Delaware Dems Beating the Pants off Delaware Retrumpicans

Filed in National by on April 2, 2018

Whether it is the genius of Party Chairman Erik Raser-Schramm, or just the fact that America is champing at the goddam bit to lay a glove on the ReTrumpicans, Democrats are crushing the Republicans in candidate recruitment.

Based on this list compiled by BlueDelaware, Democrats are out recruiting Retrumpicans at a rate of 3:2.

I count 21 unopposed Dems and 14 unopposed Trumpicans. That isn’t bad. But I am I’m sickened to see the Dems giving Ivy Legacy Acceptance, Ken Simpler, a pass.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. building access control systems | April 5, 2018
  1. SussexWatcher says:

    And yet the party is still giving seven Sussex Republicans a completely free shot. Way to go, Chairwoman Hovington! You’re doing a wonderful job!

    There ought to be a party rule obligating the RD chairs and vice-chairs to put their own names on the ballot if they can’t find a candidate, just to make the Rs put forth an effort and spend down some of their accounts and to put voters in the habit of having a choice.

  2. jason330 says:

    That’s a great idea. Make it so Party Chairman Erik Raser-Schramm!

  3. SussexAnon says:

    Sussex is Red. Suck it up and deal with it. You can’t recruit what you don’t have. And in Sussex, we don’t have squat. Sussex voters hates up staters but sure loves their money when it comes to school, roads, police, EVERYTHING. Many candidates have put their name on the ballot and then totally ignored (no money was diverted to defeat them).

    Requiring chairs to put their name on the ballot would just drive people away from being involved in (mostly) useless RD committees. The County chair, as with 99% of all party people on the ground (i.e. not invited to the power meetings in New Castle) are completely powerless and have NO sway in what goes on.

    The state party is mystified by Sussex County politics as it is nothing at all like Wilmington and New Castle. Best of luck to Erik, but Sussex is red with people from here hatin gubmit but lovin the money and come here people fleeing surrounding states due to high taxes. And when the come heres hear about a tiny tax increase all the hear is “oh my god, here we go again, just like where I came from, loony liberals taxin and spendin'”

  4. spktruth says:

    What is happening in Sussex is what they hear on the radio…mark levin and his ilk all day every day on WGMD…WDEL Ed Tills the liberterian outsider brought down here believing Sussex is a bunch of farmers, Sussman alt right bloviater…Susan Monday so terrified wont even take calls except for those on her list…there is no blue talk down here…Where are the liberal or progressive voices doing battle with this bunch of alt right loons?

  5. Trueblue says:

    As far as I know not one of these candidiates were recruited by the state or county parties. The majority are grassroots candidiates and are being pulled from the communities. Most have not been involved in the party before, not all but most. The party has been open to them all but hasn’t been recruiting them.

  6. Joshua W says:

    I agree with Trueblue. From what I’ve seen, the party has done almost nothing to recruit any candidates, and very little to help them get elected. The credit for such an outpouring of Democratic candidates belongs entirely to the candidates themselves and the dozens of volunteers, almost exclusively unaffiliated with the party, that are showing up to support them. As much as I admire Mr. Raser-Schramm and his efforts to reform the Delaware Democratic party, I think it’s incumbent upon him and the other members of the DelDems to reach out and try to harness this energy, lest it all dissipate come November 7th.

    • spktruth says:

      Why should the Party recruit candidates? Candidates should come from the citizens. The party doesn’t support ALL the candidates, only the ones that agree with their agenda. Nationally same problem. Its why the pukes are still talking about Clinton, as no one has come forward as a leader of the Party. There are good candidates out here, they are working in our communities, pushing for programs, services and a common sense agenda.

  7. Alby says:

    @spk: Just turn the radio off. It will be much better for your health, starting with your blood pressure.

  8. Joshua W says:

    Wanting good candidates who support the party agenda seems reason enough for the party to recruit candidates. There is no good reason why we shouldn’t have a Democratic opponent for Ken Simpler, or a Democratic candidate running in the 21st RD running against Mike Ramone.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Simpler has a Dem challenger.

  10. Joshua W says:

    He *might* have a Democratic challenger, and even if the candidate in question does definitively decide to step up and challenge Simpler, he 1) is nowhere close to be what I consider the ideal candidate, and 2) was not recruited by the party to run.

  11. Mark Ch says:

    Is the party essentially trying to avoid a larger primary for Auditor at this point? I’m sure the party brass is doing whatever is possible to avoid a primary resulting in KMG’s loss.

