It took a primary challenge from Kerri Harris to get Tom Carper off his ass
Tom Carper finally did some actual work to resist the criminal misrule of the Manchurian Orange. This reveals a couple of things. 1) Carper doesn’t have to be the waste of space that he’s been. He chooses to be a bank-toadying, waste of space. 2) Primaries and elections work. We need to hold politicians accountable and we do so through elections.
Never having faced a Dem challenger, Tom never needed to get off his ass. Now he has one.
The Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA) inspector general announced Monday evening he would review employment records pertaining to Samantha Dravis, who resigned last week as the agency’s senior counsel and associate director of its Office of Policy.
In a letter sent late last month, Sen. Tom Carper, D-Delaware, asked the inspector general to investigate Dravis’ employment record. According to Carper, Dravis “did not attend work or perform her duties for much if not all of the months of November 2017-January 2018.” Carper also wrote that he had been informed that Dravis “was likely compensated as a full-time employee throughout that time.”
I noticed this little shift a few weeks ago… while that snivelling worm Coons is on the list allowing Saudi to continue its massacre in Yemen (with our gear) Carper isn’t. Wonder why…
Too little too late Tom.
Let Tom respond to the charge that he voted for institutional racism in bank loans…and to defang the DEA in order that the opiate crisis could commence starting in 2015. Shame.
Defanging the DEA sounds good, actually. I don’t think the opioid crisis was caused by too little law enforcement.
Yeah. I noticed that Carper has been allowing Coons to take the lead on all manner of bullshit since Kerri announced. To my knowledge this is the first actual work though.
I guess Coons is hoping that Trumpocalypse will be a distant memory by the time he has to face voters again.
Fuck that. He’s next.
Drug re-importation, baking laws, bankruptcy laws, the wrong side of every issue where it’s average people vs corporate monied power
@RE Carper voted to restrict the DEA’s authority to interdict the 3 drug distribution companies that were flooding markets with pharma opioids. Normally I would agree with you, especially relative to Schedule 1, but imo, this was a righteous use of authority, and removing it caused the opioids shit show we now endure.
I should have assumed it was a corporate ass kissing scenario.
Don’t forget Carper and Biden re: credit card fiasco! Carper has always been republican lite. I remember researching how many votes Carper made with Busholini. My question is Why this Congress and many others refuse to do their job on the issue of WAR…The orange moron is going to launch a strike on Syria and Congress cretins are silent. Giving any president the right to declare war on any nation for any reason is a violation of our Constitution and law of the land. Coons complaining some one stole his facebook account…aahhh. Maybe he will hold Zuckerberg accountable today. Coons claims they asked Trumpolini for a plan for Syria, but no response. Coons says he supported Trumpolini last year when he bombed Syria.
Yeah, this is far too little, far too late. Nothing tommy boy can do will change who he is. Same with Chris “but really a more right wing Mike Castle” Coons.
mparing Carper to other governors, he never gave teachers a raise in 8 years. Castle probably helped us the most, financially. Minner was hostile, and Markell not only wanted us to return 8.5%, he also sought to “destroy” teachers with the workload and punishing reforms. Markell was the worst advocate on behalf of public education in my lifetime. Carper set up charter schools, this weird jerry-rigged system of private facility funding and public current expense funding. No certification required to be an administrator, “saving” money, until you count the schools that declared insolvency and closed doors early (Like Laurel Charter School-managed into the ground by an old colleague of mine, Micky Records-Smith et. al) Markell made sure his kids attended a charter in NCC. I guess he didn’t want his kids to have to associate with the “dregs” left in the home districts. Carper sent his kids to the charter as well. God spare me from Democrats. They don’t understand anything about public education. Their instincts seem gyroscoped to destroy education as an institution in this state. Carney is presiding over the end of public financing to public education. 36 million pared last year. How many more this year, although without a deficit, cutting funds to education will be harder to justify.
On another note: critics of public education often cite the need for more and more money as a reason to believe it could not possibly be real. What critics fail to account for is the revolution in education that began with the introduction of computers. This was always bound to be a very expensive change to the curriculum. We went from one in each classroom to labs to one for each student. The cost was somehow to be contained? IMPOSSIBLE!!! And once you shelled out for a computer, how long would it be until you needed someone who knew how to keep it working? In light of the investment people were clamoring for, school budgets should still be increasing to accommodate the new technology, WITHOUT damaging what had been a valuable system of education. When there were grants to be had, it was less of a problem. Now that there is no money…what to do? what to do? what to do? I suggest scrapping all the fancy technology and let schools do what they have done best, educate. Read, write, math, create, tech (auto shop), civics, science. We excelled. No more “rotate a new framework”. Good teachers, good schools. Set humane goals for everyone. Watch kids soar. David Hogg impresses the hell out of me with his articulation and maturity of vision. Well done public schools!!!
Teachers across the country are in revolt. Leading the charge and I love it.
They have another idea now. Yes, get rid of public schools and go for charter schools…(for profit). My grand daughter told me that her school principal said, “what we need is no kids coming to school, you have a computer you can do all your school work at home”. Betsy Devos was put in her position to badmouth public schools, while encouraging christian schools or charter schools. These cretins don’t want an educated public, They could never pull the politricks they do every day if public schools were financed, teachers paid more. Public schools getting a bad rap, many are home schooling, so a GED parent is teaching the kids…what could go wrong.
@spktrth Any administrator who says “what we need is no kids coming to school, you have a computer you can do all your school work at home” is saying “I don’t want this job”. I don’t deny it is stressful, balancing the demands of administrators, teachers and parents, but that is the job. If it is more than you can handle, get out of the way. “What we need is no kids”? Yes, it would be easier without the kids, but then, what could the point possible be? I have had bosses (principals, assistant principals) who were worthless. Hear that, Leroy? Jennifer? Tom? Dorothy? Rich? Worthless, mean spirited, lying, sacks of nada. But I digress. Principals can set a wonderful tone and standards of practice. Alas, they rarely do so. And the state too often makes everyone chase their tail in the beginning of the year instead of getting ready to teach. Tried and true should be the guiding principles of education, not “new”.