Islamic Society of Del condemns horrific attack in Pittsburgh – DEGOP Maintains Shameful Silence

Filed in National by on October 29, 2018

The Islamic Society of Delaware joins our fellow Americans in condemning the horrific attack at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA that has left at least 11 people confirmed dead and many more injured.

We share the grief and sorrow of the nation and offer our heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of all those killed and injured in this monstrous attack.

No religious tradition can ever justify nor condone such ruthless and senseless acts of violence. In the eyes of God, every life is sacred and the attack on a single life is akin to an attack on all humanity. We stand with the victims of this senseless act of violence and mourn with the families of the victims and pray for their ease and comfort during this time of difficulty.

Emphasis added because the DEGOP and DEGOP leader, Ken Simpler still has not condemed the horrific attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (25)

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  1. mediawatch says:

    Jason, you may think that Simpler is the DEGOP leader. But I suspect that the DEGOP thinks its leader is “MIA Mike” Harrington, and MIA Mike believes the DEGOP leader is Rowdy Rob Arlett.
    One lacks the courage to speak up; another has no clue that he ought to speak up; and the third is nothing but a Trump puppet.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Changing the subject — no Open Thread today:

    Anyone catch this in today’s NJ letters to the editor?

    On Nov. 6, we Delawareans must do our part and return Tom Carper to the Senate because Tom will be that courageous and bipartisan voice we need against the authoritarianism of the current President.

    Courageous and bipartisan?
    The image that comes to mind is a chicken standing in the middle of the road trying to decide which way to run to avoid oncoming traffic.

  3. jason330 says:

    Yeah, I’d say Simpler is the de facto but not de jure leader of the DEGOP. He is the Governor candidate in waiting. Typically the highest ranking elected official is the one with all the juice.

    Rob Arlett speaking on this would be catastrophe for the DEGOP. I’m sure even “MIA Mike” Harrington knows that.

    • mediawatch says:

      “Typically the highest ranking elected official is the one with all the juice.”
      That’s Simpler’s problem: No juice, just tap water, unfiltered.

  4. Alby says:

    Sorry for the lack of an Open Thread, but I literally could not get out of bed today except to buy cat food.

    • mediawatch says:

      You’re so reliable that you’re missed when you miss, but you’re entitled to some R&R. Be well.

      • Alby says:

        It wasn’t physical. We have reached a low I never thought a country that fought against Hitler in World War II would ever reach.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ken Simpler in 2014: “Leadership matters most when it matters most.”

    Ken Simpler in 2016, 2017, 2018:

  6. Anonymous says:

    Has Dave Lawson spoken out? He demands Muslims speak out against terrorism. They have. Where is Lawson?

  7. You Dont Get It says:

    why would anything Simpler has to say mean anything on a national issue? if he did you putz minded nuts would say he was an opportunist.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Because it was political violence encouraged by a Republican president.

      Don’t be a fuckbonnet. I haven’t had to embarrass you in a while. Let’s try to keep that going.

  8. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    On the open thread front, looks like WDEL is overhauling it’s lineup, no more Susan Monday.

  9. puck says:

    the good news is Allan Loudell is taking the 9am time slot:

    “Allan Loudell has not disappeared! He’ll be heading to the 9 a.m. slot beginning November 5, 2018, where he’ll host Del-AWARE with Allan Loudell through the noon hour. Allan’s new show will focus on news and issues for the First State, but he’ll feature more in-depth coverage, with lengthier reports that allow for deeper digging by the WDEL News team. You’ll hear more coverage from all the team members of WDEL with new segments focused on topics like health, education, the arts, and more!”

  10. jason330 says:

    I heard that Susan Monday waiting for a news update. WHAT COMPLETE SHIT!

    20 solid minutes of yammering about which Wawa in Kent and Sussex have gas pumps interpsersed with her reading wingnut tweets along the lines of “The bombs were sent by Democrats” to which she’d typically reply, “okay”

    It was brutal.

    • Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

      I think that format could work as long as the callers or tweeters were screened for intelligent and articulate people with well-thought out positions. While there are some on that show they seemed to me to be in the minority and on the whole it makes for bad radio. I’m sure Sumo is a nice person but I’m not sorry to see that show go.

  11. Beach says:

    My TuneIn app still lists “The Al Mascitti Show” for the time slot. Where is he?!

    • We know. But we’re not telling…

    • mediawatch says:

      @Beach: Who wants to know?

      Looks like SuMo may not be completely evaporating. No announcement of any programming changes on 105.9, so maybe Delmarva Broadcasting doesn’t have the courage to eliminate late morning air pollution in Sussex County.

  12. Beach says:

    Kennedy “Beach” Comer. I assumed Al would reemerge via another platform. Fingers crossed.

    Regarding SuMo: She said she will still be on 105.9.

    Regarding Simpler and anyone else who doesn’t use their platform to speak up against the rise of anti-Semitism, political violence and civil rights abuse: “the most disgraceful, the most shameful and the most tragic problem is silence.”
    Recommend checking out today’s the NY Times podcast, the Daily.

    • Alby says:

      Since you answered the question (“Who want to know?”), I’ll answer yours: This is my platform. Otherwise happily retired.

  13. RE Vanella says:

    Audio gear is being set up Thursday evening.

    Should we tease it?

    Will almost certainly be ready for post election reax pilot episode.

  14. RE Vanella says:

    My plan is to get the kinks sorted out for Al’s triumphant return to broadcasting upon his triumphant return from the City of Lights.

    (So there, I supposed I’ve teased it.)