DL Open Thread: Fri., June 14, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 14, 2019

Progressive Announces Challenge To Susan Collins.  Primaries on both sides appear likely.

FEC Chair: It’s Illegal To Get Elections Dirt From Foreign Governments. Always Has Been.  Wonder how long before Trump tries to force her out of office…

AOC Organizers Training Working Class Progressives To Challenge Insider D Consultants.  Not only do I flat out love this, it flies in the face of this:

In March, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced a new policy to blacklist any firms working for primary challengers, effectively protecting the party’s white, male incumbents in safe blue seats.

I just have one question that the article didn’t answer: How do I contribute to this effort?

Warren’s ‘Slow And Steady’ Pace Winning The Race? This article demonstrates that it’s her plan, and she’s sticking to it. Right now, she’s my choice.

‘Alaska Is Melting’.  It’s true. And not good for anybody.

‘Lumpy’ Carson’s Commentary: Guaranteed that he didn’t write a single word of this insipid ode to the good ol’ Stars And Stripes. I wonder which ex-News Journal flunky was tasked with writing this slop. My theory? The whole thing was plagiarized from a speech previously plagiarized by Joe Biden. BTW, why would the Delaware State News publish something this sophomoric?

What do you want to talk about?



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  1. RE Vanella says:

    I’d be remiss not to mention that today marks the 91st birthday of Dr Ernesto Guevara.

    • Alby says:

      It’s also the birthday of Donald J. Trump, 73. If the GOP still held the House it would have been declared a national holiday, and not for Che.

      • Alby says:

        In fact, I have an idea. I think someone in the General Assembly should propose honoring Trump by renaming a public facility for him. I’m thinking the Cherry Island Landfill would be perfect.

        • bamboozer says:

          Nah, waste water treatment plant of your choice, but I hereby nominate the septic facility in Smyrna by Lake Como. Much like Trump it just keeps on pumpin’.

          • Alby says:

            I thought of sewage treatment, but a sewage treatment plant actually cleans up a mess. The landfill is just a pile of garbage.