Turmp is going to win b/c your mom, that’s why

Filed in National by on March 31, 2019

Yes, I’m fucking going nuts thinking about how Trump is going to win in 2020.  I remember the Bush years.  I thought Jon Kerry had a chance.  The guy with a face longer than Jay Leno’s and almost as annoying an accent.  My god, I really thought he was going to win, Jon Kerry. 

Who would fucking re-elect a dude that was murdering other humans, torturing them?  How would we re-elect a guy that lied about a war that was murdering hundreds of thousands of children, women, boys?    We went to war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. People were marching in the streets over an illegal war!  How did he, Bush win again? 

I can’t even begin to understand who would elect a guy that was literally ok with waterboarding people?  And thinks it made us safer as a nation.  Did you know last week we were negotiating with the Taliban?  And guess who was across the table.  People we tortured in the prisons we built, and paid for. It’s like no bother to tell them that one day in the future we may have to negotiate with the people we torture.  Yeah, don’t you feel safer? 

So I ask you, if that happened only a few years ago, and those same racist, evangelical, bible thumping shit bags in the country are alive in droves, who are we to think Trump is so awful he won’t get re-elected?  We went to war illegally and did nothing to those people man.  NOTHING.  We have a freckle-faced, four eyed bitch that tortured them running our god damned CIA man. 

I have full blown unmedicated ADHD so I’m warning you now that if you don’t think this post is off the rails yet then just keep reading.  I promise you, it won’t make any more sense or come together 2000 words later.    

If you think to yourself there’s no way Trump is going to win again then you live in a bubble.  A tightly wound bubble?  No, bubbles aren’t tight.  And neither’s your mom, you fucking loser.  But you do live in a bubble.  And so do I. 

He’s winning.  I’m telling you.  He’s winning again.  The Dems are fucking stupid.  I’m fucking stupid.  How do I know you’re stupid?  Because you’re still reading this stupid post.  They eat their own, the dems do.  Look what they did to Lisa Blunt for gods sake.  She’s been neutered (I hope that’s not racist, b/c I didn’t think it all the way through if it was)

She was an outspoken civic leader at one point, wasn’t she?  White people were afraid of her up here in N. Wilm.  She was a black woman, all blackity, blacking it up in all the black churches of Milton, Dover, Harrington and other poor voter oppressed towns of Sussex and Kent counties.  Word got out that she was going to let black people vote, even the ones in the city.  The ones Mike P hates so much and wishes he could would ship out to one of those islands Lincoln pined about many moons ago.  

Hell, I bet Mike P already has had meetings to make an island for those people.  He’ll probably make it not too far from Cherry Island.  BPG no doubt would win the contract to build it too.  I actually assume there is a secret no contest bid in place that BPG has already won and thus has begun city planning on.  I also assume meetings have taken place with their communications dept on what to name the city people’s island.  Actually, maybe that’s it; City People Island?  West Over Hilltop Isles?  Gunpoint Island?  The Real Browntown? Feel free to get in on the naming

Regardless of the name it would be a series of over budget, crappily built islands interconnected with shitty bridges.  All the island streets would also have a series of connected walking bridges and maybe even a tram car somewhere in it.  The island would have an almost, so close, just about, modern flair to it that was inches, centimeters close to being upscale, but just seemed to fall a few thousand dollars short of being inspirational and worthy of being a model for other cities.  Think a Nato Country that is now being marketed as European but is really just an old Soviet bloc country.  That my friend is where the Isle of City people will reside if Mikey P had his wishes, and if Lisa hadn’t gone all ghetto and bucked the system. 

Look, I can’t think straight ok.  And if you are still reading this you probably can’t either.  Trump!  Go away man.  Get out of my life.  My news.  My twitter.  My WIP.  Go please go.  Google and their god damned news feed manages to somehow insert his stupid fucking orange, caterpillar eye brow, anus lip face onto my phone.  I can’t escape it.  I’m cross-eyed for god sake.  I’m not tight.  I’m not wound.  I’m unbound.  I’m coming loose and not in a good way.  What would be a not good way to come loose?  Think Salesianum Priest and one of the 15 year old boys that years later sued the school and won.  Which your kids if they are going there pay for that lawsuit with higher tuition.  Yeah, that kind of loose.

