Archive for August, 2016

Delaware Death Penalty Struck Down

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 8 Comments
Delaware Death Penalty Struck Down

In a 3-2 decision, the Delaware Supreme Court has ruled the state’s death penalty unconstitutional. Chief Justice Leo Strine found that certain aspects of Delaware’s statute conflict with a recent U.S. Supreme Court Case striking down Florida’s capital punishment program.

More to come as I get it…

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I’m glad “American Exceptionalism” is back home with the Dems where it belongs

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 2 Comments
I’m glad “American Exceptionalism” is back home with the Dems where it belongs

With all the Trump implosion going on, I haven’t had a chance to comment on a thing that happened at the DNC. “American Exceptionalism” came home to the Democratic Party where is belongs.

The Democratic version of American Exceptionalism on display in Philadelphia declares that America does things because they are the right thing to do. Our exceptionalism is based on our exceptional values; inclusion, peace, prosperity, searching out and working toward the common good. That’s stuff that will get you to wave the flag again. That’s the stuff that makes America great. The GOP’s version of American Exceptionalism, on the other hand, is based on a flimsy counterfeit crap, like the very shitty and cloying Lee Greenwood song, “God Bless the USA”

That dumbed down version of American Exceptionalism that the GOP has been pushing, good riddance to that stinking pile of shit. The GOP’s version of American Exceptionalism says that anything American does is good, because we did it. Waving the flag isn’t a celebration of having fulfilled our civic responsibilities, it is an end in itself. The GOP’s American Exceptionalism is to patriotism what masturbation is to sex.

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If the Election were held today

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 8 Comments

This map is based on recent polling results, and in states where there are no recent polling results, historical trends (i.e. Idaho has not been polled in several generations, but it is a Republican state, while the same is true for Rhode Island on the Democratic side).


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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: July 2016

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on August 2, 2016 0 Comments
‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: July 2016

Only six songs, with a Very Special Bonus Track (actually two bonus tracks, if you pay attention), this month. Quality over quantity.

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Tuesday Open Thread [8.2.16]

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 7 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [8.2.16]

Jonathan Chait says Republicans have chosen racism: “Even though Trump has sprung naturally from the conservative fertile soil of racism, anti-intellectualism, and authoritarianism, his nomination is truly a sea change. No successful candidate before him has identified himself so tightly with white-identity politics. His place at the top of the ticket, and potentially as head of state, has presented fellow Republicans with an agonizing dilemma. To be sure, their choice is not comfortable. Those Republicans who have distanced themselves from the nominee, even in carefully measured increments, have endured fierce blowback from their own voters and even donors… In a party rife with racism, anti-racism is hardly considered an acceptable basis for partisan disloyalty.”

“What most Republican elites have always wanted is to lead a party that appeals to a majority of the country on the basis of abstract small-government, patriotic themes. Trump has revealed that this is a hopeless fantasy, and what they can lead instead is a party of racists. And they have decided, nearly every one of them, that they will take it.”

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Trump is a Real Threat to the Republic – the Smoking Gun

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 68 Comments
Trump is a Real Threat to the Republic – the Smoking Gun

Trump and his team are laying the groundwork for challenging the legitimacy of the election in the event of a Clinton win. This is flatly anti-American rhetoric which brazenly states that a Trump loss will be met with an attempt to provoke “a constitutional crisis” and “widespread civil disobedience.”

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [8.2.16]

Filed in National by on August 2, 2016 0 Comments

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What A Crisis in African American Leadership Looks Like

Filed in Delaware by on August 1, 2016 35 Comments
What A Crisis in African American Leadership Looks Like

Mayor Williams’ Chief of Staff, Gary Fullman, sent an email to the members of The Monday Club, inviting them to a fundraiser sit-down with the mayor but also invoking the real “threat” that a white candidate could win the Mayor’s race:

“Our communities have fared better over the past 24 years (under an African American mayor) than under previous administrations, at the expense of those who previously benefited, and there is a strong effort by those others to regain control of City Government,” wrote Fullman.

“So much so that folks have paid candidates to enter the race or are paying black individuals to garner support for white candidates in the African American communities (Norman Oliver for Mike Pryszicki [sic]). Don’t be fooled. Join us Wednesday evening to converse directly with Mayor Williams to get the real story.”

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SevOne to Delaware: “Thanks, Suckers!”

Filed in Delaware by on August 1, 2016 40 Comments
SevOne to Delaware: “Thanks, Suckers!”

Perhaps Jack Markell’s favorite poster child for economic development has given Delaware the finger. SevOne is conducting a series of ‘brutal layoffs.’  And, of course, the Delaware Economic Development Office doesn’t know how much money the state won’t get back. Here’s the (no) money quote from the News Journal story:

“They are laying off so many people I had to wait [hours] to get my severance,” the worker said. “It’s like standing in a line for a guillotine.”

It’s not clear where Delaware will stand in this line.  Here’s what we know….

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Bonini could very easily lose to Lafferty

Filed in National by on August 1, 2016 17 Comments
Bonini could very easily lose to Lafferty

Yard signs don’t vote. But I’ve seen more Lafferty signs than Bonini signs, and that signals something. What exactly are these people trying to advertise? That their property is protected by Smith and Wesson? That they know a Republican isn’t going to win, so they want to “send a message” to the DEGOP Pharisees?

It is impossible to know for sure what goes on in the bat-filled belfry of your wingnut neighbor. It is reasonable to assume some things about this upcoming GOP primary though.

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Monday Open Thread [8.1.16]

Filed in National by on August 1, 2016 24 Comments
Monday Open Thread [8.1.16]

“There used to be some things that were sacred in American politics, that you don’t do, like criticizing the parents of a fallen soldier, even if they criticize you. If you’re going to be leader of the free world, you have to be able to accept criticism, and Mr. Trump can’t.”

— Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by the New York Times, adding that “unacceptable” doesn’t even begin to describe Donald Trump’s behavior.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [8.1.16]

Filed in National by on August 1, 2016 0 Comments

This week’s Daily Delawhere will highlight some recent campaign posts on Instagram. Postings of a campaign’s picture does not equal and endorsement.

How about that Delaware produce! Today was another great day at the State Fair!

A photo posted by John Carney (@johncarneyforde) on

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