Coons on Morning Joe Just Now

Filed in National by on February 28, 2019

I completely missed it, but I suspect that Coons “feels very strongly” that there is “a lot of work to be done” with his “friends across the aisle” to “come together” in the interest of “bipartisanship” to “get things done” to “benefit all Americans” as “we were elected to do.” Otherwise, the discourse could be “dominated by extremists” because the overarching goal is to “break the gridlock in Congress” and that if he continues to “reach across the aisle” hard enough, to achieve a “bipartisan consensus” on “important issues facing the country” everything will be okay.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (28)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    “At the end of the day, people here think that their intentions are gonna save them, but the actual decisions you make matter.

    We’re not gonna get out of this through incrementalism. We need moonshots.”

  2. bamboozer says:

    Can The National Prayer Lunch be far behind? Mo’ Bettah Dems remains job one.

  3. jason330 says:

    If anybody saw his appearance this morning and I am way off base, please let me know. I mean, Coons is smart enough to figure out (at some point) that compromise with modern Republicans for the sake of compromise isn’t a virtue.

    I’d be surprised if he every articulated that because he has spent so much time building up his “I’m the most moderate centrist in the MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!!” (c) brand identity – but it is possible.

  4. Arthur says:

    The two sides of the aisle have the same chance at coming together as both sides of coons hair meeting in the middle

    • jason330 says:

      That reminds me of a Coons chestnut I left out above:

      “Both sides share an equal amount of blame” for not being willing to “meet in the middle”.

      The audacity of that one always gets me.

    • Alby says:

      Yes, people who win in red districts will be centrists.

      Centrism will allow climate change to destroy civilization just as surely as conservatism would. So there’s that.

      Stop shitting your pants and man up.

      • Delawaredude says:

        I guess the question is do you want to be a purist or in the majority.
        After seeing how the majority can help in that Cohen hearing, I will take the majority with the moderate/leftist coalition

        • jason330 says:

          There is a truth in here that Delawaredude assiduously avoids. A party only gets to be the majority if they DON’t run to the center.

          It worked for the GOP for years, and in 2018 the Democrats finally figured it out. Centrists get swept in on the momentum of larger movements.

          Centrism itself, moderation, etc… leaves voters flatter than flat.

          • Delawaredude says:

            Centrists got swept in? You are truly denying reality.

            Look at the campaigns people like McAdams ran. How about Bustos in IL, Sherril in NJ, Van Drew is basically a conservative in South Jersey, ran with NRA support, Rose in NY 11 trashed Deblasio to win, Hill in CA denied Medicare for all as they all did, I could go but I don’t want to embarrass you.

            They ran as Centrists and denying that is denying reality.

            • Alby says:

              They don’t matter, and denying that is denying reality.

            • jason330 says:

              Bullshit. You ‘ve got your head up your ass. I remember Van Drew ‘s ads very clearly and he wasn’t watering anything down.

              The map was enlarged by progressives leading up to 2018. No way the people you mentioned even had a shot if not for liberals pressing for a 50 state strategy.

        • Alby says:

          No, that’s not the question at all. It’s not a binary choice. Do you want to settle for a slice of bread when you need the loaf to survive? That’s the question.

          If people are more scared of socialism than Trump, so be it. It’s their choice. If they’d rather shit their pants than man up, so be it.

          Which side do you want to be on?

  5. RE Vanella says:

    A centrist majority is how this got so fucked up. So I’ll pass.

  6. Delawaredude says:

    Cool, just send Speaker McCarthy a check will you

    • Alby says:

      Right. Sure. I guess shitting your pants gives you a nice, warm feeling.

      Are you saying you’ll vote for a Republican if Democrats don’t nominate a centrist? If not, then why are you so sure other people will?

  7. Alby says:

    If you start in the center, your very first compromise puts you on the right.

  8. Delawaredude says:


    • Alby says:

      You might instead try to articulate why you think this. I asked a simple question: Will you or will you not vote for the Republicans if Democrats nominate a progressive?

      • Delawaredude says:

        Of course I wouldn’t vote for a republican. why the hell I vote for a republican?? You are the purists not me. I vote if your with me more times then not rather then always like ya’ll

        • RE Vanella says:


        • Alby says:

          You are arguing for centrism. That’s an issue of philosophy, not purism.

          You have managed to not answer a single objection to your sweeping generalizations, which amount to nothing more than you voicing your fears.

          Please explain why it’s my job to convince you there are no monsters under the bed, and why you’re so insistent that they’re there. Methinks you don’t understand a whole lot about game theory.

          You compromise when you’re losing. When you’re winning, you press your advantage. Since the Democrats have never pressed their advantage, none of us can legitimately claim to know what most of their voters do. That being the case, I’ll go with the political science truism that 90% of voters stay with their party no matter what. So you go into negotiations asking for the moon, because “no” is what you’ll hear no matter what you ask for.

          If you don’t press your advantage when you’re winning, when exactly will you ask for what you actually want, instead of what you assume you’ll have to settle for? Ask yourself this — have Republicans gotten all they’ve gotten over the past 40 years by only asking for half a loaf?

    • RE Vanella says:

      Yeah, as moderate and do-nothings put us in increasingly dire situations year after year the argument you’re trying to make becomes extremely difficult because of what’s actually happened the last 20 years.

      Tell us again how austerity is good. That’s a funny one.

  9. Alby says:

    @Dude: You might want to check on the political health of your moderate Democratic caucus:

    • Delawaredude says:

      Thanks for proving my point about how much pull they actually have….

      • Alby says:

        Uh…how so? They were just taken to the woodshed and told to remember which team they play for. As Jason said, a rising blue tide lifts all blue boats. That doesn’t mean we have to help keep them afloat.