Comment Rescue – Student Loan Hell

Filed in National by on April 5, 2018

I know DL has a lot of lurkers and commenters who know a lot more about this than I do. My best suggestion is to declare bancrupty, but we know that is difficult if not impossibe for “goverment backed” student loans. What else? Anyone?

hello, this (state money to help with student loans) is wonderful for teachers I am however a social worker for the STATE OF DELAWARE and have been for 10 years and would really appreciate the help also, I am 54 years old and see no end in sight with the student loans that I have, I have worked for the state for 10 years since I graduated college and still owe the same amount and have been paying on them regularly…… I applied for PSLF but they told me I had to start over as my loans were not consolidated….. UGH!!! please help


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (58)

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  1. Paul says:

    To the best of my knowledge, there is NO relief from student loans.

  2. jason330 says:

    So… Walking away (provided the person doesn’t own any real estate) it was suggested in another thread. What do you make of that?

  3. mouse says:

    If you wanted to attack American exceptionalism and what makes this country great, attacking the ability to afford education would be the path.

  4. mouse says:

    Investors and speculators had no problem walking away from home loans during the crash

  5. mouse says:

    How is this not near the number 1 issue in the country? I don’t understand our culture

  6. jason330 says:

    I think the comment points out a truth that the cartoon missed. It isn’t just 20-28 year olds. This person is 54 and looking down the path to lifeling debtslavery. It is a nightmare.

  7. puck says:

    If you own a home or other assets you may be able to put them in the name of your children or relatives. That might protect those assets if you walk away from the student loan. Consult a professional first. Your credit would be shot for a while so do it sooner rather than later. At your age you don’t need much credit anyway. Then you would be able to devote your paycheck to your life insread of your loans.

  8. Arthur says:

    There is a 7 year look back when transfering assets to another’s ownership. this is why people get screwed when they try to transfer their house to a childs when they are old and getting ready to go to a nursing home.

    my wife is a teacher with a Master + 30 on the pay scale. she talked about getting her doctorate but the $60-70k in loans would take 15 – 17 years to pay back based on the annual increased income. its not worth it if we plan to retire at 56.

  9. puck says:

    There still may be a way to protect your assets. If you can’t get around a 7 year lookback, transfer the assets now and walk away from the loans at age 61.

    Or take out a private loan to pay off the student loan, then walk away from the private loan. A real private loan, not a student loan consolidation package with stringsattached.

    Consult a professional and look for creative solutions. Stay away from advisors who offer advice on how you can better scrimp to keep paying the banks.

  10. spktruth says:

    My daughter is a clinical social worker with a Masters Degree and is paying student loans. It is unfair that teachers can get this break (we know they need it) but how about social workers? They do awesome work, work long hours, deal with unbelievable horror stories, and yet face these huge loans every month. You can’t declare bankruptcy, because school loans are not covered. What the hell is wrong with this government, they are making 8% on the interest you pay. uggh. Hear people are not getting married, or buying a house because of these this debt.

  11. jason330 says:

    BTW – You have Tom Carper to thank for the fact that banks have a license to rape and pillage in this way.

    “New Bankruptcy Laws Will Hurt Middle Class”

  12. mouse says:

    There should be a path for free or nearly free higher education.

    • spktruth says:

      There is a path…his name is Bernie Sanders and/or Elizabeth Warren. Bernie the only Senator applauding the teachers in WVA, Ky, AZ and Oklahoma.

  13. mouse says:


  14. Liberal Elite says:

    @j “BTW – You have Tom Carper to thank for the fact that banks have a license to rape and pillage in this way.”

    It was more that just Carper, but you’re exactly right.

    This was rent seeking by the bank industry to exploit a particular class with:
    1. Above market loan rates.
    2. No way to get out without paying in full.
    3. No competition from govt issued loans.
    4. (New – From Betsy DeVos) Allow crappy fake-schools to qualify again.

    This is pure exploitation.

  15. Alby says:

    Bernie just tanked his 2020 campaign by slagging Barack Obama in a speech in Jackson, Miss., where the only Democrats are African-American.

  16. RE Vanella says:

    Our STILL WITH HER wine mom has logged on.

  17. Alby says:

    Talking about Hillary is backward-looking.

  18. RE Vanella says:

    For the record, I was at the panel discussion last night at the Delaware History Museum on income inequality in American cities. Great panel discussion.

    Keynote speaker was Professor Darrick Hamilton of the New School. He also criticised Obama. As he should do.

