Least surprising story of 2016

Filed in National by on December 21, 2016

Anyone who thought GOP budget hawks were going to continue to be budget hawks during a GOP presidency needs his/her head examined.

On a related note, this gives Coons and Carper some nice avenues for some juicy bipartisanship.

Report: Freedom Caucus Members Are Ready To Cave On Fiscal Austerity
Republicans in the House Freedom Caucus may be shifting their uncompromising, tough budget stance under President-elect Donald Trump, according to a report in the National Review.

According to the piece, there is discussion underway to accept that just 50 percent of Trump’s infrastructure bill would have to be offset with spending cuts elsewhere– a precedent that they never would have accepted under President Barack Obama.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    “just 50 percent of Trump’s infrastructure bill would have to be offset with spending cuts elsewhere”

    That might not be so bad in the short term, depending on the details. We should expect some job creation, just as we expected some job creation with Hillary’s infrastructure plan. Any cuts in social spending would be partially mitigated by job creation. Democrats would have to fight to keep spending cuts from falling on the most vulnerable. I’m a fan of social democracy, but it’s still better to put people to work if they can.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Will it shock you to know that Trumps infrastructure plan is basically tax breaks for construction companies?

  3. Josh W says:

    A tax cut for construction companies so that they can build toll roads/bridges. What good is a massive infrastructure bill if it’s going to benefit those rich enough to afford it? Why not fix the pipes in Flint, Michigan or fix the already standing bridges that are becoming more and more decrepit?

  4. puck says:

    “Trumps infrastructure plan is basically tax breaks for construction companies”

    Is there still a functioning CBO to evaluate these things?

  5. Anono says:

    @Jason330 And Clinton’s plan was to Tax First! Oh, that’s right she…………… LOST!!!!! HA-HA!!!

  6. Jason330 says:

    Enjoy these days Anono.