Joe Biden Is a Hands-On Candidate

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 29, 2019

The case against Joe Biden for president is about to get stronger. This afternoon New York magazine’s The Cut published an account by Lucy Flores, a 2014 Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Nevada, of Joe Biden’s “awkward” and unwanted kiss on the head just before she spoke at a political rally.

This is about as surprising as the sun coming up in the East tomorrow morning — Biden’s been creeping out women for years with these antics. If Al Franken had to go for playing grab-ass with eight women (that we know of), Biden has plenty to worry about, and more tales of it are bound to come out now that he’s about to get back in the arena.

“He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, ‘I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck?’”

Truth be told, there’s one thing in Flores’ account that is a lot stranger than Biden’s standard operating procedure around women. “My staff was running around town to purchase ferns because according to Biden’s team no other vegetation was acceptable for the stage.” Now that’s fucking weird.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “And also, what in the actual fuck?”


  2. He’s an anachronism. His campaign, should it happen, is DOA.

    I now think he’s not gonna run.

    Nor should he.

    • Unstable Isotope says:

      I’m thinking that perhaps Biden had been asked for comment on the article and that’s why he’s been holding back an announcement.

  3. Alby says:

    I take it as proof that he could indeed win over Trump voters, who clearly prefer to be represented by a creepy old dude.

  4. Nimrod says:

    Lucy Flores seems like a basket case and likely on the take from someone. Fuck her and fuck her story. Shoulda jumped on the Metoo train when she had the chance.

    Probably Kamala or Beto’s folks are behind this. Whatever, it’s politics.

    If Joe runs, he’ll win. And, sorry, if it’s in “The Cut” it means literally every single other outlet passed on it – which makes one think, maybe it’s bullshit?

    Really looking forward to the effete boomer liberal class getting donald trump elected again. Great work guys.

    • Alby says:

      You might want to check out that problem you have with spewing unsupported opinion as if anyone cares.

      Joe Biden is a horse’s ass and always has been. He has a higher probability of fucking up if given the nomination than anyone else in the field. He’s got a track record of it. Of course, he also has a strong ass-sniffing fan club in Delaware, and you’re apparently a member.

      What exactly do you know about Lucy Flores that gives you any credibility in judging her?

      What do you know about the hierarchy of news outlets people approach with stories?

    • CinqueB says:

      Are you just out and out ignoring Joe’s record? You seem like a basket case.

    • jason330 says:

      File under “Graveyard, Whistling Past”

  5. RE Vanella says:

    There are dozens of photos on the internet of Biden doing exactly what Flores describes.

    Everyone knows it’s true.

    Also, the effete liberal Boomer class is Biden’s constituency.

    Someone fetch that dumbfuck award.