DL Open Thread: Mon., Aug. 5, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 5, 2019

Rethugs Blame Video Games And ‘No Prayer In Schools’ For Mass Shootings.  Along, of course, with ‘now is not the time to point fingers’.

8chan Breeding Ground For Radicals.  I never even heard of it. The founder has asked that it be taken down, but that ain’t happening.

Another Texas R Representative To Retire. This seat in suburban Dallas could well flip.  I wonder if the timing is coincidental. Actually, I don’t.

Trump Instigated These Murders. The Supreme Court has held that free speech rights don’t permit you to ‘scream fire in a crowded theatre’. Trump is an accomplice to mass murder.

I was gonna close today with an article detailing reaction from local political leaders, including the Governor, to these mass shootings. However, no such articles and, apparently, no such reactions exist. So, remember, call John Carney’s office today (302) 744-4101, and ask, no, demand that he act like a governor and that he call the General Assembly back in to session to deal with this emergency.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    I expected a pathetic and ridiculous response by the Republicans to the latest round of gun slaughter, but I thought they’d do better then the two vintage excuses they hauled out. The famed “now is not the time” is equally a joke, it is exactly the time with the NRA on it’s back and mired in assorted greed soaked scandals. Carney? As ever he’s a joke, I’ll call anyway.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    I called the Governor’s office and made my case on why John should call the GA back. There are now people in the office, so you’ll get to talk to one of them directly.

  3. Arthur says:

    8chan was shut down last night at midnight

  4. Alby says:

    You would think Republicans would be against invasive species, seeing as how they’re the illegal immigrants of the animal world. Sadly, no.


    • Not DE Liberal says:

      illegal noun

      Definition of illegal (Entry 2 of 2)
      sometimes disparaging + offensive
      : a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
      Merriam-Webster dictionary