DL Open Thread: Sun., Sept. 8, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 8, 2019

Meet Jared Kushner’s New Middle East Policy Advisor: His former coffee guy who ‘constantly has the Drudge Report and Twitter up’.  Got a problem with that?

Trump’s “Losing His Shit”: No, this comes not from his enemies, but pretty much everybody who is in daily contact with him. Useful analysis: “Deteriorating in plain sight.”

Military Refueling Stops Near Trump Properties.  And, yep, the military personnel stay at the properties with the taxpayers picking up the tab. If this doesn’t violate the Emoluments Clause, just what exactly does constitute a violation. In and of itself, his monetizing of the presidency is grounds for impeachment.

Another Great Progressive Challenger.  This one battling gentrification in Brooklyn. Candidates like Isiah James are our future.  He points out (Lisa, take note) that simply raising your hand in support of something is not enough; you have to lead.

Are D’s Overlooking The Single Biggest Cause Of Pollution?  A compelling argument that the answer is yes.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “Deteriorating in plain sight.” I can only assumne that the Democratic “leadership” is waiting for some catastrophe in order to leap into action.

    They don’t get that we are now in the middle of the catastrophe.

  2. You know who needs to be replaced? Chuck Schumer. His ties to Wall Street and Third Way moderation don’t reflect the national mood of the Democratic Party. Particularly egregious is his support for every middle-of-the-road challenger over progressive alternatives. A strategy that is a proven failure, just look back at the senatorial candidates in 2016 if you need confirmation. Buncha warmed-over has-beens. Evan Fucking Bayh, anybody?

  3. Alby says:

    This Slate article makes an interesting point: Trump is getting pushback on Sharpiegate even from loyal supporters like Fox News. Given that Trump wins a lot of these idiotic confrontations just because everybody gets tired of listening to him lie, that might be significant. Why people won’t stand up to this bully is the raging question of our age.


  4. bamboozer says:

    The problem with a mad king is that it takes courage to remove him, an unknown substance in Washington and certainly a stranger to Chuck and Nancy. As noted they need to go as well and take many other DINO fossils with them. This is far from over and it will not go away on it’s own, but no matter the outrage I strongly suspect the only cure is the 2020 election.

  5. Paul says:

    The problems on the national stage are repeated on the local stage.

  6. Paul says:

    What about the footage recently run showing Biden and Warren discussing DE Chancery Court? Both were much younger, part of what kicks it up a notch (pre-senate Warren). Thoughts?

  7. RSE says:

    Trump’s campaign manager is an idiot and should already be walking out the door with the proverbial cardboard box and a potted plant. What he said about a “family dynasty” goes against the principles on which the US was founded. The Bushes and the Clintons tried to create family dynasties , and the Biden family would have liked to do it if circumstances had allowed. This is what could harm Trump’s campaign .

    • RSE says:

      Democrats embrace family dynasties and accept being ruled over by a pseudo monarchy, Republicans do not.

      • The Rethugs didn’t embrace the Bush dynasty? It’s the only reason why Dubya was their anointed one.

        I think that BOTH D’s and R’s are sick of these dynasties. I don’t look for Chelsea Clinton to run for office any time soon.

        It’s more the political hierarchies that embrace so-called dynasties, with people like Chuck Schumer being the worst offenders. It’s how we ended up with Evan Bayh and Sam Nunn’s daughter who, notably, both lost.

        It was the D hierarchy who greased the skids for Hillary, not the rank-and-file D voter. That loss did a lot to kill the inclination towards dynasties. At least Hillary did something valuable.