Wednesday Open Thread [8.3.16]

Filed in National by on August 3, 2016

In his strongest denouncement of Donald Trump so far, President Obama said Mr. Trump was “unfit to serve as president” and urged the leaders of the Republican Party to withdraw their backing for his candidacy, the New York Times reports.

Said Obama: “The question they have to ask themselves is: If you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?”

He added: “This isn’t a situation where you have an episodic gaffe. This is daily. There has to be a point at which you say, this is not somebody I can support for president of the United States, even if he purports to be a member of my party. The fact that that has not yet happened makes some of these denunciations ring hollow.”

Ironically this type of condemnation from Obama may force the GOP to rally around Trump, or prevent those who would denounce Trump from doing so. Since the GOP always does the opposite of anything, and I mean anything, Obama says. And that might have been Obama’s intention.

Josh Marshall:

It may not seem terribly important right now with all the stories roiling the campaign. But I think there’s a good chance it’s the most important. Over the last 48 hours Trump’s allies, surrogates and now Trump himself have forcibly injected the topic of voter fraud or ‘election rigging’ into the election. Longtime TPM Readers know this topic has probably been the publication’s single greatest and most consistent focus over fifteen years. The subject has been investigated countless times. And it is clear that voter fraud and especially voter impersonation fraud is extremely rare – rare almost to the point of non-existence, though there have been a handful of isolated cases.

Vote fraud is clearly the aim in what is coming from Trump allies. But Trump’s own comment – “I’m afraid the election’s gonna be rigged, I have to be honest” – seems to suggest some broader effort to manufacture votes or falsify numbers, to allude to some broader conspiracy. Regardless, Trump is now pressing this issue to lay the groundwork to discredit and quite possibly resist the outcome of the November election.

Noam Bramson asks if any of us can imagine Trump giving a genuine concession speech like McCain or Romney gave: “We take concessions for granted in this country. We simply assume that losing candidates will dutifully congratulate the winners and then depart the stage. And so it has been — thank goodness — throughout the American experience.”

“But like much else in this strange election year, perhaps our confidence in this historic norm is misplaced. After all, around the world, there have been innumerable examples of election losers who simply refused to acknowledge their defeat. Losers who shaped elaborate conspiracy myths, who incited mobs to violence, who perpetrated fraud to conceal their loss, who attempted desperately to cling to power.”

“Even when such actions do not escalate into bloodshed, the damage can be grave, intensifying the divisions of a campaign, until they explode into mutually distrustful hatred. If you think the hyper-partisan atmosphere of present-day American politics is bad, just wait until a loser refuses to concede.”

Before we start arming ourselves for the coming Second Civil War where we will have to lethally put down the violent and rioting Trump supporters who think losing to Hillary in a massive landslide is some kind of rigged election, Greg Sargent says chillax.

Is it possible that Donald Trump has begun to contemplate his own political mortality? Is it possible that Trump, who had previously boasted to GOP primary audiences that he would beat Hillary Clinton “easily” — has begun to contemplate the possibility that he might lose the presidential election?

It is perhaps not a coincidence that Trump has suddenly stopped tweeting about polls (which are now showing Clinton taking a meaningful lead) at precisely the moment that he is escalating his efforts to cast doubt, in advance, on the legitimacy of the general election’s outcome.

“A surge of online donations that rushed in as Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic presidential nomination last week helped her campaign raise $63 million in July, its largest monthly haul yet,” the Washington Post reports.

Brendan Nyhan: “Is vote fraud common in American politics? Not according to United States District Judge Lynn Adelman, who examined the evidence from Wisconsin and ruled in late April that ‘virtually no voter impersonation occurs’ in the state and that ‘no evidence suggests that voter-impersonation fraud will become a problem at any time in the foreseeable future.’”

