Open Thread For June 27, 2017
WHA Director Wasn’t Who He Said He Was. Got Fired For It. Never attended the college from which he claimed to have a degree. Took one course at another, claimed to have a Master’s. His only defender? Serial scam artist Herman ‘The Lesser’ Holloway, Jr.
Neil Gorsuch Is Who We Thought He Was. In other words, no ‘center-right moderate’. Holding a stolen Supreme Court seat. Feeling nostalgic for democracy yet?
Kushner’s In Deep Doo-Doo. If you can judge how much trouble someone’s in by the attorneys they hire, Kushner’s in serious legal jeopardy.
This Guy Says Biden Should Announce He’s Running Right Now. He’d become the de facto voice of D opposition. Whaddayathink?
US, Syria Inch Closer To Military Confrontation. What could possibly go wrong? Speaking of which, Sy Hersh claims that there was no chemical attack back in April when Trump responded by dropping the Mother of All Bombs.
Could This Bill End Gerrymandering And Transform Democracy? I dunno, but I think it’s real interesting.
What do you want to talk about?
God yes. Make this happen. While Biden isn’t my first choice for shadow President, we need someone to show some leadership.
Let’s talk about the Russian collusion that was supposed to sink Trump. The Russian collusion that you guys were so sure of. The Russian collusion that places like CNN were pushing twenty four seven. The Russian collusion that caused you guys to go mental and call people names just for pointing out that there was “zero evidence” of any Russian collusion.
BTW, a CNN producer admitted that the whole Russian collusion narrative was “bullshit” a “witch hunt”, for ratings.
How does it feel to be duped?
Where is Donald Trump right now? Oh, that’s right. He’s still President………..”Nah ha”
“BTW, a CNN producer admitted that the whole Russian collusion narrative was “bullshit” a “witch hunt”, for ratings.”
Well, that’s conclusive. When will he tell Mueller to turn out the lights?
Your boy is going down. If he wasn’t, you wouldn’t bother commenting here. That sensation that you’re going round in circles? It’s called “going down the drain.” The funniest part is that people like you — I’m using the term “people” rather loosely — will be the last to find out.
So tell us, how does being a traitor feel?
Troll used the word “collusion” a half dozen times. You know that whether there’s collusion or not is almost wholly irrelevant, right? The financial ties and the obstruction will be investigated and that’s where the problems are. But if you want to keep repeating “collusion” that’s fine…. we will ignore you but you’ll feel better.
Not collusion anymore. It’s obstruction,….Got it, thanks.
It’s the obstruction of the investigation into the non-existent collusion.
With Manafort, Stone, Carter Page, and Flynn among others, involved, the likelihood of collusion is also quite strong.
whenever I get frustrated by what I consider wrongheadedness on the left, a knuckle-dragging trump troll comes along to remind me how much worse the other side is. everybody who isn’t a wannabe fascist will eventually oppose trump — which is most of us. trump people are traitors, the majority will prevail and some of the trollingbluehen types will be in prison.
FBH doesn’t understand what obstruction of justice means. Add that to the list of topics that create confusion.
“He’d become the de facto voice of D opposition.”
Biden wouldn’t be my first choice, if there really was any other choice. Biden can speak to all the people, in language they will comprehend. He is perceived as “everyman” (a 67 stingray adds to the persona).
I think he would be effective as a shadow president and give the Ds someone to rally around. I do not however, think he needs to announce that he is running. What he can do is simply act like he is running (exploratory committee, speeches, etc) to give him an off ramp if things go awry. As an independent, I would like to have someone I can get behind. Thus far, the chair is empty, in my opinion.
If you want him to run, there will have to be some considerable buzz about it. So you all should start making noise so he can feel the love.
actually, trump people would disgust me simply because they’re so unsophisticated and afraid of the world. they bring down the tone of the human race. I don’t like you. now I’ve spent enough time this morning on you pieces of shit. but it felt good.
“Trump people are traitors, the majority will prevail and some of the trollingbluehen types will be in prison.”
I’m going to blame the media for continually leading you guys on
The media has literally driven people like anonymous redux into delusional based derangement….. …Traitors to whom, and for what?… There is zero evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians.
It must be hard to deal with, seeing your hopes dashed by reality on a daily basis.
When will people like anonymous redux realize that Trump won fair and square, and that Hillary Clinton was just a bad choice as a candidate.
You probably could have beat Trump with almost any other candidate…..I think that is what is really pissing you off, AR.
The person who beats Pence in 2024 has not been introduced on the national stage yet. Maybe someone will have a good speech at the next convention.
It isnt Biden or Warren or Pelosi or Bernie. Hopefully, they are too young to run in 2020 when the Dems force Booker on us and lose again. Im seeing more and more that the Dem establishment…. NOT the vile filth running the country, are the true obstacle. Nothing can move forward until they are removed.
I think Drump is so dumb that he really didnt realize what Manafort and Flynn were doing. All you have to do is compliment the guy and he thinks you’re great, so it would be easy to get some treason past him as long as you told him how wonderful his tacky- hotels were.
