Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., Sept. 8, 2019

Meet Jared Kushner’s New Middle East Policy Advisor: His former coffee guy who ‘constantly has the Drudge Report and Twitter up’.  Got a problem with that?

Trump’s “Losing His Shit”: No, this comes not from his enemies, but pretty much everybody who is in daily contact with him. Useful analysis: “Deteriorating in plain sight.”

Military Refueling Stops Near Trump Properties.  And, yep, the military personnel stay at the properties with the taxpayers picking up the tab. If this doesn’t violate the Emoluments Clause, just what exactly does constitute a violation. In and of itself, his monetizing of the presidency is grounds for impeachment.

Another Great Progressive Challenger.  This one battling gentrification in Brooklyn. Candidates like Isiah James are our future.  He points out (Lisa, take note) that simply raising your hand in support of something is not enough; you have to lead.

Are D’s Overlooking The Single Biggest Cause Of Pollution?  A compelling argument that the answer is yes.

What do you want to talk about?

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