It is very simple.
Type 1) You think that corporations need fewer regulations and lower taxes to thrive. You feel that “a rising tide raises all boats” and that when corporations thrive the economic benefits will eventually be distributed throughout the economy.
Type 2) You think that the government should serve as a check on corporations to ensure that the economic benefits are equitably distributed throughout the society.
I recently spoke to a very earnest Democrat who was a confirmed “Type 1” Democrat. In spite of 30 years of evidence to the contrary, this person is a Clinton voter who thinks that the DJIA is the economy. He/she loathes the mysogyny and racism that the GOP is steeped in, but they’ve bought into the same economic model that Tom Carper holds so dear.
There are many “Type 1’s” out there and 1 v 2 is the fault line that runs through the Democratic Party. Whenever you hear someone talk about “electability” or “pragmatism” or “far-left extremism” it is a smokescreen.