Outten Outta Here

Filed in National by on March 28, 2018

WXDE 105.9 is reporting that Republican State Rep. Bobby Outten won’t seek re-election. Outten, a lifelong Harrington resident, has represented the rural 30th District in southwestern Kent County since succeeding Bobby Quillen in 2004. No word on whether anyone else named Bobby is ready to run this November.

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  1. Couldn’t think of a single time that anything Outten did was featured here. So I did a search. Turns out that, back in 2010, he and Nancy Cook conspired to keep a husband/wife team off the Felton Town Council:


    Markell vetoed the bill b/c it was blatantly unconstitutional. Pretty cool thread, though, one which wandered far afield. Worth checking out.

    BTW, that was the only time that Outten did anything arguably noteworthy.

    BTWBTW, I would have supported legislation keeping father/daughter teams out of the General Assembly. The mathematical formula? 2 times zero=zero.

  2. heh, That trip down memory lane was painful. I’m so well loved among my brethren?

    My main beef with Stephanie McClellan was objecting to how she was persuaded by Paul Clark to take on a re-write of the NCC Ethics code so he didn’t have to suffer the indignity of the public actually being able to question his ethical lapses with regard to Pam Scott et. al. .

    That really stunk.

    And just before leaving NCC Council, she worked for guv candidate Markell in earnest, writing much of his Blueprint (Al noted above) along with good old Minnerite, Lee Ann Walling. DNREC absorbed both of them once he took office and expanded the Department in doing so.

  3. spktruth says:

    Why does our citizenry protect Pam Scott? Isn’t she the attorney who sold out the residents of Wilmington on the Port? So, the State takes over the Port helping to destroy the economy of Wilmington and offers it to Kinder Morgan? Pay for Play or the Delaware Way. Down the memory lane with Nancy..lov it!

  4. chris says:

    Losing Bobby Outten. Huge brain drain in Dover with that retirement.

  5. The guy earned an honest living as a meter reader. Always respected that about him.

  6. chris says:

    Very true. No cushy state job after he got elected state rep!