Delaware Liberal

Turmp is going to win b/c your mom, that’s why

Yes, I’m fucking going nuts thinking about how Trump is going to win in 2020.  I remember the Bush years.  I thought Jon Kerry had a chance.  The guy with a face longer than Jay Leno’s and almost as annoying an accent.  My god, I really thought he was going to win, Jon Kerry. 

Who would fucking re-elect a dude that was murdering other humans, torturing them?  How would we re-elect a guy that lied about a war that was murdering hundreds of thousands of children, women, boys?    We went to war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. People were marching in the streets over an illegal war!  How did he, Bush win again? 

I can’t even begin to understand who would elect a guy that was literally ok with waterboarding people?  And thinks it made us safer as a nation.  Did you know last week we were negotiating with the Taliban?  And guess who was across the table.  People we tortured in the prisons we built, and paid for. It’s like no bother to tell them that one day in the future we may have to negotiate with the people we torture.  Yeah, don’t you feel safer? 

So I ask you, if that happened only a few years ago, and those same racist, evangelical, bible thumping shit bags in the country are alive in droves, who are we to think Trump is so awful he won’t get re-elected?  We went to war illegally and did nothing to those people man.  NOTHING.  We have a freckle-faced, four eyed bitch that tortured them running our god damned CIA man. 

I have full blown unmedicated ADHD so I’m warning you now that if you don’t think this post is off the rails yet then just keep reading.  I promise you, it won’t make any more sense or come together 2000 words later.    

If you think to yourself there’s no way Trump is going to win again then you live in a bubble.  A tightly wound bubble?  No, bubbles aren’t tight.  And neither’s your mom, you fucking loser.  But you do live in a bubble.  And so do I. 

He’s winning.  I’m telling you.  He’s winning again.  The Dems are fucking stupid.  I’m fucking stupid.  How do I know you’re stupid?  Because you’re still reading this stupid post.  They eat their own, the dems do.  Look what they did to Lisa Blunt for gods sake.  She’s been neutered (I hope that’s not racist, b/c I didn’t think it all the way through if it was)

She was an outspoken civic leader at one point, wasn’t she?  White people were afraid of her up here in N. Wilm.  She was a black woman, all blackity, blacking it up in all the black churches of Milton, Dover, Harrington and other poor voter oppressed towns of Sussex and Kent counties.  Word got out that she was going to let black people vote, even the ones in the city.  The ones Mike P hates so much and wishes he could would ship out to one of those islands Lincoln pined about many moons ago.  

Hell, I bet Mike P already has had meetings to make an island for those people.  He’ll probably make it not too far from Cherry Island.  BPG no doubt would win the contract to build it too.  I actually assume there is a secret no contest bid in place that BPG has already won and thus has begun city planning on.  I also assume meetings have taken place with their communications dept on what to name the city people’s island.  Actually, maybe that’s it; City People Island?  West Over Hilltop Isles?  Gunpoint Island?  The Real Browntown? Feel free to get in on the naming

Regardless of the name it would be a series of over budget, crappily built islands interconnected with shitty bridges.  All the island streets would also have a series of connected walking bridges and maybe even a tram car somewhere in it.  The island would have an almost, so close, just about, modern flair to it that was inches, centimeters close to being upscale, but just seemed to fall a few thousand dollars short of being inspirational and worthy of being a model for other cities.  Think a Nato Country that is now being marketed as European but is really just an old Soviet bloc country.  That my friend is where the Isle of City people will reside if Mikey P had his wishes, and if Lisa hadn’t gone all ghetto and bucked the system. 

Look, I can’t think straight ok.  And if you are still reading this you probably can’t either.  Trump!  Go away man.  Get out of my life.  My news.  My twitter.  My WIP.  Go please go.  Google and their god damned news feed manages to somehow insert his stupid fucking orange, caterpillar eye brow, anus lip face onto my phone.  I can’t escape it.  I’m cross-eyed for god sake.  I’m not tight.  I’m not wound.  I’m unbound.  I’m coming loose and not in a good way.  What would be a not good way to come loose?  Think Salesianum Priest and one of the 15 year old boys that years later sued the school and won.  Which your kids if they are going there pay for that lawsuit with higher tuition.  Yeah, that kind of loose.

