My Final Prediction

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016

Final Prediction

A Latino blue wave sweeps Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and Texas, though not quite enough yet to turn the Lone Star state blue. Texas will be a two to three point race, and a swing state from here on out. Hillary Clinton’s ground operation wins North Carolina and Ohio, but is not quite enough to turn Iowa blue, probably because the state has just been trending extremely red since 2012. It is also the whitest state in the nation. There will be no congressional district splits in Maine or Nebraska, after all the attention placed on both.

The final popular vote margin will be Hillary 51, Trump 43, Other 6.

Dems will come very close to winning the House because of the blue Latino wave. They will win unexpected seats in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, California, Texas and Florida because of it. I am just not sure they will win enough to take the majority. Either way, Paul Ryan will have an ungovernable majority of maybe 5 seats.

Dems will take the majority in the Senate after winning Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Florida, Missouri, Nevada and Arizona. That’s a net pick up of 8 seats, for a 54-46 majority.

In Delaware, no surprises on the Statewides: Carney, Blunt Rochester, Hall Long, Navarro all win. Meyer wins in New Castle County.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    This is a pie in the sky/early bedtime/dream map.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    One of us is going to be right. I think your opinions have been far too pessimistic the entire year.

  3. @DD
    Although, I think Hilary will win AZ (I’m guessing about a 50,000 vote margin) I think that McCain survives. Out here, most Arizonians (not me) think of McCain kind of like Delaware thinks about Joe Biden.
    In other AZ races, I think that Arpio gets beaten by 7 points, and that Legal MJ wins by about 40,000 votes. Because of proposition 205 and 206 (minimum wage) and the Latino turnout, it looks like AZ is blue, but I think it’s a one-time thing because of Trump/Arpio hatred…

  4. Ben says:

    I’m splitting the difference. Ga, Oh, and Az go Trump. Clinton blows out Florida and NV. still early bed time based on NH, Fl, Nc and Pa

  5. mouse says:

    I knew once the Confederate flag came down in SC that it was only a matter of time before the slave states fell again

  6. McCain’s not losing. Maybe Bayh wins instead. But, if the D’s get the majority, I’d just as soon that it be w/o Bayh. But they need that majority so that Clinton can spend the first two years filling judicial vacancies.

    I think Trump wins Georgia, that one Maine district, and probably Ohio.

    All I can ask is an early Florida win so I can put away the Pepto and concentrate on the bubbly.

  7. Jason330 says:

    I’ll add AZ and FL to El Som’s and that gets Clinton to 277. A sickening late night squeaker.

  8. anonymous says:

    Yeah, forget Ohio. If there’s one state the Republicans know how to steal, that’s the one.