News Journal’s Carper Endorsement Happily Devoid of Any Internal Logic

Filed in National by on August 30, 2018

My theory is that they wanted to endorse Carper so they cobbled something together. How else can you explain this confused endorsement? The paper claims that we need a fighter to take on Trump, and that fighter is… Tom Carper? Really? A man, they point out, whose key strength is his eagerness to compromise and collaborate with Republicans. A man whose obsequious collaboration with Republicans set the stage for the situation we are in now? What?

Seriously. WTF News Journal editorial board?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    The News Journal “endorsement” is a joke. The “logic” makes no sense.

    Basically, it’s like I’ve said. Nobody around here has ever seen anything like this. They don’t know what to make of it. They’re confused.

  2. Old white guys. With perhaps a token or two. Betcha they didn’t listen to the debate that ‘they’ sponsored.

    • mediawatch says:

      No, El Som. No old people there anymore.
      But, as a longstanding institution in the state, it still feels compelled to preserve and protect the Delaware Way. As part of the Establishment, they can’t afford to be on the wrong side if Carper wins. If he loses, they can acknowledge the arrival of the 21st century by endorsing Kerri over the GOP troglodyte in November.

  3. jason330 says:

    I don’t know. There seemed to be a clear view of Harris and her merits as a candidate. It almost seemed like that wanted to endorse her, but they already decided it was Carper, so they have to concoct some bullshit rationalization.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I had a back & forth with Albright on this.

    My take-away is that the “endorsement” is based on the conclusion that Delaware isn’t “the Bronx”.

    Apparently endorsement means prediction to the Ed Board.

    When I asked post Gillum if Delaware was like Florida we went off the rails.

    It’s another weak effort.

  5. jason330 says:

    That checks out. We all have to admit that it is human nature to be timid.

    Exposing yourself to possible loss is something primates are hardwired to avoid. I’m not surprised the NJ Ed Board decided to be timid here. That’s why the impossible always looks impossible up until the very moment that it is possible.