So that’s why he’s going to win. No not Sallies or numerous other Wilmington church priest victims.  But really yes, that too.  Bubbles man!  We live in bubbles man.  Cocoons.   Levels!  Self-created, self-rewarding, bubbles, cocoons, and levels man!  All threaded with the content we consume, regurgitate, and repurpose.  We repurpose it into something that we think is unique and original, but is really just more of the same bullshit. Over and over and over.   There’s even reclaimed wood decals at Home Depot.  How do you sell fucking reclaimed wood decals?  AND PEOPLE ARE BUYING IT!

So, if my side is living in this bubble then so is the other side.  Algorithms man!  Algorithms!  They, Google, their algorithms, they know you said you slept awful last night and now that ad you just heard on Spotify, yeah that’s right it’s all the same man!  News is being aggregated based on what you say and do. Literally what you say.  But you don’t care.  Do you?  No.  It’s fine.  We’re fine.  We’re in Delaware.  Mediocre, sane, level, average, do nothing, say nothing, pump the breaks so a car doesn’t’ rear end you, legalize gambling and weed well after half the other states have, Delaware.  

More and more tightly we’re being wrapped into our little worlds.  They’re dividing us man.  Splitting us up into market segments and filling us with so much horseshit we start to believe the little world we live in is a microcosm for the real world, the just and righteous world.  It’s the world the rest of you people live in that’s fucked up.  Mine just fine with my reclaimed wood decal and bosley hair remediation treatments.

I can’t do this anymore.  I can’t do this for two years.  I’m going to try and immerse myself into sports!  I’ve almost done it. I’m going to lead by example and prove to all of you weaker minded morons how I broke the cycle.  I escaped the google algorythemthingy I’m ranting about. I’m going to show you how I ungoogled my news from, the palmerreport and Rachelmaddow, theblaze, washingtonexaminer, and the

I unbubbled myself and now I can freely yell at my 10-year-old son that doesn’t leg out a fucking groundball.  I’m going to be that parent so involved in my kids’ life that I’ll be leaning against the Naaman’s Little League complex fence yelling at him as he runs all 60 feet of the first base line.  Yelling at him to stop fucking looking at the god damned ball, keep your head straight and stretch your boney momma’s boy legs through the bag you stupid, gangly, idiot. 

My god how hard is it to just run up the fucking base and not look at the weakshit groundball you hit?  I’m instagraming your stupid at bat for mommom and you’ll see it later when we go to that pathetic excuse for waterice called Rita’s and me and your over protective helicopter mom both complement your at bat.  We will recall in awe how unreal it was you got a hit with that hole in your swing.  That hole you need to correct because it is a cross between a one-legged Syrian carpet bomb victim and a malnourished Guatemalan ICE caged kid trying to club a lice infested rat, which each hopes to eat for dinner.   

So I’m not wound tight ok.  Proven by the nonsense I’ve written above.  And neither is your, that’s right, fucking mom. 

He’s going to win.  He’s going to win b/c Democrats like the pathetic fucking bunch we have here in pathetic Delaware that we pathetic citizens continue to re-elect, they keep telling you everything is fine.  That it’s not that bad. That we have to continue to find ways to work together or everything will go to shit. Because it can get worse you see, if we don’t continue to get along with the crazy people.  So, for right now, really everything is fine and it will be.  It will be because you see, we’re praying with them, we’re talking to them, and when they do things that aren’t too crazy or really too awful, then they’ll eventually see we are good people and will come around to what we think is good for the country and you people.  

So yeah, everything is not ok.  Delaware is not fine.  Delaware is home to DuPont, Chase, Astra Zeneca, 2 oil Refineries, several Casino’s, and god knows how many shell companies that allow corporations and their billionaire owners to hide money legally but is really illegal. 

