Where is Lisa Blunt Rochester?
Enjoying a break from her taxing workload in Congress, and getting a little R&R* with her mentor. That’s where.
*Research and Review
Enjoying a break from her taxing workload in Congress, and getting a little R&R* with her mentor. That’s where.
*Research and Review
Well, SOMEBODY needs to wipe the drool from his chin.
Well said to say the least.
I think that the reason I’m so pissed off about LBR’s utterly lackluster performance is that I honestly thought that she’d have the metal to not be Tom Carper Jr.
I mean I knew John Carney was going to suck ass, but LBR..I had some hope.
I don’t know why I thought that shit. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
LBR got to her position the old Delaware way. Always suprised people thought she be any different in office. She will stay as quiet and keep the boys happy so she can take carpers seat at his retirement in 2024.
The old Delaware way is still strong sadly
That all checks out.
I wonder what percentage of Delawareans even know she’s our rep?