Highlands Bunker – BONUS EPISODE – “Throwing Stones” at Mike Purzycki

Filed in National by on February 26, 2019

…in which the battle for the future of Wilmington is joined (rhetorically speaking).


Josh Whittaker and Coby Owens join RE Vanella in the bunker to read through the latest News Journal op-ed on the unfair treatment of Mayor Mike Purzycki and comment on the “Wilmington Renaissance.” A love letter to Wilmington, not so much to Mayor Purzycki.

Ed Note: Calling the mayor “Mikey 23%” “Mr 23%” & “Little-Mikey-Two-Three” are all good ways to remind yourself that he won with 23% of the vote.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (33)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    If we’re voting (possible poll question?) I’m all in for Little-Mikey-Two-Three.

    • Alby says:

      He’s many things, but “little” is not one of them.

      • RE Vanella says:

        To me it’s more abstract.

        Little – small ideas, narrow-minded, simple-brained.

        (By the way, Al, the young man was in the studio Sunday. My friend had a cabaret rehearsal in there before we recorded this episode. Your son is doing a number in that show.)

        • Alby says:

          Yeah, he’s heavily into Irish folk songs these days. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say what he intends to play.

          • Mike Dinsmore says:

            @Alby – “I don’t know if I’m allowed to say what he intends to play.”

            “Hiroshima Nagasaki Russian Roulette”?

            • Alby says:

              That’s an Irish folk song?

              No, I meant I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a surprise to the audience.

              • Mike Dinsmore says:

                Actually, the song was written by American folksinger/activist Jim Page, but was made very popular by the Irish group Moving Hearts, which featured Christy Moore as lead singer. As with many topical songs, it’s as relevant today (if not more so) as when it was written.

              • Alby says:

                Learn something new every day.

                I should have specified traditional Irish folk songs. Think more “Brennan on the Moor.”

        • hmm says:

          Little Vanella?

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Also, I noticed that in this episode I referred to this website as DelawareLiberal dot COM rather than dot NET.

    Gonzo nature. Bunker mindset.

  3. Annoymous says:

    Then Eugene young is mr 21 percent? Anothe race which you Colby and josh lost. So when do you guys actually win an election?
    Colby raging against every successful politician time and time again may help your social media likes but it’s killing your future here.
    Wake up dudes

    • hmm says:

      Get outta here. Anyone who doesn’t recognize the significance of Eugene’s showing in that race is being willfully ignorant.

      • Annoymous says:

        1 our of 5 Democrats voted for him. Not impressed, and he lost to a white guy…..in Wilmington

        • Alby says:

          That’s some weak-ass analysis right there.

          Black candidates got 6,442 votes split among 4 candidates. White/Hispanic candidates got 6,136 among 4 candidates, but two of them got fewer than 400 each, while the lowest black candidate total was Norm Griffiths’ 632. So you essentially had 3 blacks and 2 whites. That a white guy would win was practically guaranteed, and I said so before the election.

          What do you have to back up your opinions besides more opinions?

          • RE Vanella says:

            He’s scared. You’re right.

            • Alby says:

              To put a little more meat on your point about it being impressive, add to it that his opponents all had plenty of experience with local politics, and name recognition from it, that EY did not. He didn’t just come close to winning, he finished ahead of not only the incumbent but several others with established constituencies as well.

              But then, you have to know something about politics to appreciate the accomplishment.

              • Annoymous says:

                I love when dumb fucks who haven’t won an election in years say they know more about politics then those who actually win. Keep playing in your blog, the rest of us will be running the fucking government homie

              • RE Vanella says:

                You stole my word. You’re not even creative enough to find your own slander. Sad.

              • Alby says:

                I’ve never been involved in an election. I was a journalist. I just explained Wilmington mayoral politics for you, and this is your response? It’s not one that inspires confidence in those running the government, if you’re really one of them. Howzabout you engage the issue beyond “he lost to a white guy in Wilmington,” which, as I pointed out, is some weak-ass analysis.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I guess we’ll see. I will tell you this – every real organizer and all the real grassroots energy are with us. One election cycle doesn’t discourage me. We’re still coming. We’re only going to go harder. So we’ll see.

    I don’t think you captured the full dynamic of the 2016 mayor’s result either. You haven’t spoken with the other candidates and their teams. You don’t know what coalitions are being built as we speak.

    Frankly, you know very little.

    • Annoymous says:

      I heard that when aoc came to endorse Kerri. Yea that worked out well

      You guys are living in a fucking bubble if you think middle class or even working class folk want to live next to a fucking group home

  5. RE Vanella says:

    This idea that because Eugene and Kerri lost elections our efforts didn’t pan out is a big tell.

    Our momentum is building. Already have a few big wins. Pressure is building more and more everyday.

    I suspect anonymous understands this very well actually. Which is why he’s anonymously trolling.

    Believe me when I tell you, we appreciate the concern.

    • Annoymous says:

      I’m trolling because you sound like dumb fucks. The majority of people who work and live in wilnfinton don’t want some deranged drug addict asking me for a dollar. Some of us are trying to revitalize the city, star businesses and watch it grow from the shithole it was 20 years ago. Some of us worked hard and bought a home and don’t want some crime outside it.

      • RE Vanella says:

        res ipsa loquitur

      • Alby says:

        How do you know they’re deranged drug addicts as opposed to, say, mentally ill alcoholics? You do realize, don’t you, the difference between people living on the street and those living in group homes? People in group homes aren’t allowed to panhandle for a living.

        • RE Vanella says:

          And generally those folks are trying to get help and transition back to a healthier life.

          But this elitist turd is worried about being uncomfortable and having to face society’s problem.

          These people are terrible people, folks.

          • Alby says:

            No, most are just frightened. The problem is that they are being encouraged in this reaction by a lot of cretins who are profiting from their fear.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    I have a comment hung up.

  7. RE Vanella says:


  8. RE Vanella says:

    Also, feel free to elucidate the concept of working and middle class people not wanting to live near a group home.

    We did cover this thoroughly, but it would be cool if you could explain in detail why these people are so averse to/scared of previously homeless and ill neighbors.

    Please be specific.

    • Alby says:

      Let me try: They’re afraid.

      If you need more detail, watch a few slasher films. Let me know when you get to one in which the killer isn’t mentally ill.

      American public entertainment is mostly predicated on violence and the fear of it. The average American sees tens of thousands of murders on TV, and while I haven’t watched TV regularly for years, back when I did it was pretty common to blame a “crazy person.” The truth is the opposite — the mentally ill are far more likely to be victimized by violence than to commit it — but anyone who thinks constant exposure to a product has no effect on the brain should tell that to the advertisers.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Also note:

    “…the rest of us will be running the fucking government…”

    He must be very proud of his work and not scared.


    If you think you’re going to run me off or make any hay here, you won’t. Trust me motherfucker. You’re wasting your time. You’re a coward.