A rare win/win/win situation for Democrats – Biden vs Bernie vs Mayor Pete & An Open Thread Commenter Challenge

Filed in National by on April 30, 2019

Mark the time. I’m calling it. It is a three person race: Biden/Bernie/Mayor Pete. The good news is that all three candidates are great and will mop the floor with Donald Trump, provided we avoid a Titus Andronicus-style meat pie buffet.

Biden announced in person yesterday in an address to fat union guys that is being lauded by Dem insiders and beltway talking heads. (Like it or not, Dem insiders are a Democratic constituency.) If Iowa and New Hampshire agree with beltway talking heads that Anita Hill, the Crime Bill, and “handsy” is old news, then Biden is in a very strong position going forward.

I know it is temping to talk about all the things you don’t like about Biden, so I am issuing a challenge to you, dear commenter.

For every negative thing you say about Biden, provide two positive things. I’ll start.

I don’t like that Joe voted to support Bush’s stupid vanity war in Iraq, but I like the fact that he gets under Trump’s skin and I think he can give a decent set piece speech.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dave says:

    I think Joe/Pete ticket would have considerable attraction for many people. I am a firm believer in seasoning. Governing is hard, but there orders of magnitude of difficulty between a city and a nation. That’s why my druthers have always been for my leaders to come up through the ranks, so to speak.

    Joe is seasoned and if you give Pete 4 years as VP (with some beefy assignments) he could acquire some street creds and be positioned if Joe only had a single term.

    Regardless, I remain pessimistic about the outcome. Democrats are never in lock step and remain prone to snits (a very unattractive quality).

    Also, there this on biological determinism and the equity principle – https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/04/why-conservatives-hate-warrens-loan-debt-relief-plan/588322/

  2. Hmm says:

    It’s basically May, the first vote is cast in 278 days, there is no way to predict what the field will look like. That said there are numerous people in the race who better represent the electorate and most certainly the Democratic party than those three. Let’s hold off on declaring who is part of the “final” field.

  3. MikeM2784 says:

    At least wait until after the debates to see who our front runners really are. At this point in 2015, the Republicans were in a three way race between Bush, Walker, and Rubio. None were in the final two. I agree this is a different race than that one, but I could see Harris or someone else breaking out with a good debate performance. Her negative numbers are very low, and she’s the safe or second choice of many from what I’ve seen.
    That said, I am all in on boosting all of the candidates. We can’t afford to destroy ourselves. Trump is a unique threat to our institutions.

  4. Alby says:

    Unfair. You’ve already named Biden’s two good qualities. That leaves slim pickings for everyone else.