Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Fri., May 31, 2019

How The Forces Of Ee-vil Killed The Gun Bills. The money grafs:

It included a growing guns rights group on Facebook flexing its muscles, gun business owners getting more involved, and pro-gun union members threatening to pull campaign dollars from legislators who supported the bills, according to some gun rights advocates and union leaders.

“The union pressure is what finally sealed the deal,” said Mitch Denham, leader of the 20,000-strong Facebook group Delaware Gun Rights. “When you’re trying to get elected, it costs money to get elected. The person that writes the check, you kind of have to take care of sometimes.”

Two Can Play This Game, Though…:  Salesforce bans retail customers from using its technology to sell guns.

Trump Announces Surprise Tariffs On Mexico. Because…illegal immigrants.  This should really bolster the economy. Not. I guarantee you that grocery prices will rise beginning June 10.

It’s Official: Rethugs Trying To Rig The Census For Political Reasons.  Will the Supreme Court let them? And for those who don’t think that democracy hangs by a thread, this is how we found out:

According to the documents released Thursday, Hofeller — a go-to gerrymandering expert for the GOP who died last August — was commissioned in 2015 by a Republican mega-donor to do a study on the effect of excluding noncitizens from redistricting. The study, which was never made public, concluded that such a redistricting overhaul “would be advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic
Whites” and “would clearly be a disadvantage for the Democrats,” using the Texas legislature as a case study. It warned, however, that such an overhaul would be “unworkable” without a citizenship question being added to the census.

That study and other key Hofeller documents were only obtained by the challengers because his estranged daughter found his back-up hard drives while going through his belongings after his death.
Kim Kills Envoy After Failure Of Kim-Trump Summit. Oh, and 4 other diplomats.  Gee, maybe it’s time for the WWE to do a show there as well as those they’re already doing in Saudi Arabia. How about a diplomat vs. diplomat match? With a loser loses his head stipulation.  Hey, if Bolton was in the match, I’d buy the PPV.
What do you want to talk about?



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