Delaware Liberal

Susan Collins gets Trumpist Primary Opponent

This couldn’t have happened to a nicer fraud. I hope he cuts her cake-having-&-eating-too head off (metaphorically speaking).

Sen. Susan Collins has demonstrated her willingness to sell out her supposed principles to Donald Trump when it matters most: Supreme Court nominees and tax cuts for the superrich. She thinks she can walk the line in her 2020 re-election campaign, occasionally bucking Trump (Trumpcare, border emergency) to keep her moderate voters on board, but being Trumpy enough to stave off  challenges from her right. It’s not working.

She’s got a primary opponent now, though not a particularly serious one. Derek Levasseur is a blogger and former cop who announced he’ll primary Collins because she voted against Trump’s border emergency declaration and because she wants police to be able to temporarily take guns away from people deemed dangerous. He’s a kook, but he’s a total Trump kook, vowing to back “America First policies,” which is probably enough to make Trump notice and say nice things about him.

Even though he is a joke, The more Derek Levasseur praises Trump, the more Trump is going to make this primary an actual race.

Also – if he is paying attention, this should scare Senator “I like it both ways” Coons. In Maine the primary is not the election. In Delaware – it is. If you aren’t fighting Trump, you are a collaborator.

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