So that’s why he’s going to win. No not Sallies or numerous other Wilmington church priest victims.  But really yes, that too.  Bubbles man!  We live in bubbles man.  Cocoons.   Levels!  Self-created, self-rewarding, bubbles, cocoons, and levels man!  All threaded with the content we consume, regurgitate, and repurpose.  We repurpose it into something that we think is unique and original, but is really just more of the same bullshit. Over and over and over.   There’s even reclaimed wood decals at Home Depot.  How do you sell fucking reclaimed wood decals?  AND PEOPLE ARE BUYING IT!

So, if my side is living in this bubble then so is the other side.  Algorithms man!  Algorithms!  They, Google, their algorithms, they know you said you slept awful last night and now that ad you just heard on Spotify, yeah that’s right it’s all the same man!  News is being aggregated based on what you say and do. Literally what you say.  But you don’t care.  Do you?  No.  It’s fine.  We’re fine.  We’re in Delaware.  Mediocre, sane, level, average, do nothing, say nothing, pump the breaks so a car doesn’t’ rear end you, legalize gambling and weed well after half the other states have, Delaware.  

More and more tightly we’re being wrapped into our little worlds.  They’re dividing us man.  Splitting us up into market segments and filling us with so much horseshit we start to believe the little world we live in is a microcosm for the real world, the just and righteous world.  It’s the world the rest of you people live in that’s fucked up.  Mine just fine with my reclaimed wood decal and bosley hair remediation treatments.

I can’t do this anymore.  I can’t do this for two years.  I’m going to try and immerse myself into sports!  I’ve almost done it. I’m going to lead by example and prove to all of you weaker minded morons how I broke the cycle.  I escaped the google algorythemthingy I’m ranting about. I’m going to show you how I ungoogled my news from commondreams.org, the palmerreport and Rachelmaddow, theblaze, washingtonexaminer, and the herald.nz

I unbubbled myself and now I can freely yell at my 10-year-old son that doesn’t leg out a fucking groundball.  I’m going to be that parent so involved in my kids’ life that I’ll be leaning against the Naaman’s Little League complex fence yelling at him as he runs all 60 feet of the first base line.  Yelling at him to stop fucking looking at the god damned ball, keep your head straight and stretch your boney momma’s boy legs through the bag you stupid, gangly, idiot. 

My god how hard is it to just run up the fucking base and not look at the weakshit groundball you hit?  I’m instagraming your stupid at bat for mommom and you’ll see it later when we go to that pathetic excuse for waterice called Rita’s and me and your over protective helicopter mom both complement your at bat.  We will recall in awe how unreal it was you got a hit with that hole in your swing.  That hole you need to correct because it is a cross between a one-legged Syrian carpet bomb victim and a malnourished Guatemalan ICE caged kid trying to club a lice infested rat, which each hopes to eat for dinner.   

So I’m not wound tight ok.  Proven by the nonsense I’ve written above.  And neither is your, that’s right, fucking mom. 

He’s going to win.  He’s going to win b/c Democrats like the pathetic fucking bunch we have here in pathetic Delaware that we pathetic citizens continue to re-elect, they keep telling you everything is fine.  That it’s not that bad. That we have to continue to find ways to work together or everything will go to shit. Because it can get worse you see, if we don’t continue to get along with the crazy people.  So, for right now, really everything is fine and it will be.  It will be because you see, we’re praying with them, we’re talking to them, and when they do things that aren’t too crazy or really too awful, then they’ll eventually see we are good people and will come around to what we think is good for the country and you people.  

So yeah, everything is not ok.  Delaware is not fine.  Delaware is home to DuPont, Chase, Astra Zeneca, 2 oil Refineries, several Casino’s, and god knows how many shell companies that allow corporations and their billionaire owners to hide money legally but is really illegal. 

This post is shit, I know.  But I’m still searching for something that ties it all together while at the same time relieves the pounding in my head.  So unfortunately for the two people that are still reading this, this post is just several hundred words of me saying something bout your mom. 

And then nanoseconds after I think about your mom, who could actually be hot, my mind thinks about lady parts and then boobies, and then how I have to check my Instagram for camel toe pics.  Why instragram?  B/c fucking Tumblr man!  It’s bullshit!  And you know you know what I mean.  Pervert. 

