Nov. 3 Open Thread: A Capitol Idea

Filed in Featured by on November 3, 2018

Yes, it looks like the D’s are poised to take the House of Reps. No, it doesn’t look like the D’s are gonna take over the Senate. But the largely under-the-radar story this year is what’s going on in the gubernatorial races. D’s are already looking at pick-ups in key states, with several races too close to call. Illinois, Michigan and New Mexico appear lost to the GOP.  If anything, the linked chart is too cautious. D gains are essential, if for no other reason than to limit the impact of Rethuglican gerrymandering. A win in Georgia would mean triumphing over the R running for Governor while seeking to disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters.

As goes Iowa, so goes the nation?

BTW, is this the most important amendment on the ballot this year?  I think it could well be.

While you were sleeping, news of another mass shooting in Florida. Click here to see the shooter posing with a cardboard cutout of Ronald Reagan.

Amazon headed to Northern Virginia? Looks that way.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Jason330 says:

    Just another upright citizen/law abiding gun enthusiast…until he moment that he wasn’t

  2. puck says:

    Reagan idolatry is the gateway drug to fascism.

  3. Jason330 says:

    The Hot Yoga class really brought this on themselves by not being properly locked and loaded.

  4. puck says:

    If there were a picture of the yoga shooter posing with a cutout of Bernie Sanders, or any Democrat, that picture would be running in the lead position nonstop on all networks.

  5. jason330 says:

    Hey DL – who put the link to the student straw poll, and can you out it here?