Open Thread for May 21, 2017
How ‘Privatization Prophets’ Try to Destroy Public Education. One of their leaders is Trump’s Secretary of Education. BTW, see where Jack Markell fits in. It begins with a ‘D’.
Why The Rush to Hire More Border Agents Will Not Work Out So Well. Getting rid of the the polygraph? What could possibly go wrong? Rec0mmended reading: ‘Down By the River’ by Charles Bowden.
Is This the Way to ‘Out’ Heroin Dealers?: What do you think?
Fast Eddie Rendell, the Worst Kind of Democrat: Gave Away DNC Proceeds Earmarked For Charity to Connected Staff Members Instead. Utter slime, which is what he’s always been.
Dianne Feinstein Too ‘Moderate’ For Cali? One can only hope. Time to usher her to the exits in 2018.
Trump Staffers Facing Huge Legal Fees. Lie down with a mangy dog, it costs a lot to get rid of the fleas.
What do you want to talk about?
What the hell is up with all this tomahawk steak business? It’s just a bone-in ribeye….Enough already.
Failing Upward:
DOVER, Del. (AP) – The head of the division in charge of Delaware’s prisons has left the post in the wake of a fatal inmate riot and hostage taking.
Department of Correction officials confirmed Friday that Christopher Klein has been replaced as chief of the Bureau of Prisons.
Klein has been given a new job as deputy principal assistant at the Delaware Department of Safety and Homeland Security, which is led by Robert Coupe, his former boss at the Department of Correction.
I’ve been saying for some time now that the Russian meddling in the election is not what Trump has to worry about — financial crimes like money-laundering Russian mob profits are what is likely to do him in, because it’s so obvious that’s what he was doing.
Josh Marshall thinks so, too:
Correct. It’s not as if people like Manafort, Flynn and Page just fell off the turnip truck. They ran in the same Russian finance circles as the Trumps.