And then, well none of this is helping my case b/c it’s Sunday morning and I’m frisky and I have a wife of 14 years and I think we all know that it being a morning, my being frisky and having a wife of 14 years means I’m going to wait for her to go to away so I can steal myself away in my bathroom or maybe in my garage and

I really hope that one day 40 years from now people will think this is actually a creative post that rivals the visual art of that dude that threw up paint onto a giant 100 sq foot canvas and commenced to rolling around in vomitted paint naked, while stroking himself wearing a VR headset with dolphin porn.  And if you don’t know about that guy then you live in a bubble bro.  And dolphin porn may or may not be a thing.

So, how is tRump going to win?  I’ll tell you how?  DuPont, Chase, Gore, Astra Zeneca, Dover Downs, Purdue.  That’s how.  Delaware isn’t some fucking Shangri-La that has managed to stay above the fray.  We’ve caused it.  We’ve lived it.  We are it.  We continue to see what goes on in the rest of the country as something that happens in a far-off extremist land where people want raped teenage girls to not get abortions because clearly god wanted her to get pregnant.  Those same people live in Delaware man.  You see that church on Rt13?  Who you think goes there? 

We aren’t some state that isn’t filled with politicians so subservient to their corporate donors they forget to care about the actual constituents and their snot filled, ignorant, racist children.  Yeah, we are just as bad as Alabama, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Fact.  Actually, we’re worse.  Our corporations have led to the deaths of tens of thousands of people.  Have led to their bankruptcies.  Have led to their cancers.  Have led to our children suffering of asthma.  Have led to other nations citizens being bombed to death.  

OMG can you believe that court case in California that awarded the guy $80,000,000.00 b/c he got cancer from pesticides?  What chemical company would create carcinogens and lie about their research to make billions?  Trivia: What state has hundreds of DuPont trust fund babies going to Point to Point in a month? 

Holy shit, did you see what those banks did to energy markets, the LIBOR, Veterans, Credit Card holders?  Can you believe what they did to their customers?  Shocking! 

(Hand to the back of my forehead) Did you read how that pharmaceutical company lied about their product and it’s lead to all those teen suicides and kids addicted to drugs?

I have to sit down when I think of all the food recalls b/c of salmonella and the horrible conditions chickens live through so I those people out west can eat their chik fil a

Can you believe that the legalize how often a slot machine pays out in Vegas? 

How about that awful fuel spill at that oil refinery?  My god the toxins those poor people breathe.  Can you believe that live literally a half mile from the smoke stack?  All the asthma and cancer those poor people have been found to have.  Could you imagine?  Thank god that doesn’t happen around here.  shwew

These things are so awful, how can we let this stuff happen in our country?  It’s incredible isn’t it?  What state would allow a company to poison its residents?  Allow the banks to cheat them by rigging financial markets?  Allow a pharmaceutical company to kill people and its shareholders make billions?  Who could vote for a person that allows food to be produced in 3rd world poverty-stricken country like conditions with workers that are actually undocumented illegal immigrants?  What state would legalize a gambling practice that guarantees the customers lose 7 out of 10x’s and then lowers their taxes when they complain they are taxed at too high a rate?  Could you imagine a state that had a nuclear power plant and/or an oil refinery pumping carcinogens into the sky that fell into their citizens rivers and the children’s lungs? 


And that’s why Trump is going to win reelection.  Because as sane as we like to think we are in this fucking state, the people we know that are nowhere near as sane as us live in even greater denial.  They are wound up so tight in their google fed algorithimed cocoon that they don’t have a clue man.


ED NOTE:  You may have gathered by now, but this is a guest post by Donviti  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (96)

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Feeling better now?

  2. jason330 says:

    You forgot the Delaware corporations that knowingly (and legally) turns a blind eye to straw purchases of guns that are then used in murders. Because – job creators!


  3. RE Vanella says:

    Bunker mindset. I’m here for it.

  4. Faithful Skeptic says:

    Uh, it’s JOHN Kerry, not Jon.

    Have a nice day.

  5. Dave says:

    A perfectly wonderful rant aside, you have to ask, if things are this whacked out, why do people accept it? Before you knee jerk a retort that “the man” keeps them down, I’ll remind you that Trump, a guy with a vocabulary of a 4th grader, who managed to get through college without ever reading a book; who has no character or values whatsoever, managed to be elected.

