DL Open Thread: Sat., Aug. 24, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 24, 2019

David Koch: The Ultimate Climate Change Denier.  I mean, why not? What’s one measly planet when you have a fossil fuel empire to–fuel?

White House Whines: Trump Got Played By NRA.  Claims LaPierre ‘mischaracterized’ discussions with Trump.  If there’s one thing this Administration understands, it’s mischaracterization. Ain’t that right, Mr. AG? (OK, kids, time for a pop culture quiz. Who originated the following?: “Of course I deploy deplore such tactics.”)

Rethug Lobbyist Recruiting Companies To Despoil The Amazon Rainforest.  I guess this qualifies as a ‘dog bites man’ story. As to the fires’ origins, this is must-reading.

Murphy Vetoes Bill To Benefit Corrupt Politician.  In this case, South Jersey political boss George Norcross.  BTW, does this seem like it might have relevance to Delaware?:

In a January 2019 audit, the New Jersey comptroller’s office found that state oversight of the tax break programs was poor. The state Economic Development Authority, which approves the tax incentives, was unable to verify that companies were fulfilling promises to create new jobs and make investments in new factories and workspaces, according to the report.

Pretty much the only difference in Delaware is that our equivalent to the comptroller won’t go near auditing our giveaways to corporate interests.  A blatant scandal hiding in plain sight.

Another Rethug Pedophile Heads For Exits.  I guess that ‘Well, gee, sure I did it, but it was 25 years ago’ just wasn’t good enough.

Why Does Del-Tech Need An Athletics Department?  It’s a two-year school that primarily prepares students with job-specific skills. Why are tax dollars being wasted on athletic teams? Geez, maybe some of the money being wasted there could have gone to, you know, building renovations.


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  1. John Kowalko says:

    “The state Economic Development Authority, which approves the tax incentives, was unable to verify that companies were fulfilling promises to create new jobs and make investments in new factories and workspaces, according to the report”.
    Interestingly Delaware’s got the advantage of disallowing FOIA requests into the “Prosperity Partnership” inner workings so nothing to see (or question) here folks just move along. Leave your wallets on the table.
    Representative John Kowalko

  2. puck says:

    @El Som I’m not sure who you are thinking of for your pop culture reference, but I always think of Yasser Arafat who, when prompted to condemn the latest terrorist atrocity, would sanctimoniously intone “Of course we deplore all forms of violence (wink)”

  3. Alby says:

    It’s not as if that’s a rarely uttered phrase. So I would guess it originated under one of the Roman emperors.

    • Oh COME on, Alby. Pop culture. You and Mediawatch were children of the 60’s, right?

      Must I give you a clue? Not yet…although perhaps the word ‘originated’ might be an overstatement…it’s possible it was said before I first heard it.

      • mediawatch says:

        You make me feel so young.
        I was born during Truman’s first term (and I ‘m not referring to Truman Capote).

      • Alby says:

        Honestly, it’s been said so often by so many I doubt I ever categorized it as original whenever I first heard it. Stalin’s version is the more memorable and truthful way to put it.

        I think I’ll make an omelet for lunch.

  4. Alby says:

    Remember that Delaware-born guy who gunned down a black man in a Florida convenience store parking lot and claimed he was standing his ground? Yeah, a jury didn’t think so either. He was convicted of manslaughter, could face 40 years.


  5. puck says:

    That Florida guy was a police fetishest and a self-appointed parking-spot vigilante. His hobby was patrolling handicapped parking spots and harassing anyone who didn’t look handicapped, in the mold of George Zimmerman.

  6. Alby says:

    In the end he didn’t invoke the law, because doing so would have made it a bench trial instead of a jury trial. The jury — 10 white men, 1 Asian-American man and a white woman — deliberated long enough to get dinner, but not much longer.

  7. the old prospector says:

    Isn’t that bridge built yet?

    Firesign Theater

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Yep, Firesign Theatre. From (I think) “Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers”. Spoken by (I think) the principal of More Science High School.

      I thought that that album might well have been their best. It spans the life of a child movie star grown old, and places special emphasis on the anti-communist hysteria of the 50’s.

  8. John Kowalko says:

    This link is to a wonderfully constructed opinion piece published in the News Journal. Perceptive and intelligent students such as Ms. Carbajal, who are able and willing to honestly evaluate and critique some of our education policy failings should give us all hope for the future. delawareonline.com: https://www.delawareonline.com/story/opinion/readers/2019/08/22/inclusive-schools-should-more-than-photo-ops-opinion/2063505001/
    Good luck at Brown Abbey you’ve have certainly proven that you belong in such an intellectually demanding university.
    Representative John Kowalko