Observations from Middletown’s Peach Fest

Filed in National by on August 17, 2019

The peach blight of 1911 wiped out all the peach orchards around Middletown. No matter…traditions must be upheld. One tradition is a large turnout by political folks. I got there late, so missed most of the regulars.

9th RD Rep Kevin Hensley was there, and no wonder has this shit locked down. He gives out hand towels dunked in ice cold water. Genius! He is a terrible person though. A real low life. I mean, I don’t know him, but he must be judging by the horrible low life’s he shares a tent with. [Wall to wall Trump signs]

Bethany Hall Long is here. She’s running for Governor (Yes, even now. She has already started. No not a primary…but a really, really long campaign). I have given BHL some shit here, but she is a great retail politician. Also, credit where credit is due – her campaign tag line is the most honest I’ve seen.

What else…Wow it was hot. I think I’ll pass on this until President Pence & Jesus fix climate change.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Give credit to Carney, anyone will seem like an improvement following him.

    • jason330 says:

      BHL is going to rival Carney in “my hands are tied” appearent uselessness. But yeah, you have to think something is deeply wrong with a Party that can produces “leaders” like Ruth Ann, John Carney and BHL.

      I mean, I know that when you pull the lens back, they are getting things done for the businesses and people they consider thier REAL constituents. But the ability to present themselves to the public as such powerless dolts is astounding.

  2. Lurker says:

    Hensley has to be the luckiest politician in Delaware. After narrowly winning in 14 in a swing district he has gotten Monique Johns twice. Anddd she’s running again in 2020.

    I’m starting to think Monique is under cover for the GOP

  3. Earl Jaques says:

    Just for the Record. The Trump signs were not on Hensley’s tent. They were next door on the GOP tent. I sit on JFC with him and he is a huge support for individuals with disabilities.

  4. jason330 says:

    Another “Just for thr Record” I don’t dislike BHL. She is very liakble. I’m just constantly dispointed that a Democrat with her talents and drive never seems to apply her talent and drive to anything other than her own advancement.