark says:

    No way GA is going blue. It will take another 10 or so years and continued growth of the non-white population before there is a chance to see that.

  3. Ben says:

    I see Texas flipping before Georgia… which is fine. Screw Georgia. Once Texas turns to a D state, thanks the the Latino population sick of being pissed on, the Blues will have a lock on the presidency for 30 years, or until the new Progressive party gains steam and takes it from their slimy, corpratist hands.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL, Ben.

    Now, Georgia has been close recently, and went to Clinton in 92 and 96.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    For some perspective, Georgia has been closer than Nevada over the last two cycles.

  6. MikeM2784 says:

    I don’t see GA or UT going blue, but Georgia might. Utah…who knows. I’m not sure the anti-Trump hate is quite strong enough yet, but it might be. If Romney endorses Johnson or campaigns for him, it could make it interesting.

  7. Liberal Elite says:

    @M “If Romney endorses Johnson or campaigns for him…”

    Romney is not stupid. If he wanted to send a message to the GOP and show true Mormon strength, he’d turn Utah blue. It would be something the GOP would remember…

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Mike… the only way I see Utah going blue is if Romney endorses Johnson and thus gives him like 30% of the vote. In that case, Hillary can win it with 42.

    Given Romney’s recent comments about Hillary being an awful candidate too, I don’t see him endorsing her.