    Dupont did not put him in office. People did. So why? Why is it that many of us who see what he is and acted accordingly, did so many others not?

    To keep from making this a treatise, I’m going to very briefly tell you why. Trump is a man of the people. If you look at Trump you see a coal miner, who has no more thought of tomorrow than when his next shift is despite the fact that he will die of black lung disease. Or an old white guy, pining for yesteryear, when everyone knew their place, or the Evangelical whose god is hellfire, brimstone, and a sword. Or the just the average Joe who leers at any female with a rack or even the beginning of a rack. And course the lady at the town hall who demanded that they keep their government hands off her Medicare.

    These are not people who have any critical thinking or intellectual skills. All they know is what someone tells them to think, to believe, to see, to want, to hate. Why are people so anti-intellectual? Sure, many intellectuals are Volvo driving, with tea cup pinkie affectations, spouting politically correct aphorisms about safe spaces, Halloween costumes, and dinner clubs, who succeed in embarrassing themselves, but they are not the norm and even if they were, it shouldn’t stop people from using their brain for thinking. When did intellectualism become a dirty word?

    This may sound very patronizing and I guess it is, but really, even pointing out that they award Pulitzers for fiction sounds patronizing. Were we always this dumb? Were we ever a nation that could think for ourselves? What happened? You may think I’m going to offer an answer, but I’m not. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know how to fix it except by educating people, who are quite comfortable with their own willful ignorance.

    As I said, Trump is a man of the people. Which is why I have zero faith in people and their ability to be the masters of their domain (Seinfield reference intended).

    • RE Vanella says:

      I actually scrolled past this comment. Scrolled back up. Saw a bunch of Boomer prose. Assumed it was a Dave.

    • Donviti says:

      He’s not a man of the people. He’s a con man that leads people to believe he is just like them.

      • Dave says:

        True. He is a con man. He can be both. Come down to Sussex County (or any number of other places across the nation). There are innumerable Trumps here.

      • ben says:

        No, he’s the man of the people…. sentient pigs dressed in MAGA gear claiming to be people at least….

        That 35% that he always seems to get… or the 35% who still think Obama was born in kenya…. they’re awful, shitty people. They know exactly who trump is and they LOVE him for it.
        Sadly, that isnt all the morons in the country…the moron population is probably also about 35%. Sure, there is some overlap, but all he needs to do is get 10-14% more from the moron crew on top of his cult to win.
        “But Ben, you stupid cuck, that doesnt equal 51%”
        You forgot about the electoral college, dipshit. He doenst need to “win” in order to win.
        He is exactly what his followers love him for being. They dont care if he gropes their wives (or gropes them) as long as it upsets someone they think they dont like. their whole rotten fucking existence is to see pain in others, regardless of their own situation. They think if they cause enough pain in others, God will reward them with endless 15 year olds to .. um… have.
        That’s why i agree that he’ll win re-election.
        He is their pure and almighty god. almost half the country.
        *snaps in Thanos-eese.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    I’ve been everywhere, man. Boomers sold out. It’s not your fault, specifically. But your deep fancy thoughts make me laugh. You must know why.

  7. Dave says:

    “Fancy thoughts”? Love the “aw shucks!” colloquialism. I’m sure it’s just part of the affectation. Regardless, I was trained to think and analyze. What you may consider “fancy” is just my way of wondering why? and then trying to find an answer.

    As far as blaming boomers, get in line. We are still busy blaming those who came before us, while some of them are still alive.

  8. nathan arizona says:

    REV: Do shallow thoughts make it easier to shape your politics?

  9. RE Vanella says:


  10. RE Vanella says:

    I fucking laughed so hard on the toilet at 3am! It really helped the defecation process.

    I can report that thinking about Dave and Nathan comments now I’m still laughing.

  11. nathan arizona says:

    Scared you shitless?

    • RE Vanella says:

      Laughter rarely indicates fear. At least it never does in my case.

      The funniest part, I think, is that you took “fancy” and “deep” so literally.

      Boomer mentality. Your misunderstanding of the internet and posting on it are fucking side-splitting.

