Graham Fancies Himself the Republican Chris Coons

Filed in National by on December 31, 2018

There is so much delusional garbage spilling out whenever Coons or Graham speak. It must come from so much harkening unto, praying to, and beseeching the holy ghost for guidance. I hear the holy ghost really goes in for a lot of rambling bullshit. [In English if you please!]

Now Graham thinks he has Trump giving ground on Syria and the beautiful slat-wall/fence-thing.

After a lengthy meeting with President Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced this afternoon that Trump is now in a “pause situation” and reevaluating his decision to make an abrupt withdrawal from Syria. He is also open to offering incentives for wall funding.


Graham says Republicans are going to put on the negotiating table ideas that Democrats have embraced in the past as a way to move past the current impasse and government shutdown over funding for the President’s wall, which Trump initially promised would be paid for by Mexico.

Graham is specifically calling for helping young “Dreamer” immigrants remain in the U.S. as well as another 400,000 people from countries struggling with natural disasters or armed conflicts.

Graham says Trump is receptive to making a deal if it achieves his goal of securing the border.

He says the question for lawmakers is “can we stop hating each other enough up here to find a way forward that would be a win-win.”

I wonder if Jesus ever says..”OH for My Sake, Shut the Fuck UP, and give me a second, COONSIE!!”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mouse says:

    Vampires, mummies and the holy ghost!