    Nobody here cares about this media gossip.

  19. RE Vanella says:

    “And for the record, there was spontaneous applause from the audience after Sanders said that the business model of the Democratic Party is a failure. But I suppose some Democrats believe that loosing 1000 seats in 8 years is a mark of success. Which explains some things.” –Briahna Joy Gray, Current Affairs

    Ms Gray is a black lady and all.

    Keep in mind Bernie received a standing ovation upon his introduction and at the conclusion of his remarks.

  20. RE Vanella says:

    Also for the record, Professor Hamilton’s direct Obama critique was warmly received by a 125 person audience that was 90% black.

  21. mouse says:

    Wonder why?

  22. spktruth says:

    Who cares what Bakari has to say…Killer Mike, Rev. Barber, Cornell West have more influence than Clintonite Bakari ever did. It just proves the corporate owned dems are fighting like hell against the progressive massive movement in this country.

  23. spktruth says:

    CNN commentator and former South Carolina state lawmaker Bakari Sellers (D) called Democratic leadership “old and stale” while praising Republicans for having “done a very good job at uplifting a lot of their younger leaders” during a network interview on Tuesday.

    The perspective from Sellers, 33, comes after Conor Lamb, 33, running for a congressional seat in Pennsylvania’s conservative-leaning 18th District in the western part of the state, recently ran a political ad stating he wouldn’t support House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in her next leadership bid.

    Bakari praises the pukes, while destroying the top leadership in his own party? Sanders is right. We cant win with a corporate owned party.

  24. RE Vanella says:

    No, mouse, I don’t wonder why. It’s patently obvious.

    Google Bakari Sellers and Sheldon Adelson and click images.

  25. spktruth says:

    I had no idea Bakari was owned. learn something every day

  26. Alby says:

    “Nobody here cares about this media gossip.”

    Sure they do. I have the viewing numbers to demonstrate it.

    Anybody who thinks the next Democratic presidential candidate is going to make helping black America a priority is smoking better stuff than I do. I’m sure it’s at the top of Conor Lamb’s to-do list.

  27. RE Vanella says:

    I didn’t mean it in the literal sense, but I take the point. Rube mentality is undefeated. Capital depends upon it.

  28. Alby says:

    My point was that Bernie is not a guy who’s going to unite the left if he pisses off African Americans, whose turnout is key to Democratic victories in statewide and national elections. What he said is true and accurate, but he could have said the same thing in a more politic way.

  29. RE Vanella says:

    I was referring to the gossip bit.

    As far as Sanders and pissing off black people, I reject the entire notion that he pisses off black people. Period. A certain cohort do overlap with wine moms and dead-enders on the Venn (i.e. Joy Reid).

    The notion that Reid or people like Reid matter at all in the discourse is somewhere between doubtful and debatable.

    As is the notion that measured words and equivocations are required to win over people.

    On a personal note, I feel like you’re getting soft. Must mean you’re coming out of retirement. New media venture on the horizon?

  30. puck says:

    Sounds like a Dean Scream moment. The only people who care are Bernie’s white critics.

    • spktruth says:

      Puck: You obviously have done no research on Bernie, Our Revolution etc. Progreessives re leading the charge…its Sanders and Warren who have the answers to the issues we care about. Income inequality is one of the top issues, along with free college education, Medicare for all, etc. Sanders has been to the red states and thousands coming out. No corporate dem could bring out those crowds.

      Curious: What do you think are the top issues voters will concentrate on in 2018 and 20.

  31. RE Vanella says:

    Bernie said the Democratic party brand is dog shit. This is demonstrably true.

    Bernie said that because Obama was such a charismatic, genius politician it masked the fact that the Democratic party brand is dog shit. This is accurate.

    Somehow this idea finally exposed Bernie Sanders as a racist who can’t speak to black voters.

    You’ve got to be a real dumb fuck to buy this.

  32. Alby says:

    “its Sanders and Warren who have the answers to the issues we care about.”

    Sanders is 76, Warren 68.

    “The notion that Reid or people like Reid matter at all in the discourse is somewhere between doubtful and debatable.”

    Last time I checked she’s black. Last time I checked weak black turnout is what gave Trump the victory. I therefore reject your contention that black pundits don’t matter in the discourse. Or were you under the impression that 96% of blacks vote Democratic because they believe in socialist economic theories?

    “As is the notion that measured words and equivocations are required to win over people.”