“Strikingly, however, a Marquette Law School poll conducted in Wisconsin just a few weeks later showed that many voters there believed voter impersonation and other kinds of vote fraud were widespread — the likely result of a yearslong campaign by conservative groups to raise concerns about the practice. Thirty-nine percent of Wisconsin voters believe that vote fraud affects a few thousand votes or more each election. One in five believe that this level of fraud exists for each of the three types of fraud that individuals could commit: in-person voter impersonation, submitting absentee ballots in someone else’s name, and voting by people who are not citizens or Wisconsin residents.”

Just as foreign policy has come to the forefront of the campaign, a new CNN/ORC poll finds Hillary Clinton has widened her edge over Donald Trump as more trusted to handle foreign policy, 59% to 36%, and has pulled even with Trump on handling terrorism, 48% to 48%.

“And on the most prominent foreign policy issue of late, Russia and its relationship with the US, nearly 6-in-10 see the country as unfriendly, and about half say they think the Russian government is attempting to influence the outcome of the US presidential election.”

Rick Klein: “To review the bidding since the post-convention weekend… Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton the devil, said the election will be rigged, accused a local fire marshal of limiting his crowd for political reasons, and said his daughter should find another job if she were sexually harassed. He stayed on the attack against the family of a fallen service member, and saw a military mom who asked his vice-presidential candidate about that booed by Trump’s own supporters. He’s clarified his call for the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s email as ‘sarcasm,’ and he’s also clarified that he did know that Russia had taken over Crimea. He acknowledged that he didn’t get a letter from the NFL about debates after all. In the political realm, he offered a measure of public support to House Speaker Paul Ryan’s long-shot primary challenger, a week before that election.”

“Plenty of candidates make gaffes, though these actions amount to more than that. They veer between reckless, careless, and just plain mean. The only through-line is Trump being Trump, with no apparent strategy greater than that. At this post-convention time for party consolidation, with everything magnified in the final 100 days before Nov. 8, this looks like a candidate who senses he is losing and is not happy about it.”

ARIZONA–PRESIDENT–Predictive Insights–Clinton 45, Trump 42

So we update our map thusly:


Stuart Rothenberg: “The last couple of weeks have been nothing short of disastrous for the Republican Party.”

“No, Donald Trump’s position in the race hasn’t worsened dramatically, nor did the Democratic convention wash away Hillary Clinton’s many political warts. When it comes to the presidential race, we will see what the post-convention polls show.”

“Things have deteriorated for the GOP because Donald Trump’s comments about Russia and Vladimir Putin have further shredded the Republican Party’s historically greatest strength: national security and defense themes. Add to that Trump’s — and GOP delegates’ — performance at their convention (‘Lock her up!’) and Trump’s positions on trade, taxes, spending and entitlements, which also contradict the long-standing Republican message, and the party is nothing short of a mess.”

Zack Beaucamp at Vox says Hillary had a paragraph in her acceptance speech last week that was the best explanation for her candidacy that has been mentioned to date:

Here’s what she said:

It is true. I sweat the details of policy, whether we’re talking about the exact level of lead in the drinking water in Flint, Michigan, the number of mental health facilities in Iowa, or the cost of your prescription drugs. Because it’s not just a detail if it’s your kid, if it’s your family. It’s a big deal. And it should be a big deal to your president.

She’s right: Nearly every policy decision a president makes has tremendous consequences for American lives. The president is an awesomely powerful office, possessing — on issues both domestic and foreign — the ability to decide who lives and who dies.

Clinton’s question to America, then, is simple. When it’s your life on the line, who do you want making the decisions: a woman with a reputation for maybe caring too much about the details, or a man who famously can’t be bothered with them?

First Read: “Donald Trump’s confounding war with a Gold Star family — earning condemnation from veterans groups and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle – has started to have a distinct air over the last 36 hours of a situation that’s unraveling. It’s the latest in a long list of fights that have so far failed to sink Trump’s candidacy, but something about this particular controversy feels different. It’s pushing some neutral groups off the sidelines (see the nonpartisan VFW’s strongly-worded response), it’s undermining the GOP’s mantle as the party of reverence to the military and national security, and it’s putting Republicans like House Speaker Paul Ryan in a particularly torturous bind as they try to defend the Khan family without so much as naming their own nominee.”