      • Dave says:

        Well next time include emoji so we’ll know. On the internet snark is not intuitively obvious.

  12. nathan arizona says:

    You Gen-Xers are getting pretty long in the tooth, too.

    By the way, how does a graying Gen-Xer define fancy and deep? If you were using them ironically and pretending to be more upset than you really were, that’s cool. I was doing more or less the same thing. Otherwise, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • ben says:

      im sure whatever it means, it risks pushing the centrists to vote for genocide. best not say it anymore just in case.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I didn’t care. That’s correct. I’m just making fun of you guys because the shit you post on here is funny to me.

      The best part is the continued commenting trying to figure it out.

      • ben says:

        i think that’s called “for the lulz”, ya edgelord.

        • RE Vanella says:

          It’s a satirical essay titled in part “b/c your mom.”

          Faithful Skeptic is correcting John Kerry’s name and Dave’s talking about anti-intellectualism like it’s 2004.

          None of you can be taught.

  13. DONVITI says:

    Ok I’ve waited long enough for someone to comment on my BPG and Mike P City People Island. I thought that shit was funny!?!?

  14. Steve Newton says:

    Trump wins in ’20 because he’s delivered to his base exactly what he promised.


    No Dem candidate has a base near 35% of the electorate.

    Maybe there’s a Bill Clinton (ala ’92) in the wings, but–sadly–Trump is not George Herbert Walker Bush.

    • Alby says:

      Donald Trump got almost exactly as many votes in 2016 as Mitt Romney did in 2012, in a larger electorate.

      How big was Barack Obama’s base in 2014?

    • RE Vanella says:

      No possibility of awakening the disengaged & apathetic & discouraged?

      I agree with Prof Newton. Trump delivered the chaos he promised. But half of our neighbors have already checked out. No path to exciting/engaging say 10% of those folks?

      • Steve Newton says:

        I’d like to believe there’s a path to exciting/engaging that 10%, but nothing I see in the opposition to Trump has thus far shown it to me.

        Only the three young Congresswomen have even managed to challenge him successfully for control of the news cycle, and the Democrats appear ineptly unable to capitalize on it.

        The apathetic will not be energized by things going to shit, because that’s what they expected. The disengaged are no longer even listening to the news. The discouraged are rapidly turning into the hopeless.

        Listen: the man managed to ban bump stocks and thereby infringe on the right to bear arms more than any President in recent memory … and they still support him.

  15. RE Vanella says:

    I’m going try anyway.

    I’m disposed to loving a righteous fight so fuck it.

  16. Dave says:

    The only one that has said anything that makes sense to me (cause I’ve been saying for a long time) is Beto.

    “He argued that to solve America’s problems at the border, America’s leaders must “help people in Central America where they are.” Because an improved asylum system won’t reduce the number of people fleeing violence Central America’s “Northern Triangle.” (part of the 3 Mexicos that Fox talks about)


    If he keeps saying crap like that, I might start to feel less hopeless.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Hahahahahahahahahaha. Who would have thought you dug the Obama cover band? Crazy.

      “A full political democracy is only possible if we vigorously pursue a true economic democracy. Every child, Every man, every woman in this country must be able to see a future for themselves in this country otherwise this country will have no future as a democracy. That means that this extraordinary unprecedented concentration of wealth and power and privilege must be broken apart and opportunity must be shared with all.”

      Rusty flotsam washed up on the beach. Also squeezed “opportunity” in there. I wonder if it’s the “opportunity” to raise the Social Security age that he discussed.

      Beto is total trash. Boomers are extremely predictable for their love of empty words emanating from a non-threatening package. Beto’s stump speech sound like Dave comment on here.

  17. RE Vanella says:

    Here’s a classic recent Beto.

    “Let us be clear: we will not be defined by our fears on the smallness of our differences; we will instead be known by our ambitions, our aspirations and the resolve, the creativity, the service and sacrifice by which we will have achieved them.”

    Hahahaha. What the fuck is this?

    • Alby says:

      It’s how he gets lots of small donations. Believe it or not, other people are motivated by things that don’t motivate you, and vice versa.

      • RE Vanella says:

        So people are highly motivated by empty rhetorical flourishes? Good for them.

