My Mini Review of Biden’s Speech

Filed in National by on March 16, 2019

Content: He has some good stuff that will work on a ton of people. Especially media types like David Brooks, who he name-checked and is part of a media army that pines for a great white hope to save the republic and restore the collegial Senate poker night. (The Georgetown cocktail parties have SUCKED since the Clintons, let’s face it.) I liked the “white supremacists are bad” stuff and might have liked him to hit the “Republicans in the Senate need to nut up and be Americans” a little harder, but he is running to be the peacemaker, President. PS – he didn’t announce except in a slip of the tongue in which he announced.

Style: I’ve heard him in much better speaking form at prior JJ Dinners. (Do they still call it JJ? I don’t think so) He is old. He is an old guy. It isn’t as fluid as it once was, so the slow rolling build that he’s mastered after a lifetime of doing this shit wasn’t there. It was more like “quiet, quiet, quiet, YELL YELL, YELL.” He can still hold a room in the palm of his hand, but he is rusty. The pace needs work.

Overall: All that said, he could win. He will benefit from a brokered convention in which Super Delegates come into play. You heard it first here.

BONUS: Carper is in full on crazy old man mode now. Coo-coo.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSE says:

    1. Lisa Blunt Rochester is the head of the Delaware Democratic Party.

    2. I really couldn’t decipher what Carper was saying.

    3. Biden’s speech was just a big head fake .

    4. Where isn’t Kathy McGuiness?

    5. Chris Coons

    • jason330 says:

      So much strange shit in Coons’ speech. ” I’m the top of the ticket in 2020″ More references to what a prayerful dude he is..? WTF?

  2. Nancy Willing says:

    I did some live blogging last night too.

    At least Biden doesn’t have a weird hand motion problem.

    Coons’ is bad with the hand motions. Tiny chopping motions that trade from right to left hands is not doing the trick if gestures are supposed to be communicating something. There is a whole science behind nonverbal communications in gestures while giving speeches.

  3. Logi says:

    “Lisa Blunt Rochester is the head of the Delaware Democratic Party.”

    That cheerleader routine last night was embarassing. The lady is a dimwit.

  4. Paul says:

    To my eye, Joe Biden shuffled more than walked across the stage. He looked frail. Not good in a presidential candidate.