“Mike Pence, Trump’s own VP, faced a question about Trump’s treatment of the Khans last night from a military mom who was booed by the crowd as Pence offered words of solace but no apology. But so far, Republicans aren’t going so far as to un-endorse their nominee as a result of the Khan controversy. (Not even John McCain, who offered the most biting statement targeting Trump yet!) This moment could provide a last exit ramp for Republicans to withdraw their support for Trump before the heat of the general election, which now seems sure to draw even more outlandish reactions from a candidate who’s shown little deference to the party. And the pressure isn’t letting up.”

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson told CNN that Mitt Romney was considering endorsing him for president this fall. Romney last month: “If Bill Weld were at the top of the ticket, it would be very easy for me to vote for Bill Weld for president. So I’ll get to know Gary Johnson better and see if he’s someone who I could end up voting for. That’s something which I’ll evaluate over the coming weeks and months.”

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I’m not sure Obamas comment doesn’t help Trump among Republicans. If Obama said not to drink bleach, Tom Kline would guzzle a bottle.

  2. Jason330 says:

    That map is crazily optimistic

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I know. Add Texas and Indiana and Mississippi in there and you have the absolute best case Clinton scenario. I just don’t think there is any way she wins Utah, even with a strong Johnson showing there. But AZ, MO and GA are all real possibilities this cycle. They are the new battlegrounds.

  4. MikeM2784 says:

    Trump is a classic narcissist; by setting up the “fraud” argument, he is setting up his own defense mechanism for himself to protect his ego, which cannot accept that he is not a “winner” in all things. It is the same reason he cannot just apologize and move on with the Gold Star mom; he is incapable of apologizing. That said, it makes him even more dangerous and more unfit to lead our nation. Hopefully the undecideds are watching this week; if they are, that crazily optimistic map may become more realistic. It would be quite historic if a Bush endorsed a Clinton; it would also move the map more to the “realistic” side.

    Trump is terrified of the debates. I anticipate him trying to weasel out of them in any way possible.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    He’s already tried claiming that the NFL has told him they don’t want the debates held on days they are playing. Which the NFL denies, of course.

    I also think that President Obama’s critique of Trump’s fitness for duty, as well as the reasons prominent GOP supporters are NOT voting for him and Buffett’s rebuke of the tax returns thing is meant to continue to provoke Trump into more of his usual ill-thought out bullshit.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Just read that Obama played the Ryan comment perfectly – making it impossible for Ryan to retract his endorsement. 11 demensional chess master

  7. MikeM2784 says:

    He’s a grand master, probably one of the smartest presidents we’ve had, certainly one of the sharpest in a long time.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Lmao. Awesome!

  9. Disappointed says:

    Hillary is reaching out to GOP donors. Wonder what she’s promising them?

  10. Ben says:

    I was wondering how long it would take for someone to say that. So, the “predictable shit-for-brains award” goes to the newest shit-for-brains.

    You friggin dolt. There are Republicans who realize how dangerous Trump is. This has nothing to do with what you’re Tin Foil hat is telling you. Meg Whitman obviously cares about the continuation of our nation and is siding with someone she doesn’t really like (like im doing) in order to stop a danger, you stupid fucking idiot.

  11. Ben says:

    pardon my french.

  12. anonymous says:

    @jason: It’s actually eleventy-dimensional.

    @ben: Leave the French out of this. Haven’t they suffered enough?

    Meanwhile, at the ballgame in Philly Tuesday night, the home-plate ump pulled a Trump and ejected — a fan!

  13. Disappointed says:

    Such a pleasant person you are, Ben!

  14. Ben says:

    I mean, typically, yes. Im just sick to death of know-nothing shit-waffles spouting off. That’s why I try to hold of on the fucking profanity, so I can direct it at dick-wrinkle trolls. You are… to use my favorite swear word… a malarkey brain.