  12. spktruth says:

    Alby; I don’t think turning the radio off is the answer! There are too many “deplorables” down here who get their news from these cretins. They vote based on what they hear. I don’t listen in my house, I listen when in the car, just to see what fake news their pushing today. I am absolutely shocked as how degrading, disgusting and outright lies they pass off as credible. Its like Sinclair Broadcasting fake news is going through WDEL at least in Sussex.

  13. puck says:

    Democrats worked hard to put a Republican in the Treasurer’s office; why would they challenge him?

  14. mouse says:

    There’s an incredible amount of people moving to Sussex. Not sure how they vote or if they can be swayed. The districts are Gerrymandered of course

  15. mouse says:

    Lopez can be beat

  16. RE Vanella says:

    C’mon mouse! Haven’t you read the comments of Mitch Crane, SussexAnon, etc…?

    Sussex is what it is. It will never change. New people don’t move in and the people who are there never decide to vote when they haven’t before or usually don’t.

    We have no good ideas and have to take what we can get. Electability of ex-cops and asslicks is the best we can ever do!

    Also, I love Big Brother.

  17. jason330 says:

    Man oh man, I can’t post from my phone anymore. The usual crappy spelling and typing goes all the way to 11.

  18. spktruth says:

    There are people moving into Sussex everyday. Farms being turned into housing developments. However, the majority come from Pa. or Va and appear to be just as conservative as those already living here. There are some progressives moving in who are as shocked as I am just how alt right Sussex is. They say, “we have learned not to talk politics here”. That’s sad. Perhaps the Party could put on some events to get people out and signed up?

  19. RE Vanella says:

    They needn’t talk politics. Just vote politics.

    I find it an absolute disgrace that in an area replete with service support workers due to the beach tourist industry a real leftist platform (with $15 minimum wage and healthcare for all) can’t get any traction.*

    So a bartender or server or sous chef or whatever cannot be convinced they should be paid a living wage and have Medicare for themselves and their families. I do not buy it. I get that the Western Sussex rube brigade is maybe lost, but there’s something there. People just can’t get their heads past the status quo.

    They don’t want to do the work of convincing people.

    *For the record my missus is from Ocean City, MD. All her people are in Fenwick, Ocean View, Selbyville, Roxana.

    • spktruth says:

      I wonder how many of the 2000 for the March were teenagers? Hope someone took names and phone numbers. I know there are liberals and progressives here. We should speak to the Retirees of Chrysler retired and living here…they have meetings down here. Hope the Georgetown event turns out well, I will try to go.. What some don’t know is the workers at the beach are not our teenagers, this year they are coming from ukraine…not Russia, that was last year.

  20. RE Vanella says:

    Also, if anyone in Sussex is interested in this kind of work we can put you in touch with some organizers. Message the tip line and Jason will get you information to me.

  21. Delaware Left says:

    all these primary candidates, and we have so called progressives and leftists supporting cops over legitimate candidates

  22. A says:

    I’ve seen and heard that there will be a dem throwing their hat in the ring for treasurer

  23. RE Vanella says:

    Self fulfilling conventional wisdom. Party people say it can’t be done. They do nothing but rep who they label “electable” and then guess what happens.

    This will change. The fact that I can direct you toward a leftist organizing group in Sussex should tell you something. The fact that the “party” isn’t those people should also tell you something.

  24. mouse says:

    I want to the leftist beach group!

  25. liberalgeek says:

    On April 17th, Sussex will be hosting a campaign volunteer job fair at their office 10 East Pine St. in Georgetown. The event runs from 6-8PM.

    There have been campaign job fairs in New Castle, Wilmington, Newark, Dover, and now Georgetown. More are in the pipeline for N. Wilmington, MOT and another in Kent.

    It’s a great event for finding a Dem candidate that you want to support, but lacks people to help knock on doors, make phone calls and the other things that make campaigns run.

  26. MikeM2784 says:

    Almost 2,000 people in Sussex turned out for March for Our Lives; they weren’t all from Kent and New Castle. There are local groups and RDs working to recruit as well, but it is tough; many of those involved are transplants and retired. When candidates do step up and run, state party support is lacking, though the primaries may have resources tied up at the moment. Lack of media is a huge obstacle as well; the local radio stations and papers all want to tell people what they want to hear, and it is hard for Dems to get their message out through them or to get a fair hearing. That said, it CAN be done, and if one or two of the campaigns in Sussex are successful or even close, it should be wake up call to the state party that more needs to be invested in Sussex because the possibility is there.

  27. RE Vanella says:

    These guys know what’s up. That’s the spirit.

  28. Brock Landers says:

    I just heard WGMD’s distinguished Duke Brooks refer to millions of Chinamen. Sussex County media in a nutshell.