This post is shit, I know.  But I’m still searching for something that ties it all together while at the same time relieves the pounding in my head.  So unfortunately for the two people that are still reading this, this post is just several hundred words of me saying something bout your mom. 

And then nanoseconds after I think about your mom, who could actually be hot, my mind thinks about lady parts and then boobies, and then how I have to check my Instagram for camel toe pics.  Why instragram?  B/c fucking Tumblr man!  It’s bullshit!  And you know you know what I mean.  Pervert. 

And then, well none of this is helping my case b/c it’s Sunday morning and I’m frisky and I have a wife of 14 years and I think we all know that it being a morning, my being frisky and having a wife of 14 years means I’m going to wait for her to go to away so I can steal myself away in my bathroom or maybe in my garage and

I really hope that one day 40 years from now people will think this is actually a creative post that rivals the visual art of that dude that threw up paint onto a giant 100 sq foot canvas and commenced to rolling around in vomitted paint naked, while stroking himself wearing a VR headset with dolphin porn.  And if you don’t know about that guy then you live in a bubble bro.  And dolphin porn may or may not be a thing.

So, how is tRump going to win?  I’ll tell you how?  DuPont, Chase, Gore, Astra Zeneca, Dover Downs, Purdue.  That’s how.  Delaware isn’t some fucking Shangri-La that has managed to stay above the fray.  We’ve caused it.  We’ve lived it.  We are it.  We continue to see what goes on in the rest of the country as something that happens in a far-off extremist land where people want raped teenage girls to not get abortions because clearly god wanted her to get pregnant.  Those same people live in Delaware man.  You see that church on Rt13?  Who you think goes there? 

We aren’t some state that isn’t filled with politicians so subservient to their corporate donors they forget to care about the actual constituents and their snot filled, ignorant, racist children.  Yeah, we are just as bad as Alabama, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Fact.  Actually, we’re worse.  Our corporations have led to the deaths of tens of thousands of people.  Have led to their bankruptcies.  Have led to their cancers.  Have led to our children suffering of asthma.  Have led to other nations citizens being bombed to death.  

OMG can you believe that court case in California that awarded the guy $80,000,000.00 b/c he got cancer from pesticides?  What chemical company would create carcinogens and lie about their research to make billions?  Trivia: What state has hundreds of DuPont trust fund babies going to Point to Point in a month? 

Holy shit, did you see what those banks did to energy markets, the LIBOR, Veterans, Credit Card holders?  Can you believe what they did to their customers?  Shocking! 

(Hand to the back of my forehead) Did you read how that pharmaceutical company lied about their product and it’s lead to all those teen suicides and kids addicted to drugs?

I have to sit down when I think of all the food recalls b/c of salmonella and the horrible conditions chickens live through so I those people out west can eat their chik fil a

Can you believe that the legalize how often a slot machine pays out in Vegas? 

How about that awful fuel spill at that oil refinery?  My god the toxins those poor people breathe.  Can you believe that live literally a half mile from the smoke stack?  All the asthma and cancer those poor people have been found to have.  Could you imagine?  Thank god that doesn’t happen around here.  shwew

These things are so awful, how can we let this stuff happen in our country?  It’s incredible isn’t it?  What state would allow a company to poison its residents?  Allow the banks to cheat them by rigging financial markets?  Allow a pharmaceutical company to kill people and its shareholders make billions?  Who could vote for a person that allows food to be produced in 3rd world poverty-stricken country like conditions with workers that are actually undocumented illegal immigrants?  What state would legalize a gambling practice that guarantees the customers lose 7 out of 10x’s and then lowers their taxes when they complain they are taxed at too high a rate?  Could you imagine a state that had a nuclear power plant and/or an oil refinery pumping carcinogens into the sky that fell into their citizens rivers and the children’s lungs? 


And that’s why Trump is going to win reelection.  Because as sane as we like to think we are in this fucking state, the people we know that are nowhere near as sane as us live in even greater denial.  They are wound up so tight in their google fed algorithimed cocoon that they don’t have a clue man.


ED NOTE:  You may have gathered by now, but this is a guest post by Donviti  

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