  15. Ben says:

    And you’re right anonymous. I was speaking Sow-filly, not French.

  16. MarkH says:

    I think AZ will be the real “wild” card in the race. I’ve lived out here 3 years and I have NO CLUE who will win…
    1) Marijuana Legalization is on the Ballot. I would presume that this will mean turnout will be high (and this means for BOTH parties)
    2) McCain is facing a serious primary challenge (he should win) and a serious D challenger if he gets past the primary. Another reason for a high turnout.
    3) It’s now looking likely the Sheriff Joe will finally get his walking papers (I can hope anyhow)

    The complete vote will take a while to tabulate as a lot of people in AZ (myself included) early vote by mail.

    The only thing that worries me is this is a Large state with a lot of very conservative folks. But some of these conservative folks are Mormon and may follow Utah and vote for Gary Johnson…

  17. Ben says:

    I have one word for his aides… JUMP!

  18. Dave says:

    “setting up the “fraud” argument”
    “Obama played the Ryan comment perfectly”
    “Meg Whitman obviously cares about the continuation of our nation”

    Trump preparing for a loss; Obama locking them in below decks, Respectable people endorsing Clinton because it’s the patriotic thing to do and the now cast ( showing Clinton’s chance of winning at 85%.

    We have but a few things remaining – the guessing game about who will endorse or abandon the GOP next; will there be an October surprise; and whether there will be a landslide. While I remain optimistic, I also remain cautious.

    Still, I am pretty stunned at lifelong Republicans; those who have never voted for Democrat in their entire life, are either abandoning the party, endorsing Clinton, and going the 3rd party route. This is truly a historic change in the two party system, the likes that I’ve never seen and probably hasn’t happened since the demise of the Whigs.

    I am concerned about how much instability there is because of the election and the threat of someone attempting to exploit that instability. For 240 years we’ve had a seamless transition. That’s one of the bedrocks of our democracy and it’s stability – when someone loses an election they go home. We are kind of depending on Trump to do just that all the while knowing that isn’t part of his character.

  19. Ben says:

    It could be a loss so lopsided, that no amount of bleating on his part will have any effect, other than expose him for the baby that he is. Let him say there was fraud. Let him declare himself president and try issue orders to a Military that hates him. Hell, let him raise a militia and get Wacoed.

  20. the other anonymous says:

    Since this is the ope thread; I’m so surprised that no one on DL is talking about the local entertaining debate for county Executive, last night. You have to check it out and watch till the very end……..I won’t give away the ending, but it is well worth the watch. Meyers and Blake did a great job, but…………..

  21. the other anonymous says:

    Since this is the open thread. I can’t believe nobody is discussing our local, political debate. The Debate for County Executive was very entertaining, but you need to watch until the very end! Unbelievable, yes watch it all. There were some great points that were brought up; jobs, Wilmington, safety, education and land use. Meyers and Blake did a great job, IMHO. But, I won’t be the spoiler, it’s one for the record books, people!

  22. chris says:

    Is this guy Nahe for real? He sounds like Arnold Schwarzeneger when he talks.

  23. Stat says:

    Is this guy Ben for real? Listen to Glen Beck dog whistles much.

  24. ben says:

    is this guy Stat for real? i feel like a go-to reading comprehension comment is in order.

  25. Liberal Elite says:

    Wow! Hillary just hit 78% on the betting markets.

    That’s a record high not only for her, but for any presidential candidate more than a month out, since the beginning of online betting.

  26. Jason330 says:

    Lmao. Love it!

  27. Ben says:

    The dems really need to go for the jugular RTFN. A hailstorm of tweets and taunts (you’re up, Sen Warren) over the next few days could be just the thing to really send him over the edge.

  28. Stat says:

    Your right Ben because that’s all you got. Your candidate has the same negatives. Everybody knows she’s a liar and is everything that is wrong with politics.

  29. Ben says:

    *you’re. And Bernie was my candidate.