Oct. 25 Open Thread: You Can’t Fool Republicans. Democrats Are Sending Those Bombs to Themselves

Filed in National by on October 25, 2018

The campaign of sending crude homemade bombs to various Democrats and liberal icons reached Delaware today when authorities intercepted a suspicious package addressed to Joe Biden (as is typical in Delaware, Biden’s mail was a day late). But conservatives have not been fooled. They know it’s a false-flag operation by Democrats, and you know how? Nancy Pelosi has not received one. The second-most-hated Democratic woman in the country would be at the top of the list if a real conservative was involved, so it can’t be a conservative, ipso facto, q.e.d.

The Brett Kavanaugh fight brought criticism of toxic masculinity into the mainstream, but the frat-bro culture he represents won’t disappear without a fight. Former sportswriter Robert Lipsyte traces this behavior to the power of the pack, and it starts, he maintains, with sports. In his view, sports don’t develop character as much as they develop an us-vs.-them mentality.

What links the financial collapse of ’08 with global warming? When we bailed out the big banks, they used that money to invest heavily in fracking, reversing years of decline in the fossil fuel industry. The lower costs fracking brought set back years of progress on the climate front.

The pointless pile-on of the week is happening over at NBC News, where Fox refugee Megyn Kelly, building on her history of clueless whiteness (“Santa Claus is white”), wondered earlier this week why blackface costumes weren’t OK, even on Halloween. Given her history this should have raised no eyebrows at all, but her NBC tenure has been a disaster from the beginning and this apparently is giving NBC a chance to pull the plug on her show for reasons that look a little less like a network admitting a $69 million mistake.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    No Democrat would send a bomb to DeNiro. Impossible.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The Troll Rapid Response Team immediately came up with “The Dems are bombing themselves to make us look bad!”, which is possibly the most idiotic claim known to modern man. Looks like the bombs are functional and that not all went thru the post office which suggests a team or group effort as the targets were wide spread. Best part is that the MAGGABomber seems to be sticking to Trump, Teflon coated or not. That and it knocked the “migrant caravan” off the front page.

  3. jason330 says:

    We Democrats are so devious. Next thing you know we’ll be rounding ourselves up, starving ourselves and mass-murdering ourselves in concentration camps to make Trump and McConnell look bad.

    • Alby says:

      That’s just how hate-filled we are. If only we could manage to calm down and have civil conversations with the Nazis next door we’d learn they’re great neighbors. Unless, of course, your kids walk on their lawn. Or date a Jew.

  4. jason330 says:

    Nobody has to “make” Trump and the GOP look bad. Trump has that well covered.


  5. puck says:

    Wasn’t Megyn Fox a feminist hero for about five minutes a little while ago?

  6. nathan arizona says:

    I knew we couldn’t trust that Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

  7. Dave says:

    Someone help me out here. Why DeNiro? He’s not the first celeb that says they hate Trump.

  8. Kelly says:

    They forgot to send one to Rob Reiner (Meat Head).