Is Bryan Shupe the most “I am not a Republican” Republican candidate ever?
I commented over at BD that Bryan Shupe is running a real “I am not a Republican” campaign in the 36th. To test that I went to and searched for the word “Republican” on every page. Click through to see the final tally.
- “Republican” Appearances by Page
Landing Page: 0
About: 0
News: 0
Endorsements: 0
Volunteer: 0
Register to Vote: 0
Shupe has a robust web presence but he manages to avoid the word “Republican” completely. Even the endorsements page which includes an endorsement from “I am not a Republican” State Treasurer Ken Simpler avoids the word “Republican”.
Idk about “ever”…
I see the candidate is endorsed by “Alan Levine” former Secretary of DEDO.
They must be really good buddies if you misspell his name on the campaign website.
@chris: Why aren’t you compiling the data you wanted Matt Bittle to provide?
I don’t know about his public statements, but I guess it goes without saying that GOP dog whsistles and buzzwords are also appeare to be absent from the web page.
Shupe will easily when this race. Hats off to him for not subscribing to team politics.
Says the guy who thinks “white” is a team.
Not sure why you would say that based on my comment. I am unaffiliated to any team.
I said it based on past comments.
Bryan Shupe is running as the “I am the Mayor of Milford and I am a nice guy”. Don Allan is running as the “I understand the issues and I will fight to do something about them”. Shupe is a nice guy, as is the guy he seeks to replace and the guy that guy replaced. That will be enough unless the people who vote actually decide they want someone who does more than sit back and vote.
He had no problem when he filed embracing other Republicans who have repeated voted against LGBT rights, against a reasonable wage for workers, against fully funding DNREC, against fully funding our schools in favor of keeping taxes low for the wealthy, the list goes on. He either needs to distance himself from these elements of his party that hurt ordinary people or acknowledge that he shares their beliefs. He could have avoided “team” politics by running independently, but instead chose to embrace the party of Trump.