What It Means

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on August 5, 2016

Some may say Drive-By Truckers are the best Southern rock’n roll band since Lynyrd Skynyrd, but that is an incredible disservice to the Truckers, since they are probably the most important American rock’n roll band over the last 15 years. They are coming out with a new album in September called American Band. Their second single is What It Means, an examination of US society today.

“What It Means”

He was running down the street
When they shot him in his tracks
About the only thing agreed upon
Is he ain’t coming back
There won’t be any trial
So the air it won’t be cleared
There’s just two sides calling names
Out of anger out of fear
If you say it wasn’t racial
When they shot him in his tracks
Well I guess that means that you ain’t black
It means that you ain’t black
I mean Barack Obama won
And you can choose where to eat
But you don’t see too many white kids
Lying bleeding on the street

In some town in Missouri
But it could be anywhere
It could be right here on Ruth Street
In fact it’s happened here
And it happened where you’re sitting
Wherever that might be
And it happened last weekend
And it will happen again next week
And when they turned him over
They were surprised there was no gun
I mean he must have done something
Or else why would he have run
And they’ll spin it for the anchors
On the television screen
So we can shrug and let it happen
Without asking what it means

What it means?
What it means?

Then I guess there was protesting
And some looting in some stores
And someone was reminded that
They ain’t called colored folks no more
I mean we try to be politically
Correct when we call names
But what’s the point of post-racial
When old prejudice remains?
And that guy who killed that kid
Down in Florida standing ground
Is free to beat up on his girlfriend
And wave his brand new gun around
While some kid is dead and buried
And laying in the ground
With a pocket full of skittles

What it means?
What it means?

Astrophysics at our fingertips
And we’re standing at the summit
And some man with a joystick
Lands a rocket on a comet
We’re living in an age
Where limitations are forgotten
The outer edges move and dazzle us
But the core is something rotten
And we’re standing on the precipice
Of prejudice and fear
We trust science just as long
As it tells us what we want to hear
We want our truths all fair and balanced
As long as our notions lie within it
There’s no sunlight in our ass’
And our heads are stuck up in it
And our heroes may be rapists
Who watch us while we dream
But don’t look to me for answers
Cuz I don’t know what it means

What it means?
What it means?


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (10)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Fucking A..! That’s what I’m talking ’bout.

  2. anonymous says:

    Liked them best when Isbell was still with them. And if you replace Skynyrd with the Allman Bros. in your comparison, you’re right on target.

  3. puck says:

    I guess DBT will remember Southern Man don’t need them around.

  4. anonymous says:

    Lynyrd Skynyrd was what really inflamed (no pun intended) my hatred of the South and Southerners.

  5. Jason330 says:

    I was recently talking about how much I don’t like the south and southerners with someone.

    Me: What are they so proud of, anyway?
    Them: Mostly they seem proud of their ignorance and stupidity.

  6. anonymous says:

    What I hated was that when Neil Young pointed out that their social system (not to mention entire society) was built on racism, those assholes attacked him for it.

  7. Calvin Sparks says:

    Awesome. I love Drive by Truckers.

  8. Stat says:

    Ronnie Van Zant and Neil Young were actually friends with the latter writing an unrecorded song for him. Skynard is arguably one of the best American bands ever. You might want to take another listen to songs like:
    Simple Man
    Tuesday’s Gone
    The ballad of Curtis Loew

  9. puck says:

    I like Lynryd Skynrd. It’s their fans I hate.

  10. Stat says:

    …and that DBT song sucks