I’ve never liked Donna Brazile

Filed in National by on March 18, 2019

My dislike for Brazile even pre-dates her fucking-up Al Gore’s campaign. So this is like the cherry on top of all the BS she has been trading in as a DC-based “Democratic Consultant” all of these years.

Donna Brazile should know that if you need to write a 900-word essay to rationalize taking your new job, you’re probably not going to convince your critics. If she wants to pay the mortgage with Rupert Murdoch’s money, she can do so without insulting everyone’s intelligence by trying to make the assignment sound high-minded. She will be a commentator at Fox News for the 2020 presidential election cycle, and he has every right to be excited about the challenge or opportunity or whatever you want to call it when a liberal agrees to play Alan Colmes to Sean Hannity on a network that is committed more every day to promoting white nationalism and Islamophobia.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (27)

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    Linkee? I saw the story earlier but who are you quoting here?

  2. John Kowalko says:

    Shame, shame on every opportunist who makes room in their wallet for “moral blood money” by emptying their purse of all conscience. Ms. Brazile had little, if any, empathy for the masses to begin with so her amorality (in working with the racist cabal at Fox) exceeds her hypocrisy. To be a true, confirmed hypocrite you have got to have at least some principles. She sacrificed her few available ones some time ago at the Clinton altar of shame.
    Representative John Kowalko

    • RSE says:

      I can understand why you wouldn’t want a single dissenting opinion in a sea of single minded single purpose mediums for information, but calling Fox a “racist” cabal is a little over the top, don’t you think?
      Yes, Fox is slanted to the right, but almost the entirety of television media (ABC,CBS,NBC,MSNBC,CNN,PBS,The View, The Talk, Saturday Night Live, all the late night “comedy” shows) overwhelmingly support the DNC and its agenda. Wouldn’t you agree that it’s a good thing that Fox has added another balancing opinion to its lineup?

      • Alby says:

        They don’t “overwhelmingly support the DNC and its agenda.”

        Fox is propaganda. Full stop. Take your shit elsewhere.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Fox is a racist cabal. Their main story is the migrant hoardes at the border. It the oldest racist fascist trope in the book.

        Go fuck yourself.

      • jason330 says:

        “…calling Fox a “racist” cabal is a little over the top, don’t you think?”


      • john kowalko says:

        No. When media sites and all of their employees actively pleasure themselves and their audience with full blown support and encouragement for a hatred spewing, and racially divisive political figure such as Trump they forfeit any right to be considered as merely a “dissenting opinion”. When an alleged Democrat leader (Brazile) chooses to wallow in the excrement that Fox creates and glories in then she forfeits any consideration to be called a “balancing opinion” Fox IS a “racist” cabal that supports violence, racism, white supremacy and bigoted nationalism like no other media entity in the history of broadcast journalism. Fox and Trump have knowingly followed the path/opportunity to sow hatred and resentment as their means to infamy. They should and must own that.
        Representative John Kowalko

  3. RE Vanella says:

    John. Come on the Bunker.

  4. Stan Merriman says:

    She’s simply a sellout.

  5. Dave says:

    “Fox has added another balancing opinion to its lineup?”

    I have no quarrel with opinion, left, right, up or down. My quarrel is with any network that presents opinion as fact. Unfortunately, none excels at this masquerade more than Fox. With the exception of one or two anchors, who often can be counted on to call BS on those purveyors of fear and opinion, it is the go to network for news you can choose that conforms to your beliefs. What they don’t need is another opinion head, regardless of their political persuasion. What they do need are fact checkers and talking heads that refuse read off the script, anything that has not been fact checked.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Currently looking for a plugin that will identify commenters and then post an appeal for them to go on a podcast. I think I can save REV an hour per day.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    It’s actually an inside joke, but I know you want to come on the podcast. 🙂

    Coming up in April:

    Eric Morrison
    Drew Serres
    Delaware Dem

    …and yet another bona fide local political celebrity!

    Consider a patronage.

  8. natsfanou812 says:

    RE Your like a little girl; Oh please come on my podcast, be in my bunker……get a life!

    • Alby says:

      And YOU’RE like an illiterate. Thanks for playing.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Like I said, the “go on the podcast” thing is an inside internet joke. I actually have no need to beg. I’m booked up into May.

      Sounds like you want to come on, though. I appreciate your interest.

      • Alby says:

        Incredible, isn’t it, that these dickdrips keep coming here to read things that make them angry? Almost seems like they’re fucked up in the head or something.