        • Alby says:

          Research has shown that emotional appeals are a good deal more effective than rational ones. That’s why the “help the orphans” commercials feature one child who suffers instead of the millions who suffer.

          I know it’s before your time, but look up the way liberals rhapsodize over Bobby Kennedy and try to square it with his record. This is why you hear old media types comparing Beto to RFK. It might be bullshit, but it’s very convincing bullshit to a lot of people.

          For a more recent example, take Obama. His lack of specificity allowed people to project their hopes onto him. People wanted a liberal. He was a centrist, but because he kept the specifics to a bare minimum people were able to convince themselves he was a liberal.

          “What a fool believes, he sees. No wise man has the power to reason away what seems to be.” There’s a reason I posted that song on April 1.

          • Dave says:

            I don’t think what Beto was saying or Elizabeth Warren, endorsing the idea at a CNN town hall in March or Julian Castro proposing a “Marshall Plan” for Central America in a March interview with the Guardian are emotional appeals. In fact, I consider it common sense that you can’t simply ignore the violence that precipitated the mass migration of people. I’ll point out that the UN estimates there are 63,000,000 refugees around the globe. I think we need bold ideas for peace and economic prosperity in those places because it’s the only viable solution to this catastrophe.

            • Alby says:

              Ideas don’t excite people.

              The quote REV posted from Beto is inspirational and aspirational, not rational. It’s his selling point. His ideas are secondary. Listen to any of his fans. They’re not talking about his ideas. They’re talking about his personality.

              Warren talks mainly about ideas. She’s running 5th in the polls and can’t raise any money.

              I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. I’m saying it’s the way it is, and it’s not going to change just because we’d like it to.

              • Dave says:

                Look, I understand about the need for emotional appeals. There are the many who will man the barricades, march and sing along to that stuff.

                But being somewhat emotionless and dispassionate when it comes to governing, I only respond to rational fairly well thought out ideas and proposals. You know I’m a pragmatist, so I leave the rah rah crap to those who are excited about aspirations or/and personality. I could not care less about someone’s personality. All that matters to me is what they can get done and if what they want to do makes sense.

                So, don’t get me wrong, I know they call it the popular vote for a reason, which is why I have such little respect for voters and believe the privilege should be limited to those who can exhibit a little intellectual rigor. We test people to drive cars and you even need a license to paint friggin nails. I believe there should be standards for voters as well. That alone would wipe out half of Trump’s base.

              • ben says:

                there are standards for voters. over 18 and a US citizen. We used to have …. stricter…. standards.
                What do you want? literacy test?

              • Dave says:

                I would settle for the same standards that new citizens are required to meet. Why are immigrants held to a higher standard? I’m no better than they are. If they have to pass a test to become a full fledged citizen, so should I. I shouldn’t get a pass just because I’m a product of a sexual encounter that occurred within a certain geographical area.

              • RE Vanella says:

                emotionless, dispassionate, pragmatic….

                I wonder if the 40% of Americans who don’t have $400 saved in case of emergency can afford to be so dispassionate.

                Or the 7 million Americans who were 90 day plus delinquent on their car loans in February. I wonder if practicality is something they can weigh in their everyday life.

                Now these folks may not have “intellectual rigor” but I think we should speak with these people. That’s just me.

              • ben says:

                seriously, dave. pull your finger out yer arse. The Vulcans dont get here for another 43 years.

              • RE Vanella says:

                It’s funny because a very close family member describes himself as first and foremost pragmatic. His mantra is “be practical!”.

                He owns multiple homes.

                I understand perfectly well what it means to defend the status quo, to be very afraid of any change other than the most glacial. I get it. It’s self preservation. That’s it.

                It’s not intellectual. It’s not reasoned and contemplative. It’s selfish.

                Not buying any of it.

              • ben says:

                dont forget, it’s also privileged as fuck.
                If course one can “be pragmatic” when their children arent being tossed into cages, or their rights are stripped away…. or their kids are murdered by cops who get PTO for doing it.
                Multiple states are now outright banning reproductive choice. Dave, unless you’re a gay trans man with a fertile uterus, you have no place telling people to be practical about that.
                Residents of Flint are still being poisoned, but you want someone with a winning smile.
                figure it out.

