Votes, Schmotes

Filed in National by on November 12, 2018

On a FB thread, I recently asked a Trump supporter* “What would Trump have to do for you to change your mind about him? Is there anything that could make you say, Yeah..I was wrong about Trump.”

The Trump supporter couldn’t think of anything.

* The Trump supporter was Donviti’s brother.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. ben says:

    we all know this is a preview for his possible loss in 2020, right? No way on earth he accepts defeat and unless he is well and truly crushed, we’re heading for Civil War part 2… in which we finally solve our magat problem.

    • jason330 says:

      Yeah. That checks out. Get your base all on board with elections being run by devious cheating Democrats and you have a clear path to terms 2-12.

  2. puck says:

    Never wrestle with a pig.

  3. bamboozer says:

    “Never wrestle with a pig.”

    Fuck The Police!

  4. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host wrote:

    On a FB thread, I recently asked a Trump supporter* “What would Trump have to do for you to change your mind about him? Is there anything that could make you say, Yeah..I was wrong about Trump.”

    Well, I was wrong about Donald Trump . . . when I voted for Gary Johnson!

    I thought that the big orange blowhard would be a rotten President, only incrementally better than Hillary Clinton, but, given that Pennsylvania hadn’t been carried by a Republican since 1988, voting for Mr Trump was a waste of time, and I would be sending more of a message by casting a third party vote.

    President Trump was, and remains, an [insert slang term for the rectum here], but most — not all — of his policies have been the right ones. His Supreme Court nominees have been great choices, and the fact that he sees himself as President of the United States, not somehow the president of the world, is exactly what we need. His policies on illegal immigration are the right ones.

    What don’t I like? The tax cuts without spending cuts was unwise; I want to see government spending cut dramatically. His actions on international trade are not ones I’d have chosen. But while I didn’t vote for him in 2016, barring something very surprising, I will in 2020.

    What would make me change my mind about that? President Trump surrendering to the Democrats on carbon taxes or nominating pro-abortion judges. Still, even with those things, there’s no one anywhere on the horizon as far as potential Democratic nominees that I could see as somehow being better.

    • Mouse says:

      So common decency doesn’t matter and critically needed established watchdog institutions like press as in the Constitution are aok to attack to serve your political ideology ?

      • Dana says:

        Common decency gave us ‘nice’ Republican Presidents like George W Bush, who was a decent enough President, but who didn’t fight the Democrats hard enough.

        President Obama sure was a nice-sounding guy, but he could be an [insert slang term for the rectum here] when he needed to be, and pounded Republicans whenever he could. President Trump is just a bit more coarse about it.

        If it’s a choice between a commonly decent guy, and one who gets things done, I’ll choose the latter.

    • ben says:

      He sees himself as president of the 38% (and falling) of the country who likes him. Just because you’ve decided to flip over for belly rubs from master doesn’t mean he’s a good president. Hell, the GOP’s only policy achievement, by your own admission is a bad idea. Everything else he has done is executive orders which will be wiped from history on Jan21 2021. The damage he has don’t to the judiciary is a shame, but as soon as Thomas goes, the scotus swings back to 5/4 in favor of sanity and progress.

    • Alby says:

      Why are you resistant to the threat of global warming, and why on earth would you want women to be forced to give birth?

      • Dana says:

        If climate change occurs, it will be gradual, and human beings will adapt to it as it occurs. After all, we live in scorching, bone dry deserts, steaming tropical jungles and bone-chilling Arctic regions.

        But the proposals we see now concerning climate change will simply suck more money out of the hands of everybody, with no guarantee that such will help or change anything a hundred years into the future.

        Renewable energy sources and more efficient appliances were already being developed, and will continue to be developed without the artificial winners-picking of the government.

        • RE Vanella says:

          This is how you know Dana’s an empty-headed scrotelick. I mean the Gary Johnson admission was the tell, but this is epic. Guy eats his snot and sniff his farts from an old oaken bucket. No doubt in my mind.

          • Dana says:

            Mr Vanella, I had few choices with a decision to vote third party. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were on the ballot in Pennsylvania, and write-in votes are meaningless without some organized campaign. Governor Johnson certainly wasn’t perfect, but the vote was meant to send a message that I was dissatisfied with the major party choices.

            I had assumed that Hillary Clinton would carry Pennsylvania; heck, everybody assumed that!

        • Alby says:

          “If climate change occurs, it will be gradual, and human beings will adapt to it as it occurs.”

          It’s already occurring, and we are adapting very poorly, to the tune of hundreds of billions in damages in just the past decade. In North Carolina, the flooding wiped out lots of homes built in flood areas; in California, the fire damage will probably top $50 billion. So that sucking sound you hear is already occurring.

          You seem too smart to be in such denial.

          As for picking winners, look up how much extraction industries get in subsidies, and have gotten for decades. Were you truly under the impression that our current winners operated in that mythical “free market” y’all like to pretend a) could exist and b) would benefit everyone? And yet you claim cutting carbon emissions might not work. Sheesh.

          • Dana says:

            Flooding due to a hurricane, in a hurricane prone state, wiped out lots of homes built in flood prone areas? Gee, that’s unusual. Wildfires in a wildfire-prone state are burning down homes? This has only been happening for the last century or so.

            I was born in the Pyrite State, and can remember the summers in the San Joaquin Valley: hot as the hinges of Hell, and brown brush-dry, back in the 1950s, even though Antioch wasn’t that far inland from San Francisco. Everybody who had a green lawn got it by watering it, not from God.

            Are things getting worse out there? Yeah, perhaps, but the biggest problem is that people keep building homes in wildfire prone areas. California has a huge population, one which exceeds its water capacity; that’s why Coloradans are so pissed that California keeps taking water from the Colorado River.

            • Alby says:

              These are 500-year floods that are happening every year. Ditto California wildfires.

              The evidence is all over the place. You’re just in denial. It’s not a good look.

            • RE Vanella says:

              This is ecology and climate science at the very highest level.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    “and the fact that he sees himself as President of the United States, not somehow the president of the world,”

    This is nonsense talk. Totally incoherent. Made up.

    Dana’s positions on immigration and abortion and the judiciary are fucking disgusting. He’s a terrible person and we’ll all be better off when he dies.

    If this is the type of worthless human being we’re suppose to be negotiating with or trying to persuade I’m an very hard no. Guy’s a piece of trash.

    Dana – You’re a dim-witted monster and good for absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

  6. Dave says:

    “As for picking winners, look up how much extraction industries get in subsidies, and have gotten for decades. ”

    Not just the extraction industries, producers as well, especially farmers. And to top it all off, Smithfield is receiving bailout money due to losses as a result of the tariffs on Chinese goods. Smithfield is a wholly owned subsidiary of WH Group a Chinese corporation. Effectively we are paying the Chinese for losses incurred by them as a result of the tariffs.

  7. Donviti says:

    Nothing could change his mind b/c as shitty as he is, he will always have been a better choice than Hillary. So we got him to admit Trump is an asshole and shitty president, but he’s still not as big a cbag as Hillary and is way better than what she would have been.