Hey Lisa Blunt Rochester, How About an Investigation into the Media Black Out on Climate Change ?

Filed in National by on September 8, 2019


We all know that you aren’t in congress to ruffle any feathers. You are just keeping your head down and waiting for Carper to kick the bucket. You’ve been very candid about that. We get it. But there are some issues that enjoy wide support that you can get use to help your constituents (HI!) while helping build your bi-partisan bona-fides. Climate Change for example.

Media Matters reports that “despite the destructive power of Hurricane Dorian, broadcast TV news aired just one segment from August 28 through September 5 that mentioned the links between climate change and hurricanes like Dorian. CBS ran the only segment, while ABC and NBC both failed to air a single segment linking climate change to the development and destruction of Dorian.”

That’s 216 segments on Dorian and just one mentioned climate change. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Get some earned media. I know you don’t NEED it given your strategy of just hanging around and waiting to be elevated to the senate on the smoke from Carper’s funeral pyre – but the country NEEDS it. Your Delaware constituents NEED it. That should count for something.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. RSE says:

    Did you miss the CNN eight hour climate change extravaganza?
    You do realize that hurricanes have been around for a while and that there is no empirical evidence that they have increased in strength or frequency.

    • meatball says:

      lol, once again you are wrong…hurricanes have absolutely increased in strength, are you really this dense, man?

    • jason330 says:

      Before I respond to this I need to know if you agree with the scientific consensus that humans are causing global warming. Becuase if you are just some random dumb-fuck it will not be worth digging into.

  2. RSE says:

    Please don’t waste your time. What are you going to do, dig into the last 50…100 years? Up until World War II there was no real data collected on hurricanes other than if it passed over you. No satellites, no radar.
    Even if you had accurate data over a hundred year span, which we do not, that would hardly be enough to draw any conclusion over a time period of let’s say, post ice age.

    As far as humans influencing the climate other than heat retention from urban development or the effects of deforestation, I really don’t know. I would probably lean towards very little on actual climate change.

    • Alby says:

      Yes, because you definitely would know more than scientists who research the issue. You’re really gonna go with that? Is that supposed to make us think something other than you’re just a contrarian without true critical faculties?

  3. John Kowalko says:

    Not random, “deliberate”. Inbred stupidity that RSE suffers from is the random affliction.
    Rep. Kowalko

    • RSE says:

      Trust me Rep. Kowalko, if I’m stupid it’s not from my breeding. And my “carbon footprint” is probably a fraction of what yours is, unless you have planted countless trees or haven’t flown on an airplane in 25 years.
      Oh, and Climatology was part of my major at the U of D., where I was being taught about climate change and the inaccuracies thereof, back in the 80’s by the renowned professor and Delaware state climatologist, Dr. John R Mather.

      Hmm, an elected official with unusual hair who is quick to insult people on social media. Who does that sound like?


      • Alby says:

        Dr. Mather died in 2003. So whatever you learned about it is well over 20 years old, and therefore ignores 20 more years of data, something of which Dr. Mather certainly would not approve.

        Your small carbon footprint? You mean you have electric mowers?

        • RSE says:

          My mower burns about six gallons per week and my truck only is used for work and back. All together I spend maybe twenty five dollars per week on fuel. I’m also not living extremely high on the hog, so there’s that also.

          Some company does make a commercial electric mower now. My guess is I could swindle, I mean charge charge top dollar to people in the fancy neighborhoods in Rehoboth and Lewes for an “eco friendly” grass cut…lol.

          • Alby says:

            I don’t doubt that you could.

            Here’s a site with data about gasoline mowers.


            “One gas mower running for an hour emits the same amount of pollutants as eight new cars driving 55 mph for the same amount of time, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.”

            • RSE says:

              The average miles per gallon for today’s cars is around twenty five miles per gallon give or take. So roughly speaking eight cars would use over sixteen gallons of gas in that one hour of operation. My mower would use about a half gallon.
              Do you really think catalytic converters are so efficient as to make sixteen gallons burn as clean as a half gallon? I think someone was cherry picking data on that study. Plus, they are not talking about CO2 emissions.

              • ben says:

                It’s not a matter of what alby “thinks”, you dimwitted clown. It’s a matter of measurable fucking facts.
                Facts that are laid out in the article linked in the comment.
                You magats are so desperate to “pwn the libs” you would swear the sky was red if you thought it would get a rise out of Rachel Maddow.

                Tell me, what opinion of locking one’s self in a garage with a running car do i need to express in order to get Magats to do it? Good? bad? I know Rep Omar probably wouldn’t want to do it.

              • ben says:

                NOW. cool thing about those high powered elec mowers…. you can charge the battery from a 120v solar panel kit. Those 40V batteries last a LONG time.

                So A) you can continue to act like a fucking tumor in order to maintain a dumb vestige of a dead american dream (lawns are stupid, grass is stupid. people who care about a nice green front lawn are stupid)
                or B) you can be the envy of your HOA without poisoning the planet and make 1 purchase once.

      • John Kowalko says:

        Sure I’ll trust the accuracy of your intellectual self-assessment. You probably also learned volumes under the tutelage of former “State Climatologist” David Legates. Now there’s a real piece of uninformed, ill-formed, scientifically ignorant/inaccurate, and pathologically challenged climate deniers who managed to transition his career into the reputable and respected (not) Caesar Rodney group of Koch brothers (minus one thankfully) acolytes who never met a fossil fuel resource that they didn’t love and cherish. If you believe the crap you write then you’ll have to figure out the why (not if) since it’s not your breeding. I don’t have to “insult” people that do such a good job of insulting/exposing their own intellectual shortcomings. Please keep up the good work planting trees and your side job trying to plant ignorance about the threats to Mother Nature and this planet.
        Representative John Kowalko

  4. Alby says:

    It wasn’t a study, it’s a fact sheet, and if you read the whole thing you saw that it addresses CO2 as well as pollutants.

    I’m sure you know a lot about your equipment, but I’m not going to take your word over that of scientists.

    • RSE says:

      CO2 wasn’t included as one of the pollutants in the comparison of eleven cars to one mower.

      Carbon Monoxide
      Nitrogen Oxide
      Particulate matter
      Sulfer Dioxide

    • ben says:

      He probably doesnt know shit about this equipment other than how to refuel it.
      How much gasoline do you spill on to your clients lawns every year, RSE? Is your argument really “well my lawn mower spews out lead vapor, so it’s fine”? jfc

      Honestly, I don’t think someone who is so willfully ignorant of how his machines actually work should be operating them. Stay in your lane and finger paint.

  5. xyz says:

    That’s rich. “Spews out lead vapors”.

    What a moron. Leaded gasoline has not been available in the US for over twenty years.

    Somebody so willfully ignorant of reality should have been strangled at birth.

  6. Alby says:

    “You do realize that hurricanes have been around for a while and that there is no empirical evidence that they have increased in strength or frequency.”

    Actually, there is.
