Coons (D+) and Carper (F) working hand in glove with McConnell to pack Fed courts with conservatives
Coon and Carper are not on our side. They collaborating with Trump and McConnell to pack federal courts with conservative judges. Demand Justice has the story:
Since taking office, Donald Trump has been hard at work remaking the federal courts in his own image. Our courts are supposed to protect the rights of all Americans, but Trump is now stacking them with far-right partisans willing to rubber-stamp his extreme agenda—from banning Muslims from entering the country to gutting the Affordable Care Act. …
Demand Justice graded Democratic senators still serving in Congress based on their actions to support or oppose Trump’s takeover of our federal courts during his first two years. This included measuring their Senate floor votes on Trump’s Supreme Court, circuit court, and district court nominees and their use of blue slips for circuit court nominees from their home states.
Christopher Coons, D—Delaware GRADE: D+
• Voted to advance 10 of Trump’s 31 circuit nominees. RANK #33 (tie) among Senate Democrats.
• Voted yes 69% of the time to advance Trump’s district court nominees with roll-call votes. RANK #29.
• Overall, voted yes 64% of the time to advance Trump’s judicial confirmations (including those confirmed by voice vote). RANK #33.
Tom Carper, D—Delaware. GRADE:F
• Voted to advance 11 of Trump’s 31 circuit nominees. RANK #39 (tie) among Senate Democrats.
• Voted yes 73% of the time to advance Trump’s district court nominees with roll-call votes. RANK #35 (tie).
• Overall, voted yes 67% of the time to advance Trump’s judicial confirmations (including those confirmed by voice vote). RANK #37 (tie).
• Voted to advance Joan Larsen (Sixth Circuit), who is on Trump’s shortlist of candidates to fill future Supreme Court vacancies.

When it comes to packing the courts with conservative justices, Coons works for this guy – not for you.