Archive for November, 2016

The Daily Delawhere – November 10, 2016

Filed in National by on November 10, 2016 0 Comments


Graffiti on some of the doors to Old Swedes Church, at 7th & Church Streets in Wilmington, is almost 200 years old. Carvings may be almost 300 years old. At the bottom of this door, a date of 1839 can be seen with some of the graffiti.

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Find the Silver Lining…

Filed in National by on November 9, 2016 28 Comments

in Tuesday’s election results.  Let’s get a big long list. Maybe we’ll feel a little better.  I’ll start: 1. Jack Markell won’t be Secretary of Education. 2. There will be no Special Election for Tim Kaine’s Senate seat. 3. TPP is likely dead. 4. Obnoxious blowhard and friend of Bill and Hill’s Fast Eddie Rendell […]

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Clinton Statement

Filed in National by on November 9, 2016 12 Comments

Thank you. Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for, and I’m sorry we did not win this election for the […]

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The Trump Agenda – Plainly Worded

Filed in National by on November 9, 2016 98 Comments

I’m already seeing some revisionist history about what this Trump win means. It is hard to fathom because Trump didn’t run on some secret agenda. He was right out in the open. These are the things he ran on, and the things Trump voters voted for:

1) Build a wall with Mexico (invoice them)
2) Overturn Obamacare
3) Overturn the constitutional right to gay marriage
4) Ban Muslim travel to the U.S. until we know “what’s going on”
5) Jail Hillary
6) Stop and frisk blacks
7) Strip first amendment protections from the press
8) “Bomb the shit out of” ISIS
9) Enact extreme abortion restrictions
10) Be unpredictable with nuclear weapons
11) Soft pull out of NATO

And for what it is worth, I believe he can do all of these things. He has been underestimated all along and has always prevailed, so his track record points to his getting these things if he still wants them once he is sworn in.

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Dems Take Statewides Easily

Filed in National by on November 9, 2016 9 Comments
Dems Take Statewides Easily

As expected Carney (58.34%), Hall-Long (59.44%), Blunt-Rochester (55.52%), and Navarro (59.28%) swept effortlessly into office. Nobody cracked 60%, but neither did they break a sweat. With the national outcome, I wonder if Copeland ever second-guessed his decision to sit out the statewides this year?

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What is a Democrat?

Filed in National by on November 9, 2016 24 Comments
What is a Democrat?

I’m sure there will be a great deal of analysis around the question of what went wrong. Errors will be discussed. This or that group will be questioned. Villains will be identified. The staggering sums of money spent on negative ads in the Philadelphia media market will be traced back to the “Citizens United” decision. There will be, in short, a lot of forensics.

For me, it comes down to Democrats not having a clear sense of who we are as a party, and why voters should vote for us. We’ve fallen into identifying ourselves, not as what we are, but as what we aren’t. Democrats aren’t racists. We aren’t homophobes. We aren’t religious bigots or xenophobic. We aren’t misogynists. Those are all good things to not be, but we also aren’t… good at politics. We haven’t knitted those identifiers into a compelling case for Democratic governance.

I’m old enough to remember when it was widely known and accepted that being a Democrat meant being on the side of the little guy. We’ve lost that brand identity. This election we ceded that ground to a wealthy charlatan. A one-dimensional cartoon version of a rich guy. I suppose the silver lining is that we can’t fall lower than this.

After the forensics will come the rebuilding. Eventually, I’ll listen to the acceptance speeches of John Carney, and the other Delaware Democrats who won last night. I’ll be searching to find some foundation for the rebuilding. Some acknowledgment that being a Democrat means being on the side of the little guy.

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The Daily Delawhere – November 9, 2016

Filed in National by on November 9, 2016 0 Comments


Farmland along Ashland Clinton School Road in Ashland.

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Election Results Thread

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016 79 Comments
Election Results Thread

Post what you are seeing and hearing.

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The November 8, 2016 Thread

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016 11 Comments
The November 8, 2016 Thread

Emma Green at The Atlantic:

She’s ready.

Hillary Clinton stood before a crowd of tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia on Monday night, sounding hoarse from her days of campaigning, wearing a bright red pantsuit as if to dare anyone to make fun it, the night before her historic election. She did not declare the race over, but the whole event felt breathtakingly close to a victory party. Clinton is ready to be off the campaign trail, and to be president of the United States.

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What are you seeing and hearing at the polls?

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016 46 Comments
What are you seeing and hearing at the polls?

So I voted. Guess who for? LOL. So what are you seeing and hearing out there today. Use this thread to report your voting experiences. And report any problems you encounter out there, whether they be with poll workers, machines, or Trump supporters trying to intimidate voters.

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The Daily Delawhere – November 8, 2016

Filed in National by on November 8, 2016 0 Comments


Fall colors are showing along Upper Pike Creek Road in Pike Creek.

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General Assembly Predictions

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016 7 Comments
General Assembly Predictions

The Democrats are not in jeopardy of losing the House. In fact, I predict they will pick up two seats, the 9th RD with Monique Johns in Jason330’s Upset Special, and Bradley Connor in the 41st RD. That would give the Dems 27 seats again, and the Republicans will have 14 seats. As for the Senate…

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If Clinton wins…?

Filed in National by on November 7, 2016 47 Comments
If Clinton wins…?

…will that mean that she has been acquitted in the court of popular opinion, and Republicans will call off their Jihad against her? And having called off their Jihad,

…will that mean she will be free to “govern toward the center” and continue the consensus seeking/New Democrats/DLC/Third Way course charted by Bill Clinton and attempted by Obama?

Those rhetorical questions are easy to answer.

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