Putin DID fuck with the election to defeat Clinton… even Dear Leader admits that now. He found a perfect dupe in Drumpf. While our country implodes from right-wing faux-christian policies, Russia will be great again (for white men). Someday, we’ll crawl out of this hole, but buckle in kids…. its gonna be a long decade.
trump’s treason (some of it just would-be treason because he’s too stupid to pull it off) goes far deeper than Russian collusion. in fact, re:russia, it’s the money trail that will bring him down. trump’s treason involves his attempt to bypass the rational liberal democracy that has underpinned our nation since the beginning and kept power in check. that’s “liberal” in a way you’re too shallow to understand. you could read about the origins of that rational/liberal democracy in the history books, if you can read. you apparently have no clue about the thinking the founders of this nation drew on. trump is not a regular conservative republican who plays by democracy’s rules. he should be anathema (it’s a four-syllable word so look it up) to both parties. in fact, many republicans are appalled by him too (check that approval rating), although some of them hope to use him to get laws passed before he’s tossed out of office and one hopes into prison. but he’s so incompetent they can’t even count on him for that. and, yes, hillary was a bad candidate. I hope we do better next time, but with trump’s plummeting approval ratings we could probably nominate a post and win, as long as liberals don’t destroy themselves with in-fighting and are willing to accept help from the other side of the aisle.
Who, exactly, do you think is gonna “bring him down”? As long as he is around, the Rs in congress can get away with horrible shit and people will ignore it to laugh at how dumb Drumpf it.
It wont be the GoP who axes him.
Maybe the Dems will win senate races in 14 red states without losing any ground… AND run the table on the house…. maybe i’ll start crapping gold too.
For all the hope and talk about “this or that” taking drump down, once you look at it realistically, we’re damn lucky if he doesnt win in 2024. If ANY part of your plan for saving this country relies on anyone with an R next to their name ever doing the right thing, you have failed already. Look past it. Look at how we are going to rebuild and what young, local leaders (Eugene Young, for example) can be elevated in the next 10-15 years.
as for ben, there are some on the left who will be no help to the anti-trump cause. too busy sulking, too concerned with virtue-signaling and unwilling to deal with the messiness of political reality. eugene young could be a republican in 15 years for all we know. pretty stupid to just wait till then.
So you have no idea. Only proclamations and hope. Got it.
you want specific names? you can see for yourself who the anti-trump players are, and could be, if you get your head out of your ass. but wait — wait! — eugene young will save us in 15 years!
Yep. That was what I said. If you arent going to bother to back up your assertion that republicans will dump trump, that’s fine. As long as you aren’t surprised with the dems lose the next 3 elections because they keep running old conservatives who sort of know how to give lip service to liberal causes.
I’m 56 and the Democratic leadership and bench look very old to me. I can’t imagine how it looks to a young guy
I hope these simple minded white trash POS educated on talk radio and living the trump tribe all lose their health insurance and have to deal with the chaos.
a lot of republicans outside of congress have denounced trump very loudly. frum, will and brooks to name three. you don’t want to hear that because you’re unable to make distinctions between bad republicans and less bad republicans. I’m not crazy about those guys either except as allies against trump, who scares them as much as he scares democrats. they could rally other moderate republicans to align with democrats to defeat trump one way or another. we would have the numbers. republicans in congress are not speaking against trump because they want to ride him as long as they think they can get their bullshit passed. but I think some will bail on him if they see he can’t help. most regular republican congressmen at least believe in democracy, even though their ideas of what to do with it are bad. defeat trump — well before 2024 — and democrats can go about undoing the damage. say what you will about those republicans, but i don’t think they reject the electoral system. can’t say that about trump. and don’t be ridiculous, I’m not saying some republicans “will” oppose trump, as you put it. I’m saying there’s a good chance, and I’d rather take that chance than crawl into a hole because you can’t have everything your own way. I fear trump more than I fear the prospect of not having all of the progressive agenda passed.
“There is zero evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians.”
That word doesn’t mean what you think it means.
If you mean colluding in the election, I don’t think it will ever reach that point. If you mean that he’s not up to his neck in laundered Russian money, and that lots of people won’t go to jail over it, I think you’re very wrong.
Where is the evidence that Trump is not in hock to the Russians? Where is the evidence that it’s all made up? You, not we, are the one denying reality.
If you weren’t scared, you wouldn’t be here.
@Ben: This has been explained to you before. The GOP plan is to pass all the shit under Trump, then dump him in time for the midterms so they can run on the platform “Give Pence a chance.”
That’s why it’s important to emphasize that the Republicans, not Trump, are the ones responsible for destroying the health care system. Republicans, not Trump, must pay the price.
@Alby…In the real world the accuser or conspiracy thoerist provides the evidence. Where is the proof that Trump is up to his neck is laundered Russian money.
@stat: Neither you, I nor the trolls who like to visit to control their yips have any proof of anything, so your request is nonsense. There is, however, a vast amount of evidence to support the claim.
Your failure to educate yourself is not my problem.