Greg Lavelle Is a Republican. Pass It On.

Filed in Delaware by on May 12, 2018

I woke up this morning to a hand-delivered election mailer in my front door touting the candidacy of one “Greg Lavelle, Our State Senator.”

According to this mailer, Mr. Lavelle stands up for taxpayers, is reforming government “by working with Democrats and Republicans,” is working for a brighter future and is always listening to us.

The mailer also trumpets his work with such organizations as CCOBH, Girls Inc., the Frest Start Scholarship Foundation, as well as his support (financially, one supposes) of Easter Seals, Special Olympics, the YMCA and St. Mary Magdelen Catholic church.

There’s one big organization to which Mr. Lavelle belongs, however, that is not mentioned even once, except for that reference I noted above. Greg Lavelle, this mailer is careful not to say, is a Republican.

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  1. Alby says:

    I suppose I should point out that, were Greg Lavelle to switch parties, he would not be the most rightward-leaning member of the Democratic Party in the General Assembly. I think there are several issues on which he votes with the GOP because he has to — the gun stuff, for example.

    I’ve had some fairly vicious disagreements with him over the years, but he’s a decent guy. He’s got a church-sized blind spot, but he’s not an ideologue in the Wayne Smith mold.

  2. Matt Smith says:

    Which Democrat is to the right of Greg Lavelle? Greg does not have to vote with the GOP. He chooses to. Greg is a nice guy on the surface, but as long as he stands with Trump and continues to push the failed ‘taxes are evil (for the rich)’ policies – cutting revenue and making sure he gets his photo op for all the spending he opposes – then I won’t call him ‘a decent guy’

  3. I disagree. Here’s a guy who spent one Sunday afternoon cruising around an Occupy Delaware rally and called reporters to complain that the cops weren’t arresting the peaceful protesters. That’s precisely something that Wayne Smith would have done.

    If he switched parties, would he support a minimum wage increase? Would he oppose ‘right to work for less’? Would he support equal rights for the LGBT community?

    Like Smith, Lavelle has CHOSEN to take a leadership position where he is first to the microphone to spew Rethug talking points. The only area where Smith was worse was that Smith took blatantly racist positions. Everything from ‘English only’ to minimum mandatories.

  4. Alby says:

    @Matt: Ennis is to the right of Lavelle.

    I call him a decent guy because I know him personally. I am talking about a nice guy on the personal level. Carper is a nice guy on a personal level (as long as you’re not his first wife or an unruly class of fifth-graders). It has nothing to do with positions on issues.

    @El Som: Wayne Smith was an ideologue. He talked about conservative culture-war stuff even when he wasn’t being quoted, not just when he was. Greg Lavelle doesn’t talk about politics when he’s not being quoted. He’s a more-or-less normal guy for his district, which I live in. Though I’m in Hockessin, not Greenville/Centerville, he’s not from the ritzier part of the district, either. I know literally scores of people in that district who aren’t just to the right of Greg Lavelle, they are far to his right.

    Y’all certainly are entitled to your own opinions of him, but my opinion of him, like that of many of the people in Delaware politics, is based not just on public statements and actions but personal dealings. I know which people lied to me and which didn’t, which ones are pricks in private and which aren’t, etc. I’m not going to change my views based on some action someone took that someone else finds unforgivable.

    Just for example, I find Colin Bonini an affable chucklehead who has no business in public office, but I wouldn’t avoid him at a party. He’s a funny guy. I feel that way about at least half the people in politics — they don’t belong in public office, but they’re not bad people.

  5. On what issues is Ennis to the right of Lavelle? Guns? They both tow the NRA line. Minimum wage increase? Ennis supports it, Lavelle opposes it. Right to work for less? Lavelle supports it, Ennis opposes it. Ennis’ district is more conservative that Lavelle’s. Lavelle could support reasonable gun control measures in his district, but he doesn’t. Cloutier does.

    He may not be from the ‘ritzier’ part of his district, but Sharpley is hardly Minquadale, it’s distinctly upper middle class.

    If your argument is that Lavelle is less of an asshole than Wayne Smith, I agree. But, by his words and actions, he’s still an asshole, IMHO. Cocktail party repartee notwithstanding.

    Believe me, I’ve not forgotten ‘I am loathe to shake your hand’. That’s a condescending asshole right there.

  6. Alby says:

    “Ennis’ district is more conservative that Lavelle’s.”

    No, it’s not. It’s just got more hicks. Show me the people in Ennis’ district who are economically to the right of Pete du Pont and Eleanor Craig.

    I have never been at a cocktail party with Greg Lavelle. It’s Delaware. He’s married to one of my best friend’s cousins. My father-in-law was his wrestling coach. I have been to cocktail parties with his sister, though that was 25 years ago.

    Yes, he is a condescending asshole. But so are you and I.

    PS: Cloutier is a jellyfish, and we both know it. You chastised her about putting up a sign that said “Have a nice day” and she took it seriously.

  7. Peter Briccotto says:

    I’ve got to see this mailer! Can you add a picture of it to this post?

  8. Alby says:

    I don’t know how.

    The point I was making is that being a Republican is so radioactive that the leader of the party in the General Assembly won’t cop to it on paper.

    I felt compelled to add what I did in the comment in the spirit of Jason’s admonition to remember that they’re human beings.

  9. Moi, a condescending asshole? Et tu, Alby?

    Even granting your point, neither you nor I would protect pedophile priests, or call for the arrest of Occupy Delaware protestors. Our consciences wouldn’t permit it.

