McCain Eulogy Revives Biden 2020 Chatter

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 4, 2018

Oratory is Joe Biden’s trademark as a politician, and he displays it best at funerals. His eulogy for John McCain was so good it prompted some pundits to muse about his presidential qualities.

Lots of media outlets used his appearance in Pittsburgh’s Labor Day parade as a fresh peg for another round of “Will Joe Run?” stories, an evergreen almost as sturdy as “Democrats in Disarray.” CBS reports his advisers say Biden will decide “by January,” which jibes with what Joe said months ago.

Between now and then Biden will log lots of air miles campaigning for Democrats, particularly in Rust Belt areas that defected to Trump. I have a hunch Biden will gauge how much energy he has left after this 9-week closing sprint, then decide whether he wants to sign on for another 10 years of running that hard.

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  1. The idea of a Biden presidential candidacy inevitably turns out better than a Biden presidential candidacy. I don’t look for it to be any different this time.

    • mediawatch says:

      True … but the difference this time could be the quality of the opposition. In that context, he’s going to look pretty damn good.

      • Not on the D side. At least I don’t think so. I look for at least one of Warren, K. Harris, or Beto to run.

        • mediawatch says:

          Agree re Warren; the others, not so much. I’m not committed to Joe at all, but my sense is that the D’s have a bunch of rookies, including some potential superstars, that are trying to crack the starting lineup. Joe is the aging cleanup hitter, and he just might have a couple of good years left.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    Biden does give a good speech. But he endorsed Tom Carper and did a commercial for him. That makes him an establishment Democrat: not good presidential material.