              • Dave says:

                As a Boomer, I’ve been there and done that – more times than I than I wanted in my life. I didn’t come from money. I’ve lived these kinds of stories.

                I’ve always been dispassionate and practical because over reliance-on passion leads to poor decisions.

                And yes we should speak with these people. But offer them, not what we wish for, but rather what we can actually deliver.

                Aspirations can generate hope, but you can’t eat aspirations, that’s why we need practicality as well.

              • RE Vanella says:

                This comment displays a terrible and naïve understanding of what politics is and is a very large reason (of many) that we’re in the situation we’re in. Funny from someone who’s been there and done that.

                Nobody knows exactly what can be “delivered”. It’s this fascination with policy details and “wonks” and technocrats and compromise that is going to crush any real political movement in this country. Actually that’s the point of the fascination. To ensure we never have anything nice.

              • ben says:

                weird. Everything after “as a boomer” was like reading a literal fart.

                Except the part where you indicated we should wait for your generation to be done with the world before we can fix it. yer done, bud, yer done.
                I’m not sure what boomer entitlement makes you think adults under 40 have to compromise with YOU. You seem to think you have the power. Better wake up.

  18. RE Vanella says:

    Yes. I know. That’s exactly the problem.

    See also my discussion with Delaware Dem, Ep 09 Bernie’s Magic Wand. (Consider a patronage!)


    Shouldn’t we be calling attention to this or just accepting people will be convinced by bullshit and there’s nothing we can do?

    • Alby says:

      People are convinced by bullshit because that’s how human minds work. You can never hope to change enough of those minds to make a difference in the course of a political campaign.

      Bernie Sanders has been the most effective advocate for his issues because he combines factual arguments with emotional persuasion. Sadly, you see how much venom that produces in people who are in someone else’s cult of personality.

    • Donviti says:

      Mother effer!

  19. RE Vanella says:

    “All extreme moderate Democrats have the exact same mindset, values and posting style. They have the unity of outlook and purpose of a medieval religious sect. Hussites in Old Navy button downs.”


    • Alby says:

      Not to be pedantic, but the Hussites were the good guys.

      • RE Vanella says:

        They were a medieval religious sect in conflict with the church. There were no good guys.

        • Alby says:

          They were against the Vatican. Yes there were.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Who did you support in the second crusade?

            • Alby says:

              You’re changing the subject. I’m against authoritarianism, just like you.

              The guy you quoted is historically ignorant. Live with it.

              • RE Vanella says:

                Hahaha. OK. I think you took this a little differently than was meant, but as long as you feel better. I know Boomers have a real need about these things.

              • Alby says:

                About being accurate? Yeah, so old school. I get it, he just liked the word better than Albigensians, which would have been a better example because it was a strictly doctrinal dispute.

              • RE Vanella says:

                You hate the Catholic church so a band of plundering murderous reformers who were ripping through the countryside were “good” because you say who they were “fighting” were “bad”.


                “The Hussite movement began in the Kingdom of Bohemia and quickly spread throughout the remaining Lands of the Bohemian Crown, including Moravia and Silesia. It also made inroads into the northern parts of the Kingdom of Hungary (now Slovakia), but was rejected and gained infamy for the plundering behavior of the Hussite soldiers.”

                It’s your opinion. Nobody really cares because it was a joke. But because you simply have to be right…

              • Alby says:

                It was also a Czech sovereignty movement, and soldiers did what soldiers do.

                You’re the one who keeps responding, so who’s the one who simply has to be right?

                As for hating the church, I feel that way about other criminal enterprises as well. They have a nice museum in Rome, though.

  20. RE Vanella says:

    I don’t care. I just like dunking on you because both you and Dave get offended when I point out the dumb, unproductive shit Boomers do. Then you go and do it every single day. I couldn’t care less about the proto-Protestant movement in the 15th century. I’m entertained by know-it-all Boomers.

    • Alby says:

      Yes, your ability to build coalitions is well-documented.

      Dumb, unproductive shit. Like obsessing about Venezuela, for instance?

      • ben says:

        why wont you snobby Boomers let us use Gifs?
        This argument has gotten to the point where dropping a gif of Shorsey tellin you to “give your balls a tug” would add as much intellectual weight as anything else being said.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Pee is stored in the balls!

          ***smart Boomer who likes to be accurate***

          Actually, sir, urine builds up in the bladder….