    Lavelle doesn’t HAVE to do anything that goes against his conscience. Which is why this sentence is a non-starter to me:

    “I think there are several issues on which he votes with the GOP because he has to — the gun stuff, for example.”

    But I’m burying your lede. The guy’s out there with his first lit piece, and this most partisan of current R legislators is hiding his party affiliation from his constituents.

  10. Peter Briccotto says:

    Oh, and for the record…I’m biased when it comes to Cathy Cloutier, but I’m almost humored at GL’s attempt to paint himself like Cathy Cloutier. The voting record speaks for itself….and he hasn’t worked with a Democrat on a thing. Call her a jellyfish, but she’s been there for major issues when even Democrats didn’t have the courage to vote yes, until they knew her vote was secured.

  11. Alby says:

    @El Som: He is a standard-issue Catholic conservative, a type with which I’m intimately familiar. By definition they believe in authoritarianism. Fealty to authority is why so many Catholic ethnic Democrats like Lipinsky in Chicago and Casey in Pa. still oppose abortion.

    @Peter: Yes, Lavelle pretending to be bipartisan is absurd, which is why I rushed this onto the blog. He has to be very worried to put out this mailer. I would guess that an internal poll that prompted this.

    Please don’t take my criticism of Cloutier as denigration. It can just as easily be painted as listening to her constituents, in the same was that we have friends but the Republicans have cronies. I’m just pointing out that, even when she votes with Democrats, it’s because she has her finger in the wind, not because she’s adhering to inviolable principles.

  12. Peter Briccotto says:

    Better get off my ass and donate to Steurgeon!

  13. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    I just got a mailer from David McBride which doesn’t mention that he is a Democrat.

  14. He’s not up for reelection. What kind of mailer did you get?

  15. Mitch Crane says:

    He sent out a fundraising solicitation.

  16. Just asking says:

    Speaking of crossing the isle, why does Carney like this guy so much?

  17. Nick says:

    “He is a standard-issue Catholic conservative, a type with which I’m intimately familiar. By definition they believe in authoritarianism. Fealty to authority is why so many Catholic ethnic Democrats like Lipinsky in Chicago and Casey in Pa. still oppose abortion.”

    Of course, that will be a bit more hypocritical when Ireland legalises abortion next month…

  18. McBride sent out a fundraising solicitation for–himself? In a year where he’s not even up for reelection? I’m sure his D colleagues who are up for reelection appreciate THAT.

  19. spktruth says:

    He is a standard-issue Catholic conservative, a type with which I’m intimately familiar. By definition they believe in authoritarianism. Fealty to authority is why so many Catholic ethnic ,,,,,,,

    1, Opposes right of women to choose.
    2. Equal rights

    His votes in opposition to those goals are a threat to women and families. . In fact he should not be holding public office, as right to choose is the law of the land! He canot separate HIS personal religious choice, even while taking an oath to a public office abd supporting PUBLIC LAW.

    He has had many opportunities to take on legislation that would change the Delaware way on every issue…prison reform, equal rights, disabled opportunities,
    non-support of bail bondsman issue, climate change (where does he stand on that)? Do any of you believe he opposed Trump when he destroyed ACA. Did he support the republican congress delivering more tax cuts to 1/10 of l%, driving up the national debt by $3 trillion! Greg is a typical conservative who votes against the poor, middle class agenda. How many pieces of legislation has he introduced, did any pass?

    Gregg will make his way to Channel 28 Sunday shows and talk a good game, his record tells a different story. Perhaps Alby can provide a litany of Greggs accomplishments.

  20. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    The McBride mailer sure sounds like he’s running. It reads:
    “Dear Friend:
    It has been a true privilege to represent the people and families in the 13th Senatorial District. I am proud of my record of accountability, my reputation for top-notch constituent services, and my leadership in the Senate. That is why today, I humbly ask for your assistance in helping me make the case for another term representing our district.” (I live in the 10th)
    Farther down:
    “I look forward to building on this record of accomplishment over the next four years. Your support is critical to a strong campaign.”

  21. Wow. Just…wow. McBride was reelected in 2016. He ran unopposed. He’s not up until 2020. And here he is shilling for $$’s during an active primary/general election season when he’s not running? And, as Rufus pointed out, making it seem like he’s up for election this cycle?

    McBride has always has the tinniest of tin ears, but I bet that his caucus is not happy.

    BTW, he’s an EASY takeout target in 2020. Doesn’t live in the district, doesn’t stand for anything save for impeding progressive legislation. The district is ridiculously D, so it’s primary time.

  22. Albert Jackson says:

    Senator Lavelle is pretty much toast this election cycle for many reasons they are as follows; His Democratic opponent is an attractive, qualified female. She should be well funded. The district has changed since the last redistricting fitting her perfectly. The contrasts are too great for him to overcome, arrogant male vs. breath of fresh air female. Lastly, the Delaware GOP never uses their party affiliation on their signs or literature as if they are trying to fool voters or ashamed of their party. I never figured this one out. It seems to me the deck is stacked in favor of the female Laura Sturgeon.

  23. Dana Garrett says:

    I’ll never forget Lavelle on WDEL years ago denouncing mandatory recycling, predicting extreme hardship in separating trash. It was ludicrous then and it’s ludicrous now.

    He also just voted against the equal rights amendment. There’s no excuse for that.

  24. Alby says:

    “He also just voted against the equal rights amendment. There’s no excuse for that.”

    It put him in an impossible bind. His vote against it will cost him in his re-election campaign against a strong female challenger. A vote for it would have been fatal to his leadership position in the GOP caucus.

    In that regard, the amendment’s defeat could do the Democrats more practical good than passing it would have.