    “Winning people over” is different from “not saying things that piss them off.” Poorly chosen venue for the criticism IMHO. He’s a good candidate compared to Hillary Clinton. He’s not such a good candidate compared to Elizabeth Warren, except for the fact that his approval rating (68% to 54%) is a good bit higher. That despite the fact that she’s done much more for the public good than he has.

    “On a personal note, I feel like you’re getting soft. Must mean you’re coming out of retirement. New media venture on the horizon?”

    LOL. My days of working for money are over. Anything I think is worth doing I’ll do for free. And I have neither found anything worth doing nor looked for such.

  33. RE Vanella says:

    Black turn out was weak for Clinton yeah.

    Also, again, Sanders’ comments were met with rapt cheering & applause at that venue.

    They were met with distain in corners of the internet.

  34. Liberal Elite says:

    @REV “They were met with distain in corners of the internet.”

    We can do that from this corner. I really really hope that Bernie let’s others carry forth the progressive banner. Bernie is, simply put, damaged goods… If he runs, he’ll only help the GOP. The bots will have a field day…

    What we really need is another Bobby Kennedy. Where can we find one of those?

  35. Alby says:

    “The bots will have a field day…”

    This is completely invalid as a reason for anything. The bots will do the same thing to anyone.

    “Bernie is, simply put, damaged goods”

    How, and sez who?

    “If he runs, he’ll only help the GOP. ”

    How’s that?

    “What we really need is another Bobby Kennedy.”

    Sweet Jesus. Idol worship.

  36. Liberal Elite says:

    @A “How, and sez who?”

    Let me put it this way: I would dearly love to see a true progressive democrat become president. But… There’s no way in hell I’ll ever cast a primary vote for BS. And if you think I’m the only one who feels that way, you are very mistaken.

    @A “Sweet Jesus. Idol worship.”

    Not really… I basically said that we need someone who is young and smart and and progressive who can speak to both the blacks and the working white. That’s what Bobby Kennedy was. He would have won… and someone like him could win today.

  37. RE Vanella says:

    I love our own personal wine mom.

    If old white ladies pining for Bobby Kennedy didn’t tell us what was up, how would we know?

  38. jason330 says:

    Happy Bobby Kennedy Day!

  39. RE Vanella says:

    We haven’t had a great politician since Eisenhower.

  40. Alby says:

    @LE: Yes, I get you dislike him. You didn’t tell me why. Is it issue-based or something else?

  41. puck says:

    I look forward to a time when Democrats move far enough left that Bernie is no longer necessary.

  42. spktruth says:

    We haven’t had a real democrat since FDR. He is the model for progressives in this century. The only one even close to his ideals is Sanders, not Bobby Kennedy. As far as Warren/Sanders are too old…that ageist talk. Name a real progressive who is young and can actually win. A progressive not a dem with corporate support.

  43. Alby says:

    And their opinions don’t matter to me. So we’re even. If you don’t like the opinions here, argue against them better than “that’s ageism.” That grievance-group politics doesn’t fly here.

  44. Liberal Elite says:

    @A “Is it issue-based or something else?”

    It’s not issue based. I’m on board will all of Bernie’s issues.
    It’s all about the other things that he has done… (…and don’t ask for a list).

  45. RE Vanella says:

    Classic. Let that comment really wash over you.

  46. jason330 says:

    Yeah. Sums it up very neatly.

  47. Alby says:

    So I’m guessing microagressions.

  48. spktruth says:

    Instead of attacking those who support Bernie because of his issues, why don’t all you brilliant men here tell us who your choice is, that is not corporate owned. Love to see that list.

  49. jason330 says:

    Anytime someone mentions the messager, it is to distract people from hearing the message.

  50. Alby says:

    What difference does it make whom we support? I’m not interested in treating politics as tribal ritual. Go play your games somewhere else.

  51. spktruth says:

    So, you couldn’t even mention one?

  52. spktruth says:

    Note: Bernie has 100% approval rating from NAACP.

  53. alby says:

    I cannot think of a bigger waste of time than determining who my favorite politician to run for president would be. I don’t have one. I’m not interested in having one. This is not how I follow politics.

    Candidates will put themselves forward. Their chances, and ultimately their success or failure, will be determined by a million things, and my opinion about them isn’t one of them. Heck, my vote isn’t even one of them.

    I choose by process of elimination, and the field isn’t even set yet. Ask me again in two years.