          • ben says:


            Boomers: the next generation just needs to wait their turn and be patient. We were and look what a great job we did with everything! *calls the cops.

  21. RE Vanella says:

    Obsessing? In what way? Should we discuss are ongoing coup we’re doing or no? The one Elliott Abrams in in charge of. Why are Central Americans running north for their lives?

    Who said I was trying to build coalitions?

    What are you talking about?

    • Alby says:

      “Obsessing? In what way?”

      You post a lot about it.

      “Should we discuss are ongoing coup we’re doing or no? The one Elliott Abrams in in charge of.”

      Why is that more important that what’s going on in Yemen? Or Afghanistan? Or central Africa?

      “Why are Central Americans running north for their lives?”

      As I understand it, because of local conditions in the three “Mexican countries” — Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

      “Who said I was trying to build coalitions?”

      I’m sorry, I thought you were interested in winning elections. Was I wrong?

      “What are you talking about?”

      Your inability to acknowledge that your need to be right is just as strong as mine.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Not really.

        What’s more important the VNZL coup or the sentences our buffoon president couldn’t mumble out yesterday?

        I also post about Yemen! Have done many times. I just don’t discuss all things Trump so… Talk about the Houthis and the Iran v Saud proxy war pretty often.

        • Alby says:

          Check the archives for the last time I posted about Trump’s stupidity. It wasn’t too recent. I do post about his declining mental health, because I think that’s more important than the coup in Venezuela. It will be news when they stop having coups in Venezuela.

          Meanwhile, your inability to acknowledge your own flaws continues. I know I’m a pedantic prick. You, not so much.

          • RE Vanella says:

            I have flaws. Plenty. But you don’t know what they are.

            • ben says:

              I just want to understand this….
              Rev, do you back fake-socialist dictator Maduro?
              pretty sure trmp only cares about this because he doesnt understand that Guaido is an actual socialist with the support of man real-socialist governments. trump only backs this because he wants to destabilize the country to invade and fight russia over the oil.

            • Alby says:

              Only the one.

  22. RE Vanella says:

    Maybe do another post about what a bumbling turd Trump is!

    How about another breakdown of how Trump’s a Russian asset?

    Come on, brother.

    • Alby says:

      That’s Jason’s territory. I’m the anti-Biden guy.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Fair point. Jason is just playing to the crowd. I understand.

        Coincidentally, everyone is getting a podcast patron preview Friday. Recording a “bonus” ep on Biden this evening with Super Producer Karl.

        It’ll give everyone an example of what $5 patron will get as extra content. And it’ll be gratis! I’m a real giver.

        • Alby says:

          You do understand that “playing to the crowd” is what keeps the readership going, right? There’s room for everything. I don’t actually mind your posts about Venezuela; they’re the only things I read about it. Well, almost. I saw that awful piece from the “liberal” who wanted her “fellow liberals” to back the coup before you commented on it.

          But you don’t have to shit on everybody else for caring about other things.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Fair enough. But I can comment on whether I think what everyone else cares about is relevant, productive, etc. That’s the thing. I don’t need to play that game and I won’t. I think this is why you think I’m not “building a coalition”. I’m not going to pretend what others think is important actually is. I don’t care how much readership it draws.

            • Alby says:

              Clearly you don’t. But perhaps you’ll understand that I’d rather you not drive readers away just because they’re closer to the center than you are.

              • ben says:

                i dunno man, people love reading what they disagree with as long as they can REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE against it. So what if Rev wants to throw bricks at people who arent the president and ignore the president. livens up the place imo.

              • Alby says:

                I know from my time on the radio that it’s a pretty even split between those who enjoy the fighting and those who hate it.

                REV and I both like fighting, even though we agree 98% of the time, so there you are.

              • RE Vanella says:


                (The idea that my leftist proclivity drives people away is dope af imo. At least they read it and had some reaction.)

              • ben says:

                careful though. I hear too much of that leftistery and not enough complimenting white people makes them decide “ya know, im gonna join the GOP”

              • Alby says:

                Not your politics, your vitriol. I just wish you’d be a little more forgiving of people who want to vote with you but aren’t as far to the left.

                @Ben: No, but it does drive some to that Other Blog.