Who’s the Real Victim? Biden, Says RWNJ

Filed in National by on November 3, 2017

Conservative concern troll John Podhoretz of the New York Daily News has weighed in on the Donna Brazile flap — he’s shocked, shocked that the party’s presumptive nominee took control of the party machinery a year before the election — but he’s not worried that Bernie got the shaft. He’s chosen a victim more sympathetic to the GOP working class.

Joe Biden.

“Consider that a formal agreement signed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign was executed in August 2015, two months before Biden made his decision,” he hyperventilates. “…What role might this agreement have played in Biden’s decision-making? Did he know? Did Hillary tell him? Did President Barack Obama tell him? Did Biden realize he would be fighting not only Clinton but the entire apparatus of his own party and decide to bag it?”

Yeah, the whole column is a Kentucky burgoo of squirrelly conservative “thought,” but Joe’s fans will love it.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Kentucky burgoo is a stew. I had to look it up.

    If GOP concern trolls are good at getting Dems to fight, it is because we make it easy on them by having corrupt a-holes running the show. A rank and file Democrat always has a shitty choice to make – fight the corrupt a-holes, or “party unity” ?

  2. Alby says:

    If you make burgoo by the traditional recipe, it contains squirrel. If you can’t get any, possum’ll do.

  3. Frank Delaware says:

    Joe Biden is getting botox injections and a facelift, I’m told, as he prepares to launch his latest campaign for president.

    And Hunter Biden wants to marry his brother’s wife, Hallie, in a rose garden ceremony, after Joe wins back the White House. Barack Obama has already agreed to officiate the wedding and Anthony Weiner has agreed to be best man.

    In unrelated news, Donna Brazile is planning to announce tomorrow that Hilary Clinton paid, via the DNC, to have Rand Paul’s neighbor assault the Kentucky senator and break 5 of his ribs. She absolutely rigged the assault on Rand Paul.

    Gotta be proud to be a Democrat these days…

  4. jason330 says:

    You should enter that wing nut fever dream in the state fair. Blue ribbon work, that is.

  5. mouse says:

    Oink Oink