Looming Gerrrymander battle demonstrates how Dems bring flowers to gun fights

Filed in National by on March 29, 2019

Read this then join me below for some venting.

(VIA TPM) To hear Scott Walker tell it, Republicans are up against the ropes.

Last week, the former Wisconsin governor officially became the fundraising chairman for one of the main GOP groups focused on drawing maps for Congress and state legislatures. As Walker put it, his charge at the National Republican Redistricting Trust (NRRT) is to “counter the efforts of the far Left to try and gerrymander their way into permanent control.”

“Democrats, led by Barack Obama and Eric Holder, will stop at nothing” in this quest, the NRRT’s website declares.

It appears that the GOP is gearing up for a redistricting smackdown just as their opponents across the aisle are pushing for a truce.

Democrats, led by former Attorney General Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), are working to eradicate—or at least impose limits—on partisan gerrymandering. While both groups claim to be fighting for “fair maps,” the NDRC has come out against unfairly rigged districts in blue and red states alike and backed the creation of independent commissions to take control of the map-drawing process out of state lawmakers’ hands.

The NRRT has not.

I think we all know how this will play out. Republicans will act in nothing but bad faith. Democrats, desperate to come to some “compromise” will give away their right to redistrict in their favor based on GOP promise that they will also (someday) give up partisan redistricting.

Republicans will never give up partisan redistricting, and the Democratic Charlie Browns will be saddened by Lucy pulling the football away yet again (at least they have the moral high-ground), and Lisa Bunt Rochester will write a letter.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Correct, unless we inject some spine into what passes for Democrats, as ever the problem remains we need better Dems and to some extent are not getting them. As noted the Republicans will never give up gerrymandering or voter suppression, without both they cannot win in many areas. However we should talk, all we send to Washington smells distinctly of DINO and Republican Lite.

  2. Kent says:

    Just like Speaker Pete won’t give it up either

    • Alby says:

      Nice try, but Democrats don’t gerrymander to help their party, they do it to reward individuals. Jesus, our state must have the stupidest Republicans in the United States.