Cohen Testimony Open Thread

Filed in Featured, National by on February 27, 2019

What a shock. The hearing starts off with the Rethugs trying to table the scheduled hearing. Specifically Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan.   The same Rethugs who whitewashed all of Trump’s sins when they controlled the committee. The motion fails. We’re on to Elijah Cummings’ opening statement.


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  1. “The days of this committee blindly protecting the President of the United States are over.” Elijah Cummings

    Attack dog Jim Jordan goes after Cohen and Lanny Davis. “We’re supposed to pursue the truth, and we can’t pursue the truth.” What a dick. As if that’s what the Rethugs did. ‘You’re (Cohen) their patsy today…so that they can remove the President from office…because Tom Steyer told them to.” He then yields back, then decides he doesn’t want to yield back and tries to make another motion. Cummings replies that he already yielded back. Jordan continues his caterwauling. This guy is truly a piece of shit.

    Fuck any ‘reaching across the aisle’ meme. These guys are thugs.

  2. el somnambulo says:

    Cohen claims that Trump never expected to win, and that Trump said his campaign “would be the greatest infomercial in history.”

  3. el somnambulo says:

    According to Cohen, both Alan Weisselberg and Trump lawyer Keith Davidson were in the room when Trump ordered Cohen to pay Stormy Daniels hush money before the election.

  4. el somnambulo says:

    Jordan is basically Rick Jensen with more smarts. Total dick.

  5. el somnambulo says:

    God, Debbie Wasserman Schultz STILL sucks. Asking Cohen leading questions which Cohen makes clear he was not in a position to answer.

  6. el somnambulo says:

    Rethug Mark Green from Tennessee simply spends his time running down Cohen’s rep. These guys are just terrible.

  7. So far, not a single Rethug has challenged ANY element of Cohen’s allegations against Trump. They’re just trying to tear down Cohen’s reputation. Which, to be fair, deserves to be in tatters. But they’re just trying to paint him as a ‘fake witness’.

  8. Mark Meadows brings a black woman who works for the Trump business as proof that Trump is not a racist. Meadows won’t allow Cohen to finish a statement that there are literally no blacks in management at Trump.

  9. All these white male assholes, most currently one Rep. Hice, a former conservative talk-show host from Georgia, are despicable. This guy, Lynch, from MA, sums it up nicely. “They (House R’s) ran away from the truth for two years. “

  10. Arthur says:

    It’s been since regan was shot that we’ve had any explosive presidential occurrences. We could use a good impeachment and imprisonment of a president

  11. These Republicans are total pond scum. They’re outraged that the hearing is even taking place. After two years of running interference for Trump. They are all, IMO, criminals furthering the cover-up. Accomplices, if you will.

  12. el somnambulo says:

    It appears that all the Rethugs have been instructed to use a rapid-fire, ratatat, speech pattern. And interrupt any attempt at responses from Cohen. Nothing but cross-examination techniques.

    They are all just so unlikable.

  13. bamboozer says:

    Despite the rapid fire attacks and the ever present sneers of Jim Jordan the damage is more than done and Trump more than exposed in the testimony. He missed a few biggies like “no, I don’t think he has a love child”, but there is plenty of red meat here, perhaps the biggest being he can’t talk about Trump’s criminality because it’s under investigation by the SDNY. And their not merely unlikable, more like punchable.