Hillary Clinton Staffers Ready to Really Fuck Everything Up Again

Filed in National by on March 30, 2019

I got no links. Just reading the Twitters, and thinking – Wow, Hillary Clinton staffers and zealous fans really are a bunch of dipshit losers, fixing to fuck everythng up again. I hope I’m wrong, but I am never wrong when it comes to stuff like this.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Why, what have they said?

  2. Ben says:

    Some dummy Crowleycrats are getting the vapors about Mayor Pete speaking the truth about how she ruined the country by losing to trump. I say let em squawk. You know they’re all waiting to go team Biden or Macaulliflower.

  3. Is there anyone this side of DD who DIDN’T think that ‘America’s already great, but we can make it greater’ was incredibly tone-deaf? Maybe it appealed to her Goldman Sachs bundlers, but to most Americans, it sounded like satisfaction with the status quo. Think I said so at the time. Think that Hillary’s resident proctologist here called me ‘intellectually dishonest’.

    To paraphrase Mr. Moderation, “Hillary can go fuck herself.”

    Aaah, I feel ready to start the day now.